By Mr. Peabody
Two interesting videos were just sent to us. First, FFFF blogger Tony Bushala:
And now, former Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley:
By Mr. Peabody
Two interesting videos were just sent to us. First, FFFF blogger Tony Bushala:
And now, former Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley:
A star is born. But where is the skull cap?
Haha! Too funny Vern. On a serious note, I can’t stand CNN. And their frames on these interviews are part of the reason why.
Nice job Tony
I wish I had same leverage fighting Santa Ana Council, Police Chief and City Manager Paul Walters in the murder of Susie Young Kim in front of her 1 year old daughter.
I hate to say it Tony, but it looks like that the cops will walk.
There is so much unreasonable protectionism so the FBI will not help.
After all the FBI has its own Vaco, Ruby Ridge and other bloody massacres in their background.
Nothing will change until people will take second look at all enforcement agencies and strip them of their absolute powers.
We need to insist on our unalienable right to protect our self against the police by use of reasonable a force.
Please do not forget that we are sovereign people by way of constitution.
Stanley, who pulled the plug on the 37 year old?
“Please do not forget that we are sovereign people by way of constitution.” (Stanley)
I don’t think the man had a DNR or a medical will, so under who’s authority did the medical establishment plug his plug? The city was on the hook for the one and half million dollars a month to keep his ticker going, so why the hurry to plug the plug?
I bet that his body would be alive today if the plug was not pulled.
Oh, wonderful, turn the poor guy into Terri Schiavo now.
Vern would pull the plug, Vern, the cops sent the guy to the hospital alive, you and Stan would pull his plug.
I don’t get it, you conplain about cops and then fight over who will pull the plug first.
Yup, someone brain-dead, I would. Most brain-dead people’s relatives do. Does that surprise you? You’re in the minority if you want to keep human vegetables humming along.
Is that what those cops were saying about the homeless guy? he is brain dead so who cares?
So the cop did make the right choice in your opinion, pull the plug.
There is such thing like brain waves, and if these waves do not exist one is brain dead whether or not the plug is on or off.
I am questioning our willingness to give the Police a power of GOD.
I agree with you on that Stan.
Good job. However, I wouldn’t dismiss that the officers didn’t want intend to kill that man. They were in a rage and it’s not uncommon that someone in a rage would want to kill someone.
I’m looking into that, too. Certain sources have suggested an orchestrated attack on Kelly personally. If that turns out to be true we will be dealing with premeditation. I don’t know what the legal implications of that are but it sure would be bad for the Fullerton Six and whoever made a bogus call to FPD.
“and whoever made a bogus call to FPD.”…….. This is usually done by one who is the first on the seen. It would be interesting to obtain CELLPHONE calling log of the first two COPs on the seen. The COPs are stupid and rely on suppressing the caller ID but their bill would show the call.
I should add that there is a possibility that someone from FPD set up the bad COP to get him out and it got out of the hands. (long shoot)
*McKinley look like President McKinley on CNN……what a dupe! Wasn’t he supposed to be representing the people of Fullerton – not his passed record as Police Chief?
Tony looked great….Congrats Tonio dude – keep up the good work. Are we sure
that the Homeless Guy….wasn’t one of Michael Vick’s fighting dogs? Brutal really!
*By the way….Bruce Whitaker was the only Fullerton Council Member to appear at
the Kelly Thomas Memorial Service.
Real estate mogul?
Tony doesnt care about the homeless. An orchestrated attack? Ha! Yes, the cops went nuts and killed Kelly but good lukc prioving it was premeditated. Instead of funding a recall Tony, why not give some money to the homeless? Fullerton still has them. Maybe you could turn one of your flop houses into shelter for them
Hey knucklehead, the issue isn’t caring about the homeless. It’s about seeking justice for cop homicide and of course holding the irresponsible politicians responsible.
But keep trying to change the subject. It will give you much needed mental exercise.
Tony, were you high when you went on the air? You talk about exposing people for buying council races when you do exactly that thing? Be honest Tony, all you want to do is recall the council majority and replace them with stooges who will do your bidding, like Shawn Nelson does. Is Kiger going to run for city council? What about Thompson. How about Joe Sipowicz?
Be sure to hide your weed and your powder cause I’m sure the Fullerton cops would love to pay you a visit.
We would be lucky to get Sipowicz. He’s a star!
Sipowicz, LaTour, Rands. Line ’em up.
Throw in one name and the socialist will immediately name Trojka.
Reminds me of these sport games children play on the interned.
Why not Tony Bushala?
who holds you responsible for your misdeeds Tony?
Oh. That would be me. Me and Duane. Don’t sweat it, white horse.
*Nice touch by Chief Sellers…eh? They can’t fire him as long as he is on Medical Leave of Absence…….City of Bell……here we go again.
As I have predicted and as it appears, the COPs will get slap over the wrist from the
District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.
I do not know how much time he has in office, or if he is termed out, but it would be prudent to serve him with the recall papers too.
It would sent a message in the media and it would impact his future political aspirations if any.
He’s in till 2014. Supposedly that’s when Todd Spitzer was gonna come after the corrupt incompetent hack with both pistols blazing, but then suddenly Todd just wanted to be a Supervisor.
We never had any hope for a T-Rack investigation, Stan. The FBI should be different.
You may be disappointed with FBI too comrade Vern and U.S. Department of Justice will not get involve if the pressure subsides.
Recall papers are simple to serve only 20 signatures needed but it would get lot of coverage in media.
KFI J&K promised to go to Fullerton to collect signatures.
I think we should do that.
We could get real DA.
I should add that there are many of his appointed cronies in DA office which should go too.
*Politics is a dirty business….isn’t it? Especially, when people die! Chamberlain was
a political deal…maybe “the Kelly thing” was political too? But then…somethings are
just better NOT to know about!