One of the great traditions of the Orange Juice Blog, since 2006, has been the ongoing “Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) Corruption Thread,” which has blown the lid off of … well, I don’t really know, not being in Santa Ana I never paid much attention to it, but I know it sure gets a lot of attention. This is YOUR place, SAUSD teachers, staff, administrators, students, to talk about whatever’s important to you!
And since the last chapter of this, the 2009 thread put up by the dearly departed “Red Vixen,” has been up for over two years and gotten 1,650 comments, I figured it was time to start up a new one. Let it be for academic year 2011-12, okay?
I got rid of the word “corruption” in the title since that’s an easy word to throw around, and means different things to different people, and you might want to discuss other things than just corruption … but if there is corruption still in the SAUSD, then this is certainly the place to talk about it!
– your new editor-in-chief, Vern Nelson. Gentlemen, gentlewomen, start your engines!
Editor’s note: I have just reluctantly removed two comments due to the author’s fear of retribution. It makes me sick at heart.
It is my opinion as a classified employee that the recent CSEA chapter 41 board elections of oct. / nov. 2011 were done so in a manner in which the sitting board would retain their positions. The election process was done in such a manner that the majority of classified employees were totally unaware of the events leading up to and including the “election” The process has been sanctioned by the area director and state. Of course the chapter 41 board say’s that they have done no wrong. The area director is more than happy to twist the facts to justify the end results.
618 .5 .04 “Reasonable notice” shall consist of any of the following:
(a) An individual notice mailed to each member in good standing, either by U.S. mail to their last known home address, or through an inter- or intra-employer mail distribution system that ensures each member will receive the notice.
(b) Publication in chapter newsletter which is distributed to all members in good standing.
(c) Other methods as may be prescribed in the Chapter’s Constitution which are
reasonably calculated to reach all members in good standing within the timelines specified.
I would also like to reference Mod_104
Reasonable notice is one of the following:
Notice mailed to each member in good standing, either by U.S.
mail or through employer mail distribution system.
Publication in chapter newsletter which is distributed to all
members in good standing. The notice should be placed
prominently in the newsletter to ensure it will come to the
attention of the members.
Other methods may be prescribed in the chapter constitution
which will reach all members in good standing within the
specified timelines. The notice must be to each member
individually, not just a notice on the bulletin board.
As such I do not feel that the Chapter 41 elected board followed proper procedure for the nominations and elections. There fore under the provisions specified in:
618 .12 .01 (a) Exception: Objection may also be filed by any member otherwise qualified to be elected, only if alleging lack of sufficient notice regarding nominating procedures or other improper actions which prevented his/her nomination and/or placement on the ballot.
In addition, any elected chapter officer who is recalled from office may file a complaint relating to the conduct of the recall election which alleges violation of these policies and/or lawful provisions of the Chapter Constitution, or alleges other conduct or activities relating to the recall process which may affect the outcome of the recall election.
.02 Such complaints must be filed with the Area Director within fifteen (15) working days following the close of the election, and shall be in written form, specifying which section(s) of these policies and/or Chapter Constitution provisions are alleged to have been violated or the conduct being objected to, and specifying in what manner such violations and/or conduct may have affected the outcome of the election. The complaint shall include copies of pertinent provisions of the Chapter Constitution relating to the election process and names of witnesses in support of the allegations as may be appropriate.
I also provide you with collaborating witness’s other than myself.
Good new for teachers who hate summer vacation. Your new starting day (3 buy back days) for next year is August 16, 2012. Don’t forget to thank all those hard working people on the calandar committee.
