To you yahoos with your “Never forget” bumper stickers, your “Always remember” teeshirts, for whom the terrible attacks of 9-11 were a sort of confirmation of your permanent sense that the world is full of evil and danger, that only America and you yourselves are good and victims and heroes, that these savage attacks justify everything this country has done to the world since and everything we’d already done to the world beforehand, to you mindless jingos who clutch the memory of the attacks to your breast as though it defines what it means to be American and justifies all our xenophobia and adventurism, to you people I say, “Fuck September 11!”
To all of you politicians, national security officials, and your media cheerleaders who pounced on the attacks as an excuse to pursue policies you had always wanted to pursue but never could have gotten away with, who pounced so fast that it’s no wonder many folks suspect you were expecting the attacks, you who trot out 9/11 with a noun and a verb any time your murderous and tyrannical actions are questioned, to you also I say, “Fuck September 11!”
I’m sorry, but say you were abused or raped or otherwise traumatized as a child ten years ago, do you “Never forget” and “Always remember?” As though the crime defined you? Do you hold a solemn ten-year commemoration of the rape? No, by that point you should have dealt with it, moved on, have it filed away in a corner of your memory no doubt, but you know that there is infinitely more to life, and to you, than that fucked-up incident.
Around here I should probably be saying something heartfelt about the great tragedy that befell nearly 3000 probably mostly good people, their family and friends, the countless wounded, the heroism of the firefighters, cops and other responders that day, the heroism misguided or otherwise of all our young men and women who signed up in the aftermath to defend their nation, and the ummitigated loathesomeness of the attackers … but you can get all that anywhere and everywhere else today. As for me, I’ll just stick to saying “Fuck September 11.”
Sorry about my language, but there are just too many things that piss me off about the whole fucking thing:
Number one, it pisses me off that some hate-filled religious fundamentalists on the other side of the globe did this shit to thousands of people who never did anything to them; and ALSO that they were ABLE to. (Allowed to?)
And that’s totally aside from the fact that what pissed THEM off had also been pissing ME off for years, decades, before the crime:
- my nation’s bloody, greedy, imperialist meddling in that part of the world beginning with the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s last great democratic leader Mossadegh;
- my nation’s support of cruel, torturing dictators all across the Arab and Muslim world as long as they were “our bastards,” kept the oil flowing and their people down;
- and my nation’s unswerving support for anything and everything Israel does to the Palestinian people in their decades-long suffocation of the latter’s national aspirations – Israel who wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for our daily largesse and yet does nothing but get us in trouble with its neighbors out there – START BEHAVING, YOU SELFISH BASTARDS!
It pisses me off that 90% of what our ruling class have shoved down our throat in response to the attacks has been unproductive, bloody and evil bullshit that they were only looking for an excuse to do:
- ABOVE ALL the invasion and occupation of Iraq with its possibly million dead, our own 4000+ dead servicemen and uncounted maimed;
- the up-to THREE TRILLION DOLLARS price, unpaid-for by the boundlessly selfish ruling class, that Operation Iraqi Fiefdom will eventually cost our great-grandchildren;
- the tragic demise of the notion that a war needed to be justified by self-defense;
- the war-fueled re-election of the war-mongers in 2004;
- the fact that we’re STILL IN our nation’s two longest wars and nobody can really tell us why;
- the execrable and Orwellian PATRIOT Act, that mountain of oppressive legalese that just magically appeared while the WTC was still smoldering and had to be voted on by our terrified lawmakers before any of them could even read it;
- the history-shattering development that we’re now officially a nation that tortures, that imprisons people indefinitely without even charging them with anything, that can assassinate its own citizens simply because the President says sic ’em (an Obama touch) ;
- that we’re a nation where our government is allowed, is EXPECTED, to study our every word and movement. To keep us SAFE, don’tchya know.
It pisses me off that we squandered all that “We Are All Americans Now” sentiment that pervaded the whole globe on 9/12, instead rushing to fulfill the anti-American caricature of the ignorant, pointlessly destructive cowboy.
It pisses me off that, as Ben Franklin correctly notes, the American people don’t deserve either liberty or security, since they happily gave up the former for the latter.
And also, fuck all the morons who will call you unpatriotic for bringing stuff like this up – that shoe fits YOU, buddy.
In short, fuck all this shit. We don’t need it..
