Honesty continues to be an issue...
The crapola gets even deeper! Check out these sources:
OC Register: Fullerton PD: ‘We may have arrested the wrong guy’
KTLA: Video Ignites Another Controversy for Fullerton Police
LA Times: Fullerton police review video, acknowledge arresting wrong man
FPD spokeshole Andrew Goodrich is now peddling bull so fast it has crept up over his hip waders and into his britches.
His latest rasher of shit is the story that cop Kenton Hampton roughed up and mistakenly arrested the wrong guy last October. He and his buddies cooked up a story in their reports and had the DA prosecute Veth Mam for obstruction of justice. Of course the jury saw the same video we posted here and acquitted Mam.
Read the rest of “The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight? Or Worse?”
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