President Obama plays Hardball on the Debt Ceiling


President Obama plays hardball!

In his interview with CBS anchor Scott Pelley the president was asked about assuring Americans that around $20 billion dollars of Social Security checks will be sent to us on August 3rd. President Obama responded that these are not just Social Security checks. These 7 million payments also include payments to veterans and disability checks.

The president also stated that “I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it”.

What president Obama can do is pressure the Democrats in office to lay their plan on the table just as the Republicans did three months ago when they “unveiled a budget proposal that they claimed would avert a debt-driven “economic collapse” by cutting more than $6 trillion over the next decade.”

In fact it has been 804 days “since congressional Democrats have passed a budget.” It’s time to look in the mirror and not play hardball with the American public, many of whose daily lives depend on those monthly checks.

Mr. President. You wanted to be our commander-in-chief. Now govern as one.

About Larry Gilbert