“…I’ll pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then I’ll get on my knees and pray…
Here’s Tom Englehardt, a better person and writer than me, who it turns out has had much the same thoughts but expressed them with far fewer F-Bombs: “Let’s Cancel 9/11.” A few excerpts, but read the whole thing. And then go have fun:
Ask yourself this: ten years into the post-9/11 era, haven’t we had enough of ourselves? If we have any respect for history or humanity or decency left, isn’t it time to rip the Band-Aid off the wound, to remove 9/11 from our collective consciousness? No more invocations of those attacks to explain otherwise inexplicable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and our oh-so-global war on terror. No more invocations of 9/11 to keep the Pentagon and the national security state flooded with money. No more invocations of 9/11 to justify every encroachment on liberty, every new step in the surveillance of Americans, every advance in pat-downs and wand-downs and strip downs that keeps fear high and the homeland security state afloat.
The attacks of September 11, 2001 were in every sense abusive, horrific acts. And the saddest thing is that the victims of those suicidal monstrosities have been misused here ever since under the guise of pious remembrance. This country has become dependent on the dead of 9/11 — who have no way of defending themselves against how they have been used — as an all-purpose explanation for our own goodness and the horrors we’ve visited on others, for the many towers-worth of dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere whose blood is on our hands.
Isn’t it finally time to go cold turkey? To let go of the dead? Why keep repeating our 9/11 mantra as if it were some kind of old-time religion, when we’ve proven that we, as a nation, can’t handle it — and worse yet, that we don’t deserve it?
We would have been better off consigning our memories of 9/11 to oblivion, forgetting it all if only we could. We can’t, of course. But we could stop the anniversary remembrances. We could stop invoking 9/11 in every imaginable way so many years later. We could stop using it to make ourselves feel like a far better country than we are. We could, in short, leave the dead in peace and take a good, hard look at ourselves, the living, in the nearest mirror…
…the populace was mustered through repetitive, nationwide 9/11 rites emphasizing that we Americans were the greatest victims, greatest survivors, and greatest dominators on planet Earth. It was in this cause that the dead of 9/11 were turned into potent recruiting agents for a revitalized American way of war.
From all this, in the brief mission-accomplished months after Kabul and then Baghdad fell, American hubris seemed to know no bounds — and it was this moment, not 9/11 itself, from which the true inspiration for the gargantuan “Freedom Tower” and the then-billion-dollar project for a memorial on the site of the New York attacks would materialize. It was this sense of hubris that those gargantuan projects were intended to memorialize.
On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, for an imperial power that is distinctly tattered, visibly in decline, teetering at the edge of financial disaster, and battered by never-ending wars, political paralysis, terrible economic times, disintegrating infrastructure, and weird weather, all of this should be simple and obvious. That it’s not tells us much about the kind of shock therapy we still need…
Of course the above article comes from a guy who has never left his cat!
FYI. Vern, the world is full of evil, and you only have to go down some Santa Ana streets to find it!
The world is full of evil because of the quality of some human beings and in most countries now in the world the quality is poor!
“the world is full of evil, and you only have to go down some Santa Ana streets to find it!”
Where does BLATANT RACISM fall on the evil o’meter?
Take me off of your email list.
Okay Junior.
(I wonder if he even read it.)
You know, it’s the absolute aversion to reality that allows holocausts to happen in this world. Jr., undoubtedly a patriot above all patriots, cannot possibly let himself think our government could do anything wrong. I know it’s a psychological phenomenon, but America has truly been dumbed down to frightening proportions.
Yes, we know Laura…Hence you.
It’s an aversion for liberals like yourself LAURA, to know that the American government with all its flaws and the American people (yeah know the dumb a^^^^) have done more good in this world than any other country or people. It’s just people like yourself LAURA that has never know anything but this country, has no IDEA how great it is and why people all over this world will risk everything to come here!
Thanks for solidifying it, MICHELLE. Like I said … the dumbing down of America. Thankfully, I know you are not representative of many Irish immigrants. You don’t even understand the gist of this post. You are dumb, MICHELLE, and as a Patriotic American, I applaud the sad fact that you were allowed in this country and are allowed to spew your vitriol because of our beloved First Amendment. The US has done many fine things in this world but if you could think, you would also understand that some of those fine things were done for dubious reasons. Go to school, ignorant girl, and learn some things, and then you can talk about our country and people might start to pay attention to you. Knowing you, you will again reply with insults because your lack of intellect brings you to a feral level of argument that is just plain sad.
Oh one other thing, MICHELLE, I’ve travelled to many countries that have lovely ways of life that sometimes seem more desirable than ours. Countries that value family over objects. There is good and bad to everything, MICHELLE — even you!
Of course I understand the gist of the post LAURA. It’s a liberal like yourself who has NO idea about pain, loss, etc caused by your fellow human being.
“Go to school, ignorant girl, and learn some things, and then you can talk about our country and people might start to pay attention to you. Knowing you, you will again reply with insults because your lack of intellect brings you to a feral level of argument that is just plain sad.”