Word is that the district is moving towards an Aug. 1st start date. The evidence of the last three year’s start date supports this. I guess they want the semester to be over by Winter Break. Physical Education teachers are probably the most unhappy about this. June brings cool, cloudy weather and yet it looks like school will be out in June. As SAUSD moves further away from the rest of the county’s schools, this is placing undue pressure on staff to find weeks worth of care for their own children who are still on vacation, this actually in many real ways amounts to a pay cut for those with young children. The word I have heard is that none of those on the calendar committee actually have any young children and therefore really wouldn’t be thinking about this extra expense that employees will incur. This also severely limits the time teacher’s can actually spend with their children and take their yearly vacations (one of the reasons many people become teachers). Their own children will still be in school in June. There isn’t much we can do about it except start right now being vocal with our concerns. It would also help if the state did not insist that the CST’s be given in mid-May. I still don’t understand why I am able to return tests that are not scored by a machine for over 200 students by the next day and the state needs three months while students suffer with weeks fewer instruction before the test in order to make scoring them convenient for the state.
At one time, all the schools were to follow a traditional 10 month calandar. If a teacher wanted to get their room ready, there wouldn’t be a full month in July. Sometimes August is really hot and it is just better not to have class. The school year is such a mess that there isn’t even one week in the entire year that isn’t modified in some way. Thanksgiving instead of two days is now a week. Christmas is not two weeks but three. Learning is not best served when it starts and stops. They need intensive continuous instruction or it just doesn’t happen well. Very disappointing about the new superintendent. I was hoping for better than Jane, not a pretty, hopelessly clueless woman who looks good on paper but now no hope of success. Your district is going to sink so bad it is heartbreaking.
to all who see the sausd corruption fraud and sex for promotions on the job at sausd.me and others are suing the sausd for many charges at food services dept.we are also going to the whisttle blower act with attorneys with our proof and witnesses.they do payout a percentage for every million dollars they recover from their fraud and corruption from sausd.we are tired of their shit and going to fight back with the full extent of the law!..if you have information against the sausd you should turn it all over to the proper authorities the irs,ins,or the fbi your choice for your information to the law.don’t let them crooks get away with their shit any longer turn them in to the law.we are!they are getting rid of hard honest workers for their own crooks.fight back with the law!clean house! only the people can we all can!too many years of abuse of authority,fraud,corruption,sex for promotions,and much more laws broken.time to turn them all in to the fbi/law!
the csea chapter 41 is also in on the sausd corruption,fraud,etc.as we always used the chain of command and got nothing as help from our loving csea 41 shit union crooks too.report them all to the law. and bring justice to all hard working people at sausd!
Good news for teachers who like like TOSA’s and for schools that have too much money they don’t know what to do with it all. Your problem has been solved by the district. at the last board meeting. They will now force the school site councils through your principal of course to pay for another TOSA. Of course they will give this person another title. Specialist, coach, and TOSA all have been used. The accurate title would be “teacher who would have been let go but we want to protect everyone so we will make the schools hire them”. Of course this is not free. They will be asking your union to negociate the cost of $10 million from you and your benefits. Will it be furlough days or health benefits or both. Do your students need extra instruction? Doesn’t look like tutoring will have the funding. Office workers that cost close to $200,000 in addition to the real classified office workers is not a sustainable model.
Have fun next year!
These are experienced talented teachers who are no longer in contact with students and whose duties include many activities that could be handled by classified personnel – book inventory, putting stickers in cums, getting coffee for the principal, etc.
There is a lot going on here. They lost QEIA funding and did not RIF anyone so now they are going to have a lot of teachers to try to pay for just one year. What you are saying does sound like something they would do. Trying to fund those teachers through other sources is going to be a tough sell. Unfortunately, I think it will be a bloodbath next year.
For the next year, 2012-2013, the district is selling no layoffs. Yet where is the money going to come from? It might be more deductibles for medical benefits, more likely furlough days. Whatever their secret plan is you could be sure your union knows about it and already signed off on it. Those that are planning on retiring in the next 3 years might be taking a pension hit.
Total financial irresponsibility.
I was wondering if anyone else has heard that all the Intermediates are going to a 6 period day, with LA as 1 period and all 6th grade will be staffed by Multiple Subject teachers and 7 & 8th by single subject?
Yes, this is the plan. They need to do something with the extra elementary teachers that are not needed due to the loss of QEIA money. It is wrapped up in all sorts of other reasons in order to divert attention to the fact that they didn’t layoff people in time. I hear that it will bump single subject people up to the high school level.
