Fullerton Councilman Don Bankhead working just fine, says Manufacturer.

By the Fullerton Savage

Humanoid robot and Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem Don Bankhead, is “working just fine”, says the robot’s chief engineer.  DON, as he is known to his inventors, is actually an acronym for “Do Nothing”, the project’s original name.  “DON was supposed to just be a placeholder who would maintain the status quo while we ramped up a couple of newer models, but he proved to be so good at what he does that we’ve just kept him active for all of these years.  Unless they really screw up, once they are launched it’s usually just a matter of keeping them adequately funded, but DON has set a few longevity records around here.”

DON the Humanoid on display at a recent CSUF symposium.

Another member of the team added  “He’s already fulfilled his primary objectives.  We’re always delighted to see one of our models go into the bonus mission phase.”  Bankhead, who has been in office on the Fullerton City Council almost continually since 1988, has sometimes been accused of losing touch during meetings and casting votes for stated reasons confusing to others.  His inventors disagree.  “Perhaps some new folks in Fullerton are alarmed at some of his behavior, but let me assure you, he’s the same DON (Bankhead) he’s always been.”

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About Tony Bushala