MQ says:
where did you go LAURA..UCI, UCLA. A brain washed bimbo, who knows nothing about the world around her. Daddies little girl, with his credit card visiting countries around the world to sip champaign and eat rabbit food. An elitist numb scull, spewing your disgust about your own country and its DUMB people. You LAURA have probably are VERY respectable education and have not a brain in your pretty liberal head!
“Oh one other thing, MICHELLE, I’ve travelled to many countries that have lovely ways of life that sometimes seem more desirable than ours. Countries that value family over objects. There is good and bad to everything, MICHELLE — even you!”
MQ says:
Yeah, which countries value family over things LAURA? Girl, YOUR country has more love and respect for children and family than any other country in the world. One of the reasons I love being here, so much for children and families. But, most likely LAURA you have only given birth to your pet cats and have no idea what you’re talking about. Or like a good liberal having only 1 or 2 children so as not to over populate mother earth; kinda give’s you less creds regrading the love of family over dirt!
FYI, Unlike you LAURA, I don’t represent anyone but myself. I am a free and independent individual with a cool Irish accent! JELOUS are we:0)
“where did you go LAURA..UCI, UCLA.”
Considering her disdain for higher education, I wonder what (or if) university MQ plans to send her brats to?
Someone needs to break it to her that good ol’ FU isn’t accredited.
Laura, you mean the reality that a very large number of Muslim fundamentalists want to wipe us off the planet for no reason other than we’re freedom loving folks? That reality? Or your liberal, “intellectual” reality?
Spoken like a true Bushie neo-con, Newbie. These fanatics can never “wipe us off the planet” even if that’s what they dream, now that our gov’t is no longer asleep at the switch; and – not to make any excuses for the misearble bastards – but our “freedoms” are not why they hate us. You can still dish that out with a straight face?
I did read it, the whole thing. I never visit this blog normally, and I doubt I ever will again. You had way too many agendas going on; issues with the military, an apparent dislike for Israel (where’s that one coming from Vern?), and some obvious anti-establishmentarism. I’ll stick to OC Weekly and Liberal OC.
Too many agendas for you, Franklin? Let’s see:
Issues with the military? Sure, I have strong opinions on when we should or shouldn’t be invading and otherwise meddling in other countries. Should I not? I’m a citizen, and well read. What’s your problem here? Do you care to defend Operation Iraqi Fiefdom?
“Some obvious anti-establishmentarianism.” Uh – sure. Guilty as charged. This is a problem, for a blogger at the Orange Juice?
Finally, “an apparent dislike for Israel.” Well, like most American Jews and pretty near half of Israeli Jews even, I see that the Likud’s voracious expansionism and rejection of any compromise of land for peace and a two-state solution is bad for the Palestinians, bad for Israel, bad for the region and bad for America. But you continue “Where’s that one coming from Vern?” Oh I see! You’re trying to suggest I’m an anti-Semite on account of this. That’s not even worthy of response – go back home to your Liberal OC and bash Claudia some more.
Vern? you fall off the wagon?
Not at all, buddy, I worked hard on this article and hope you read the whole thing.
Feel your pain Vern……..don’t share your sentiment.
Those heroes on 9-11 were rushing up while the towers came crashing down.
I do get sick of these hypocrites in Costa Mesa attacking these everyday hardworking men and women for making a living wage. Firemen and Police deserve to make enough money to have a family and raise them on a one person salary. They deserve a right to retire at a lower age, ( their bodies wear out), than some fat slob who’s sat at a desk all his life. While Righeimer and Co. will probably no doubt be holding a hand over their black hearts tomorrow , as the flag goes up and honor and respect is shown. Their actions speak louder than any false public display of patriotism ever will.
Totally share your sentiment about the heroic rescue workers Gericault, and thanks for the video.
I didn’t feel that was the main point I needed to make here personally though, as everybody else in the country already is.
(See paragraph 4)
“Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer remembered the nearly 3,000 victims and first-responders who died, giving thanks to those who keep Costa Mesa safe every day: police officers, firefighters and military personnel.”
from the Daily Pilot……I called that one.
Wow, the comments here are fascinating. Folks STILL need to keep 9-11 sacrosanct without understanding the advantage taken of all American people on its behalf. I don’t believe your post minimizes the horror of 9-11, nor does it minimize the courageous acts demonstrated on that day, but it certainly establishes how 9-11 has been capitalized on and has consequently perpetuated almost as much evil as the terrorists’ acts itself.
What Laura, a few Muslims are upset they have to wait inline at the Airport with the Irish American Granny….OMG>>>JES CHR
Vern, I’ve admired most of your work in the past, and your willingness to tilt at windmills and attempts to slaughter sacred cows. I’ve admired your attempts to salvage this blog and your frequent musical interludes.