I have also heard the district is not going to hire back any teacher who don’t already have tenure.
I believe the probationary teachers are staying. Anyone with a temporary contract is gone.
I heard anyone who is not tenured. The word tenured was used.
I heard today that probationary teachers are staying.
In 2008, the Legislature gave districts the option of reducing the school year to 175 days as a way to manage state-imposed budget cuts. Under legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in June, if revenues declined by $2 billion or more this year, school districts’ budgets would be cut, and schools would be given the right to reduce their instructional calendar to 168 days this year.
Typically, the way a school district shortens its school year is by giving teachers unpaid furlough days. With the $2 billion shortfall now a real possibility, any reduction in the school calendar would have to be negotiated with teachers’ unions.
A school year of 168 days would put California behind every state except Colorado and Michigan, although several states calculate their school year in hours not days, so comparing can be difficult.
Finally here are the results of how your union is going to sell you out. See 16 of the agenda for February 28. As they plan to cut your salaries, they keep on hiring new district employees.
16.0 Adoption of Resolution No. 11/12-2914 – Reserve the Right to Negotiate a Reduction in Salaries
If you don’t speak up, nobody will.There is a reason why they pay the salary and health benefits of your president not to mention the pension too. You are sold out and you pay for the priviledge.
Susan Mercer, your union president, went to Esqueda Elem. because she was getting annoying phone calls from teachers who wanted to know if their paycheck was going to be cut. She called the board presentation with slides showing how your check was going to be reduced, myths. When a teacher tried to ask a question, she was shut down because this is her meeting, though the purpose was to answer questions. Susan Mercer didn’t tell you about the “new normal” because she didn’t want you to know about it. That she already cut a deal and you will have no say in the matter. They tell you how much you are going to pay in union dues, they won’t answer your questions, and they won’t even answer your calls or email. What do you pay them for? The only issue they care about is union dues. Decertify them, opt out of the union, and only then will they think you are better than an annoyance.
I’d like to know about the “new normal”, are there some facts that you know that no one else knows? I already know that it is a regular practice for the district to reserve the right to reduce salary, this happens in virtually every district as salary is always negotiated. Is there something else you know that others don’t?
These are the events that you should know:
The budget presentation from 2/14/12 presented the fact that no layoffs were being implemented. Very puzzling since 135 teachers are without positions next year and we have a $35M deficit. They indicated that a new site funded position called a Certificated Teaching Specialist would be created. There is no job description and the sites will have to pay for this person’s salary and benefits. By the way, the district cannot mandate site positions. SAUSD was found out of compliance when they used site funds to pay for CSR teachers. Then you will notice that on the slide showing where funds will come from to balance the budget, $10M is to come from the associations, including SAEA and CSEA. At the 2/28/12 board meeting, the district budget presentation presented the same information. Why aren’t layoffs being considered when they are asking the associations for a $10M cut? The 135 teachers at @$90,000. each would account for $12M and no need to cut or negotiate reductions. And they could hire them back later if they have the money. But the best part is agenda item 16.0, a resolution to reduce salaries. Read it and you will find a reduction in salary, benefits, and furlough days included. So you will be asked to take a cut to keep 135 teaching positions. Why didn’t the association tell us about this? This is my prediction…the tax increase will not be approved by the voters, a budget crisis will ensue, and you will be asked to participate to balance the budget. You won’t have to participate if the district just issues layoff notices….and cuts the district staff by at least 10%. The clock is ticking towards March 15th.
I completely agree that these bogus positions they have created to be funded by SSC funds appears to be criminal. I’d like to know more about how they think they are going to get away with it. I also think that this is merely a result of lack of planning on the district’s part and they truly would have issued layoff notices if they would have planned for it on time. They have no time to do it correctly and it would end up costing them a fortune in legal and other costs. This much I agree with, however, I believe that next year will be a different story, there will be massive lay offs next year unless they figure out a way to offer a significantly better retirement incentive. I think everyone in every district realizes that the possibility of pay cuts and furloughs will never be off of the table in this economic climate though. I don’t believe that the union has already negotiated pay cuts and they aren’t telling us though. Time will tell and I think we have to agree that all of this is pure speculation at this point.
