By Joe Sipowicz
We received the following correspondence from a long-time Friend.
The controversy surrounding the recent beating death of Kelly Thomas, a local mentally ill homeless man at the hands of the Fullerton Police has been marked by the absence of Chief Michael Sellers. The FPD has instead relied on its regular spokesman Sgt. Andrew Goodrich for information about the case. This might be thought an appropriate channel of communication if this were anything like standard police work. It is not. Six sworn peace officers beat a man to near death (he died days later) in the parking lot of the Fullerton Transportation Center, and no explanation has been offered other than that the man offered physical resistance and that a thorough investigation will follow.
hmm lets see….One guy weighing in at a whopping 135 lbs vs six athltic buff Fullerton police officers with tasers and pepper spray…………….Those cops must have been scared shitless for theirlives. case closed.
(sarcasm intended)
Here in Santa Ana we just shoot them like we did a mother Susie Young Kim in front of her crying and begging 18 mo old daughter: “please do not shoot my mammy.”
Chief Paul Walters turned his thumb down and the officer kill little girls mammy execution stile.
Then the Pig goes to Washington and gets metal from the communist Obama.
Six sworn peace officers beat a man to near death (he died days later)
I believe it would be accurate in this case to just cut to the chase and say these six cops beat Kelly to death.
Well, according to the Coroner the cause of death has not yet been determined.
An admittedly mentally ill criminal caught in the middle of his crime spree resisting arrest and you automatically assume that the police over reacted. Not only that, you criticize the chief for not dealing with this sad situation directly. wow
Who says his mental illness wasn’t controlled by medication? Who says he was a criminal? Who says there was a crime spree? Who says he resisted arrest?
In any case all irrelevant.
After multiple taserings six cops bludgeon a 160 pound man’s head into spaghetti sauce and the man is pulled off life support a few days later by his family; and you automatically assume the police didn’t over react.
A homicide was committed and the Chief is supposed to be in charge.
Stop wearing your ass as a hat.
It is irrelevant if a mentally ill man was on a wild crime spree and violently resisted arrest when confronted? Not sure where to start with that kind of infallible logic.