Yes, the one percent temporary tax has ended. So for those shopping in Orange County, who were paying 8.75%, we will see that rate drop a full percentage point to 7.75%.
If my calendar is accurate, and there are only 30 days in June, we in OC will all enjoy a 14 percent cut in our sales tax effective tomorrow July 1st.
This sales tax rollback will be a test to see if this change will encourage those with jobs to open their wallets to stimulate the local economy.
Yes, for the first time that I can recall a “temporary tax” is actually coming to end of life.
For those living in LA or other counties, making purchases after midnight tonight, be sure to remind merchants of this change, especially when purchasing high ticket items such as new vehicles or furniture.
Thanks to every conservative elected official serving in our state Legislature for holding your ground so that your constituents can all benefit from your making sure that the temporary tax, that we have been paying, ends on schedule.
well larry i would not thank brown i say horray for the reps who stood firm proving that calif is run by public service unions ..
Great One. While the clock was running out Governor Brown did sign the Budget without any tax extension.
*Governor Brown is too cool. He is smarter than a whip. He blasts the Dems for being too partisan and self serving. He then infers that the Republicans are being partisan and self serving. It is classic Downtown Jerry Brown and why we love him so!
He knows where the bear spent the night in the woods and is willing to share the facts and figures with all that will listen! Our CA electeds are all suffering from self defecation syndrome.
“Governor Brown is too cool”…….. Hmmmm
So was Schwarzenegger in your delirium tremens heads.
Brown has to put with a delusional republican minority who have excessive clout in relation to their numbers. They’re actually a group of traitors, more beholden to Grover Norquist than to the betterment of the state. Given that, Brown has done as good a job of working in the dysfunctional California system as could be expected.
Rapscallion. Traitors. Let me ask you a simple question?
Did you cast your vote for any member of the Republican Party currently serving in our state Legislature?
If not how could they have betrayed you?
Perhaps you might interview the Republicans and DTS voters who did put them in office to see if they feel betrayed.
I don’t get your point. I’m concerned about a healthy, well run state that is not sacrified to the altar of the greedmongers, who care about one thing only–taxes, and not paying them. So, yes, the Republicans who voted for these miscreants are equally traitorous.
Your comment brings back memories of a Long Island, NY salesman who said he was going to form a business called “EFE.” Everything for Everyone.
Just as there is no free lunch, entitlements are not free.Tell us how we can return to what you desire, namely a well run state?
Should we begin by placing a cap on public sector pensions that will bury us?
Nikita K. is no longer here to talk about how the old Soviet Union was going to bury America. Sadly, unless we undergo a major overhaul, his message of our demise may become a reality on the global stage. In truth we are on that slippery slope today as evidenced by the governor’s pass it forward budget.
Here’s a start. Return tax rates for the wealthy to the Clinton era. Stop using the old boogeyman of union folks — just about all do a great job for a fair rate. We have a revenue problem created by those who care about the suffering of the very rich, and that’s easily addressed.
Rapscallion. As you are in the rollback mode lets start with public pensions where the state is kicking in over one half billion dollars for CalSTRS this year alone.
“CalSTRS, the nation’s largest teachers’ retirement fund, said on Thursday that its unfunded liabilities grew to $56 billion in the fiscal year that ended in June, an increase of $15.5 billion. [SacramentoBee] ”
I just checked my office closet and could not find any boogeyman.
3%@30 pension benefits cannot be supported. In fact 2.7 and 2.5 pensions are barely hanging on by a thread.
Rapscallion Did you refer me to Bill Clinton? You know the president who followed GH Bush 41?
According to Politico I know you will be dancing in the streets after reading this update.
Clinton says a lower corporate tax rate should be part of a deal to raise the debt limit. | AP Photo
CloseBy MIKE ALLEN | 7/3/11 2:03 PM EDT Updated: 7/4/11 4:09 PM EDT
ASPEN, Colo. — President Bill Clinton says the nation’s corporate tax rate is “uncompetitive” and called for a lower rate as part of a “mega-deal” to raise the debt ceiling.
“When I was president, we raised the corporate income-tax rates on corporations that made over $10 million [a year],” the former president told the Aspen Ideas Festival on Saturday evening.
“It made sense when I did it. It doesn’t make sense anymore — we’ve got an uncompetitive rate. We tax at 35 percent of income, although we only take about 23 percent. So we should cut the rate to 25 percent, or whatever’s competitive, and eliminate a lot of the deductions so that we still get a fair amount, and there’s not so much variance in what the corporations pay. But how can they do that by Aug. 2?”
If you’re looking for a healthy, well run state, you should look to Texas and other “red” states that actually are well run in comparison to the disaster that the Democrats and their greedmongers (public employee unions) have left us with in our formerly great California.
Yesterday I stayed home, today, I am going to the bank and get some money to spent so I can enjoy my tax relief.
I bet the gov is going to experience a tax receipts increase as more and more people go out and enjoy their well earned tax relief.
And if the rumors are true, it is the elected republicans fault. Then I say we should elect more of them to the state legislator.