TOSA’s funded by school site funds is illegal as defined by ed code. They don’t think they are going to get away with it, the KNOW they will. Michael Bishop knew exactly there would be a $35 million deficit 4 years ago and you could check the board archives. The board knew about this in their 5 year plan and you would too if you follow the board reports. Its all there. Next years RIF starts with what happens this year. No RIFS to balance the budget for next year means that you will have no choice except to accept what they offer you. It may be speculation to you, and you could choose to believe that the union has your interest at heart, but Goethe is right when he says that “ignorance is bliss”.
If you were the superintendent and/or the board president, what would you do about this situation? What would be the most prudent way to go about the dilemmas faced by the school district given the current economic situation?
For starters, I would RIF every teacher that does not have a classroom assignment at the beginning of next year. That would include Curriculum Specialist that cost $2 million dollars, all TOSA’s $4.3 million, the new 134 newly assigned teachers to admin duties $10 million let the union pay their own people like Susan Mercer and Jennifer Isensee ($210,000), eliminate 10 of the highest personnel paid under Human Resourses ($1 million), eliminate the bilingual and BTSA department $1.2 million, all pull out teachers. Programs: dump ST math, Dibels, bench mark testing, Thinking Maps, Write from the Beginning, Data Director ($148,000). Health care; anyone who wants more than the free Kaiser that is offered like PPO to make it cost neutral for the district by paying more.
And that is all just common sense. Use the core program, because the rest just makes your already difficult job worse. More paper work that no one looks at is not cost effective.
Done. No one takes a salary cut, your students do not lose instruction time.
My starters would be different. I would start by giving a RIF to the most unpleasant and negative teachers. You would be the first to go.
I would also cut preschool and after school programs. In short, the schools would start to look and act like institutions of learning.
Why would you characterize me as unpleasant and negative? Show me one sentence that I wrote that would support your assessment?
BTW, did you sign your paper that said you would gladly take a pay cut and furlough days to support districts lack of financial management? Its coming and you heard it here first. Your welcome.
I totally agree with you. The Outsider is completely selfish and heartless. This person is promoting panic among SAUSD employees with what seems to be little evidence. The school board does this every year around this time and every year a bunch of Chicken Littles scream about the sky falling. Our jobs are difficult enough without having to have colleagues like the Outsider. How scary if they are in the classroom with children. How terrible if we all had Kaiser and the Outsider gets cancer and cannot choose their own doctor. We are all in this for the good of our students, society, and to support each other. How would The Outsider feel if they were one of the teachers that they are calling for to be fired?! What comes around goes around Outsider!
That was rather harsh. Anon1 never said I was completely selfish and heartless. In fact she wrote, “I completely agree that these bogus positions they have created to be funded by SSC funds appears to be criminal.” Anon1 asked how I would balance the budget and as 95% of the budget are salaries, there is no other budgets to cut other than salaries. My opinion was asked and I answered. Of course you could save a persons job by having a shared contract with them.
The sky isn’t falling. I was warning you that your salary is designated to be cut, I figure about 4% based on no furlough days. It probably be a combination of the two. Teachers salaries are too high anyways and should be cut and by a lot more.
Everyone gets free Kaiser health care. Anon2 just wants the premium health care and wants someone else to pay for it, namely the California taxpayer who may not have any health care. Anon2 is an elitist who won’t pay a little more for the right to choose their own doctor and self rightous to expect others to pay for her benefit.
Anon1 said, “I believe that next year will be a different story, there will be massive lay offs next year…” . Is she heartless and selfish? There won’t be if the district gets their financial house in order. By doing so, jobs will be saved which is not heartless.
