Santa Ana’s Mexican Cultural Center Gets Sixty-Day Extension


Educacion Sin Fronteras

El Centro Cultural de México, the community space in downtown Santa Ana that was originally to be vacated from its current location six days from now, has received a 60-day extension from the property owning and management company Broadway Improvement Inc. The organization, which offers numerous free dance, music, education and arts classes was originally alerted of the extension the day after a June 28 weekly volunteer meeting open to the public. Members of El Centro wanted to see the extension in writing before announcing it; today the official announcement was received in the group’s P.O. Box address.

A signed letter dated June 30 from David L. Williams, Secretary Treasurer of Broadway Improvement, stated that an extension would be granted on the conditions that rent for the next two months be paid accordingly, keys be turned in on or before the required date to vacate the premises, and the space be left in “broom clean condition.” Addressed to the “Board of Directors,” it ends,”There will be no right to holdover beyond the extension of the Thirty Day Notice to Quit the Premises dated June 9, 2011.” The new date for El Centro to clear out, given this most recent development, is September 14.

Read more about the news and check out a video of testimonials on my latest OC Weekly Heard Mentality Blog post:

About Gabriel San Roman