Cook. I was just with Chris Norby at Hardin Honda in Anaheim where he encouraged customers in the dealership to act now and save hundreds of dollars by purchasing a new car. See the Juice story.
Have a safe and joyful Independence Day!
*Harry Lime? Again? Good grief…thought we had that KGB undercover wonder
taking his ticket to Checkpoint Charlie..
So you still have these 40 years old could war syndrome flashbacks….. Huh.
Back to VA for a checkup.
From a different post, but it should be here:
Cook July 2, 2011 at 1:16 PM:
I am enjoying 4th of July holiday TAX BREAK by spending money I would not have spent in this economy.
The new lower sales tax that is taken from me will not budge the shortfall, but millions of people in California like me, will considerably put a dent in the hole.
This could be the start to a new California.
To the government high-brow and the tax eaters who wants more (taxes) while providing less (services).
I say, Let THEM eat the CAKE now
Alex – July 2, 2011 at 2:52 PM:
Saving a few pennies when you go out to dinner makes you buy something you wouldn’t normally buy? Why would anyone want to buy something they don’t need? Frugality used to be a conservative value. Sad that the Republican party is a party of excess and became part of the me generation.
Vern Nelson – July 2, 2011 at 3:26 PM
I know, it’s absurd. They’re rushing around beating their chest because the sales tax is 11% lower than it was two days ago. Do they realize that’s like, maybe 75 cents off on their average hundred-dollar trip to Albertson’s? What, will they buy an extra fruit snack?
Brother Vern. It’s OK for president Obama to talk about change but we don’t need to hear it from you.
If we are only talking pennies than why did the governor fight so hard to keep all of our pennies with extending the temporary tax?
Because, it would all add up … to a LOT LESS CUTS!!!
Vern my friend, you described the tax saving as being equal to (“What, will they buy an extra fruit snack?”)
Now you describe them as ( “a LOT LESS CUTS!!!”)
What is it? Fruit snacks, less cuts, Apples. or croutons?
With today’s tax saving, I invested in a chicken salad and a chocolate milk shake.
3 stores and one restaurant made a few dollars off of me today, and the state still got a cut of each transaction. So in a round about way, the state made more money off me than they would have gotten without the cut. The Sales tax on the meal was greater than the sales tax saving on my other purchases.
Those businesses will take the money they made off of me and purchase more for themselves, and those purchases with contribute more tax to the state, and the places they buy their stuff from, those place will take that money and buy stuff from still other businesses. Each time this happens, the state gets another cut.
That is economic activity and growth.
For every dollar taken away at the source, by the state, fed and local, destroys all the future economic activity and growth that could have been produced.
Sounds like at best a wash. And you were out to make a point. Hope you enjoyed your chicken salad and chocolate milk shake, sounds delish. The taxes on those?
Mathematically, the taxes we let expire, and could have continued for just a few more years, would have saved us some devastating cuts to education and other important things. It could all be for the best though – as our leftists John Earl and Duane Roberts remind us, those taxes hit the poorest the hardest, and we might now be ready to go get revenue where it really is!
As opposed to the corporate jet tax that Obama harped on ad nauseum the other day – the one that he put in the stimulus; the one that would have an even more negligible impact on reducing the defiict than the extra fruit snack you reference; the one that will do nothing for the average Californian (as opposed to the reduction in the sales tax that actually will result in lower costs for Californians, no matter how negligible you make them out to be)?
It WAS a little silly that he went on about that corporate jet loophole as extensively as he did – except that it IS just a perfectly typical example of a large number of loopholes and corporate giveaways that we Dems want to get rid of and WOULD add up to a lot, and it’s also a good example of the billionaire-friendly public ripoffs that Republicans go to the mat to protect.
And it sure saves a lot more than the NPR, PBS, NEA, Planned Parenthood cuts that Republicans are so gung-ho for.
Not a wash.
Look at it this way, A farmer plants a tree and grows some apples.
He sales those apples to a pie store who make a apple pie and sales the pie to the restaurant who then sales me a slice that I eat. The farmer paid his business taxes, same with the pie store and restaurant. As the end user I also contributed to the tax pool for the government.
Now on the other hand you have the government, who takes the tax pool money and studies a picture of a apple tree and declares in their EIR report, we have apples. (a picture of apples) The report is then filed and never heard about again.
And even tho the government worker may have gone and ate a piece of pie at the restaurant after filing the report. The tax collect on one piece of pie sold to one government worker, in no way compares to the hundreds of dollars, even thousand of dollars of taxes and economic activity contributed by the farmer and (connect the dots) this down line economic activity tree.
“Mathematically, the taxes we let expire, and could have continued for just a few more years, would have saved us some devastating cuts to education and other important things.”…….. Hmmmm
What math are you using you MD graduate?
Brown knows that he will get extra Tax revenues from this as he got extra $4B in first quoter from the income tax expiration when rich people were waiting to declared their investments as income.
He is betting on it in his budget.
But his inner mentor Fidel is telling him “Tax bay, Tax”
The old geezer has this socialistic unionized tinnitus of Spain, Greece and France.
The old idiot should check into some sunshine community and spent rest of his December years drooling on his wife’s vagina.