By forcing the school site to pay for TOSA1 and soon to be TOSA2, they are preventing the school from get many aids that could assist the teacher in the classroom and working individually with the students that need that individualized help. Obviously, Anon2 doesn’t care about the lower paid personnel or students just as long she gets her PPO.
Who is Jennifer Isensee? What does the union pay her for?
If the district violates your contract, she would be the person to file grievance against the district. The union should but didn’t pay her salary, the district did. Perhaps that is the reason grievances took years to be resolved. Mostly, the teacher just gave up. I can’t confirm if she is still in that position.
She is not and hasn’t been for nearly two years.
If you cannot confirm her as in that position(she has not been in that position for years, by the way) then why would you name her and suggest that the union pay for her, even going so far as to suggest a monetary amount? If you cannot even get that simple fact correct, why should anyone believe anything else you post here? That leads me to believe that either 1. you are sorely misinformed or 2. you are a unabashed liar.
You didn’t first ask me to confirm it. Your supposition was that I couldn’t. Then you continued on that assumption which was unpleasant and negative. If it were up to Anonymous (March 5), she would RIF you.
My proof is the OC Register – Salaries for 2009-2010. The link is listed below.
Santa Ana paid her salary as Title – SAEA Grievance Chair ($108,811.22) under the Department of Human Resources as well as the BTSA Coordinator to the tune of $112,000 and just below her, your union president where the title is listed as SAEA President.
How do you know that she hasn’t been in that position for years? Just two days ago from your last post, you didn’t even know who she was. Was it because the post by Anonymous said so? Perhaps you could demand confirmation from her (I am assuming gender) and bash her if she doesn’t provide it.
Now that you know that I am neither misinformed or an unabashed liar, would you like to offer an apology?
I can’t believe you are posting all of your crap during instructional time. If you hate every program the District has adopted, spend your instructional time on this blog, and think you know better than everybody else, why don’t you just get out of our district and go run your own charter school? Somebody should figure out who you are and let Chad Hammitt know what you are saying and doing.
Anonymous, it is apparent that you are missing the concept of this blog. Did you notice at the top of the page that this blog has been ongoing since 2006 which has to be some sort of long running record on a single topic, the topic being corruption at SAUSD. Having 3 board members being display with a disparaging caption, gives you a clue that honest and/or disparaging comments are accepted here. Also the Constitution, free speech, government guarantees and minor issues like that also plays a part too.
The 1650 comments were from administrators, teachers, ex-teachers, parents, students and concerned citizens. They all commented under an alias, like you, for one reason or another. So if you don’t like reading blogs contrary to the policies and decisions of SAUSD, then don’t.
My last post was at the bequest of cocob, who asked me to confirm what I wrote, which I did. Why would you crudely call that “crap.”
As you are interested, I will give you a hint to who I am. You finally saw the time stamp and figured out my post was written and sent during instructional time. Yet no instructional time was lost when I wrote the post. How can that be?
report chad hammit and art jimenez maria barrios gabriela garcia and the whole bunch of crooks in sausd administration dept.to hell with them all law brakers!fight for your jobs and rights were in the usa not another country!report them all to the fbi,irs,ice,the law needs to know about their fraud and corruption and abuse of authority and the theft of tax dollars!
No, I did not ask you to confirm it. So from your statement here we can all gather that you do not confirm what you post. You just post. Your posting was addressing what you would do to handle the current situation. You stated, “… let the union pay their own people like Susan Mercer and Jennifer Isensee ($210,000)” That implies present tense and, frankly, the entire post leads the reader to believe you are talking in current terms. You purposely mislead people with your posts hoping that the thirsty will drink. I am neither thirsty nor do I wish to jump into the mud and play with you, so I will not even address your insulting and condescending comment.
Sure you did. You said, “If you cannot confirm her as in that position…” which I did, as you wanted, as you expected. I showed you my source, the Register, that showed SAUSD paid her salary and exactly (not suggesting) how much and when and her title. It is public information. In the same post, March 7,quoting myself, “I can’t confirm if she is still in that position.” I said it precisely so you don’t have to infer the tense.
I did not, do not, and will never intentionally mislead anyone. I refer you to Patricia O’Neil well written post which will allow you to look to the districts future plans.
Below are links to the 2/28/12 budget presentation to the Board and Board-adopted resolution to which I believe The Outsider is referring. Page 11 of the powerpoint shows a $10 million dollar savings (certificated and classified) resulting from negotiations. The chart on page 15 shows the savings resulting from furlough days and salary cuts. The list of Board priorities (p. 12) does not include preservation of salaries as a priority, although maintaining 180 instructional days is listed (as the last item).
The following are excerpts from the Resolution passed by the Board to “Reserve the Right to Negotiate a Reduction in Salaries”:
WHEREAS, this Board desires to reserve the right, subject to any applicable negotiations requirements, unless authorized to act based upon business necessity, to reduce compensation for both represented and non-represented employees for the 2012-13 school year and thereafter.
WHEREAS, this Board has determined it is appropriate to inform all employees of the Board’s decision to negotiate possible 2012-13 compensation reductions that may affect represented employees and to inform non-represented employees of possible compensation reductions.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board of the Santa Ana Unified School District that the District work year, compensation, and benefits for the 2012-13 fiscal year remain indefinite.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all salary schedules for all employees and the other respective daily rates of pay are declared indefinite for the 2012-13 fiscal year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all work schedules, work calendars, and other compensation elements (e.g. health and welfare benefits) for all employees are also declared indefinite for the 2012-13 fiscal year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2012-13 compensation reductions under consideration for both unrepresented and represented employees and proposed for negotiations include the following:
a. A freeze of 2012-13 salary schedules;
b. A reduction in bargaining unit member and non-bargaining unit employee work days;
c. A reduction to any or all District salary schedules;
d. A reduction to certificated and classified stipend schedules;
e. Any combination of compensation reductions (salary schedule movement freezes, reduced workdays, reduced certificated or classified stipends, or salary schedule reductions) that assist the District in achieving a sustainable budget certified by the Orange County Office of Education, including the multi-year budget projections;
f. Imposition of new or increased employee contributions toward health benefit premiums paid through monthly payroll deductions, and/or a freeze or reduction in District health benefits contributions or in retiree benefit programs . . .
Well said, Cocb. I’m not going to play your games either, Outsider. All of your posts in the last week were made during regular work days at times that students would normally be getting instruction. I’m not interested in knowing about the ways you have of getting out of doing your job. But I hope that somebody higher up in the district is.
I don’t care when my posts are made as they are made at my convenience. They happen to be made during YOUR work days not mine. I don’t care when students get their instructions, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t teach them and I am not employed by your district. Are you an administrator or just a chick with a bad attitude? As you said, “I would start by giving a RIF to the most unpleasant and negative teachers.” By your own words, you can go RIF yourself.
I also have serious doubts that you are not a teacher. When something doesn’t seem right, it usually isn’t.
You’re lying. You are an SAUSD teacher. Be careful.
Congratulations to our newly elected leadership. Especially Susan Mercer who will not tolerate bullies who misinform and try to push their way into her meetings. (see Esqueda post above) That was posted like it was a bad thing. ??? We need a leader who will not tolerate that repugnant behavior or those employees who do nothing but lie awake at night figuring out how to sabotage every good thing that hard workers are trying to accomplish on all of our behalf. Post all of the board minutes you want. The district always reports doom and gloom. We should all know that by now.
Famous quotes from The Outsider:
“Why would you characterize me as unpleasant and negative? Show me one sentence that I wrote that would support your assessment?”
Regarding the superintendant “not a pretty, hopelessly clueless woman who looks good on paper but now no hope of success.”
Regarding our district “Your district is going to sink so bad it is heartbreaking.”
Regarding our union “Whatever their secret plan is you could be sure your union knows about it and already signed off on it.” “Finally here are the results of how your union is going to sell you out.”
“Anonymous, it is apparent that you are missing the concept of this blog. Did you notice at the top of the page that this blog has been ongoing since 2006 which has to be some sort of long running record on a single topic, the topic being corruption at SAUSD. Having 3 board members being display with a disparaging caption, gives you a clue that honest and/or disparaging comments are accepted here. Also the Constitution, free speech, government guarantees and minor issues like that also plays a part too.”
“Are you an administrator or just a chick with a bad attitude? As you said, “I would start by giving a RIF to the most unpleasant and negative teachers.” By your own words, you can go RIF yourself.”
So the Outsider can speak “truth” but others can’t?
Outsider, you may not be a teacher but you sure are married to one!
From the Orange County Register Online:
“Districts are trying to be as humane as possible,” Habermehl said. “These notices are devastating for employees who receive them.”
Santa Ana Unified officials say they hope to trim 131 teaching jobs through the combination of temporary teacher cuts and by offering early retirement incentives of up to $10,000 to other senior teachers. The district has already lured more than 200 senior teachers into early retirement over the past five years by using these so-called “golden handshakes.”
“The retirement incentives allow us to move these teachers that earn salaries in the high end off the books,” said John Palacio, a Santa Ana Unified trustee. “That means we have to carry a lot more younger teachers, but it also allows us to prevent scores of layoffs.”
So they are going to trim 131 teaching jobs… they told us just a couple of weeks ago, when the discussion was about credentialing, that the district was CREATING jobs for some of the teachers who were going to have problems because they did not have single subject credentials???
Some teachers at my site were thinking about accepting one of the created positions. I suggested they think on it awhile. Those positions could easily be dissolved and that would leave teachers who had accepted the created positions without a job.
The district does not bargain in good faith. Money is hidden in a so many different accounts so they can cry about not having money in the account that pays employees. The district tells half truths and out-in-out lies about their intentions and where the money goes.
Those teachers who “earn salaries in the high end”, those “senior teachers”, are a liability to the district because they are far more savvy and vocal about the tricks the district plays with employees.
The “younger teachers” don’t stand up to the district because they are worried about keeping their jobs. That worry is justified. It is easy to get rid of a teacher with just a few years who is too vocal about the issues.
With all the things going on now and all of the things in the news about L.A. Unified’s teachers, it is not a good time to be a teacher, especially a “younger teacher” (and really difficult for younger, male teachers).
All of these things mean we need a strong union with employees who do not vote to modify the contract. We have a contract for a reason. If the district wants changes (MOU’s) let them bargain in good faith to get them.
Don’t be fooled and don’t be bullied. Stand together. It takes teachers who are willing to stand up and fight back to make our union strong.
I agree with anonymous. You are an SAUSD teacher. Be careful. Or your posts are coming from a teacher. I think the Outsider is two people. One is the author. One is the poster.
I think I know who the Outsider is too. I can’t believe “they” think teacher salaries should be cut and “cut by a lot more”. I’ve got to tell the people at my site to check this out.
Nearly last on the Board’s agenda Tuesday night was the approval of the new Certificated Learning and Achievement Specialist position. According to the Board Report, “The Certificated Learning and Achievement Specialist position is essential and will be responsible for serving as a teaching and learning resource in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and technology for instructional staff.”
Do we really need a new position for providing “reports for teachers that assist in the identification of strengths and weaknesses in student performance” and assistance in the “revision of instructional plans to close learning gaps and increase mastery”? Do we really need help at our grade level meetings to analyze assessment data?
It sure seems to have a lot of administrative-like duties. Anyone know if SAEA has weighed in on the issue?
Too bad they didn’t ask the teachers and other staff at the sites how the categorical money could best be used to improve student achievement.
Below are excerpts from the job description for the new position:
Conduct classroom observations and provide “next-step”
instructional support for all teachers.
Assist teachers in lesson design and pacing for instruction.
Participate in collaborative grade level/subject area meetings
to assist in the analysis and utilization of assessment data to
improve student achievement.
Assist grade level teams in setting proximal and long-term goals
for improved instruction.
Analyze student performance data and develop reports for
teachers that assist in the identification of strengths and
weaknesses in student performance, and revision of instructional
plans to close learning gaps and increase mastery.
I agree, Patricia. These positions were made up as a way to not RIF teachers and transfer the cost of those teachers to another source. I am curious how much money will be left for tutoring and other programs that directly affect the students. I would be more inclined to support these positions if they actually involved teaching real children and lightening the load of the regular classroom teacher through small group instruction. Instead I think we’ll end up with more people pointing fingers at teachers and telling them what to do without actually helping them do any of it.
I have a question. What happened to the dearly departed red vixen?
She’s dearly departed, I never did get to meet her or figure out who she was. Word is Dan C from the Lib OC was so mad at her over something or other that he was hot on the trail of exposing her, and that caused her to leave off blogging. I wish she’d come back…
Her body of work survives, from June 2008 to Jan. 2010:
Thank you. I was just curious what happened to her.
Exposing people is fun! We especially like to expose those that think they are the only ones on the planet that know how to do things and what’s going on. It also helps that they make their identity so obvious. From what it looks like, as soon as someone is hot on their trail they do two things: beg to have a post removed that might give a clue as to who they are AND stop posting altogether. Smart move ninja, smart move. LOL.
I guess Red Vixen was never exposed. How easy it was for that person to write such mean spirited lies about people while not using her real name. She ran once Dan C. was hot on her trail.
You put up a fine case against anonymity, Mister … um …
Does anyone know why 7 teachers were removed from Villa recently?
Just checked my district email and saw that we have to wear id badges when going to the district office. Do all Orange County district offices require Pentagon-like clearance just to make a stop by Human Resources. Such a bother…
The last time we were given ID badges was about 10 years ago. New staff members (less than 10 years) and those whose names have changed or have changed sites all need new ones. Another huge waste of money as it was 10 years ago. No one ever used them and the district office was shocked to find that our entire school needed new ones.
There used to be a saying: Those who can, do. Those who can’t teach. I’ve come to the conclusion, in this district, it works like this: Those who can, do, those who can’t become administrators. Unfortunately any ability doesn’t follow them in that direction either.
How did testing go for everyone??
I’ve been issued a parking pass. I park on the street! I’m assuming it’s now necessary to show your parking pass when visiting the district office. One more thing to keep track of….bother.
Oh, Willard, Willard, Willard.
Haven’t you been in the news enough recently??
I was told that Willard wants to bring back the sculpture of the Indian head that used to hang on the wall in front of the school.
Yesterday morning the sculpture was sent on its way to the workshop for a new coat of paint and then back to Willard.
Apparently, someone on our school board who attended Willard as a student wants to change the mascot back from Jaguars to Indians.
I was told, and I quote, “Willard has decided to embrace their heritage.”
Somehow this school board member thinks it is HIS “heritage” and therefore HIS right to display Native Americans as mascots.
I have heard all the pros and cons on the subject so don’t bother replaying them here.
I am sure SAUSD has not contacted any groups representing Native Americans before making this decision.
Perhaps the school board should do its homework, do a little investigation on their own, and get input from ALL interested parties before going forward with something else that will put Willard in the news.
Rob Richardson is behind this.
You can beautify a school all you want, but if you don’t shore up the supports it will all fall down. The school looks the best it’s ever looked, and the kids are as outrageous as they’ve ever been: I’m sure Voight (AP) will tell you all about avoiding the marbles thrown at his head.
Maybe they need that big metal sculpture of the indian head to use as a shield. They can’t really believe it’s to honor native americans.
Before anything is brought back to Willard or (say it’s not so) Willard changes its “mascot” from Jaguars back to Indians they should check out this website:
It seems everyone has been rendered speechless these last few weeks! Makes you wonder about all the changes, huh? And makes you wonder what the heck with the other *not* changes. We can only hope the Board Meeting on the 28th will fix some of these problems.
Wow, SAUSD teachers must be having one great year! Congratulations!
hmmm… i think I accidentally took this down for a while. I should start up a new one in honor of the new trustees, huh?
And…. DONE! Everybody move on over here…
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