However, this one didn’t just step over the line – it took a running four-letter leap well past it. Certainly, you’re entitled to your opinion – as am I – and we both can disagree with each other. I found this entry to be so offensive, so foul and disrespectful of the losses suffered on 9/11/01 that I doubt very seriously that I will visit the Orange Juice Blog again. Goodbye…
Sorry to lose you, old comrade. I suspect you didn’t really get what I was trying to say, maybe thru my own fault.
Enjoy your Sunday my friend
Well Vern, I for one wholeheartedly agree with you (cue the attacks on my character, livelihood, weight, education, family, travel history, political affiliations and anything else that the oh-so-knowledgeable MQ can “think” of).
I was trapped in a waiting room on Friday and was subjected to Matt Lauer and the ongoing national pity party, replete with the onerous war criminal G W Bush and true to form, they managed to make a hollow mockery out of a truly tragic event.
My favorite in this crap-fest, is the asking of the kids born on 9/11/01, how it “changed” their lives, that’s some real deep stuff, LOL.
The lack of awareness and reflection surrounding 9-11 never ceases to amaze me, Americans are like little children, always wanting simple answers and simple solutions, black and white, the good guys vs the bad guys.
Is it any wonder that 9-11 was distilled down to this; wearing NYFD t-shirts and shouting “nuke-Iraq”, how purely American, the tchotchke and the bomb.
Americans have learned NOTHING from 9-11 and amazingly (thanks to our main stream media) know EVEN LESS about what we’ve DONE since.
That first paragraph is rich with hypocrisy coming from you Anonster. Fortunately, you are privileged to continue your constant attacks on conservatives on here without fear of any recrimination aside from the exposure of your liberal agenda and you get to keep your appendages intact in this great country.
What’s with all your fantasies about dismembering people who disagree with you? What’s it got to do with anything? Is it supposed to be a veiled threat? That nobody in this country should criticize their government because in a few backward hellholes that’s not allowed?
I mean, aside from making you sound psychopathic, the logic doesn’t make sense to me. Isn’t this what you’re saying:
“You should keep quiet and not criticize your government, BECAUSE you are lucky to live in a country where you’re allowed to criticize your government.”
Is that your logic? Help a brother out here…
Newbie must be a tea-partier, they’re a macabre bunch.
Who is crying (or prayed for the ONE MILLION dead Iraqi’s, many of them children?
Vern has chosen a provocative title which I’m guessing is the source of some of the disgust in the comment section.
I don’t know, but I do find the way the USA reacted to the terrorist attacks has made us worse off now than ten years ago (as outlined by the content of Nelson’s post) Doubling the military budget, crippling civil liberties, launching a war on Iraq all in the name of 9/11…those, to name a few, are something to be revolted by and blaspheme the memory of that day more than any headline by a writer could do.
Is this OJB’s “God is Dead” moment?
Please elaborate on the “God is Dead moment.”
Fundamentalists always gawk at Nietzsche’s quote instead of going beyond it to see what he was really getting at.
Yeah, that’s what I thought. As I remember (vaguely from reading that kinda stuff in my early 20s) it was the hip trendy thing in Nietzsche’s time & milieu, to say “God is Dead.” So Nietzsche wrote an unforgettable short tale of a crazed bearded prophet-like man who ran around saying, “If God is dead as they say, then…” and running through all the consequences of what that would mean.
This solidified in the popular mind, from then to this day, the idea that Nietzsche simply said, “God is Dead.”
Oh and the Obama administration has carried over far too many hallmarks of Bush era War on Terror policies with considerably less “Liberal” outrage in response.
And in fact, in some instances, the President has taken them further!
And yet, to a surprisingly significant section of the populace, Obama is a Muslim who wants to usher in Sharia law. It just goes to show how utterly clueless so many American are.
And to a fair number of Americans, 9/11 was an inside job that Bush let happen. What’s your point? There are nuts on both sides of the aisle.
You’ll notice I kept Party and individual politicians out of this … with the exception of a little Obama parentheses just in case you non-Democrats were thinking I’m holding him blameless.
Although we ALL know who did MOST of the war-mongering and freedom-abridging.
Does his last name rhyme with Kush?
And Meanie. And Plumsfeld. And Turdblossom.
It must be sad to go through life with such a poisoned mind, Vern. I kept this blog on my reading list in hopes that someday the information in it would be useful. Today I finally realized that was never going to happen. Buh-bye.
Buh-bye, Rick. Does that mean that we won’t be getting your traditional once-a-month one-sentence insult, which you never bother coming back to deal with the response? Pity.
If anyone’s interested in checking out Rick’s blog, it’s called His latest post, very inspired, is reprinted from his own blog six years ago, consists of four photographs of the planes hitting the towers, with the lament, “It’s been four years now, but why don’t we see this pictures that much any more?”
Go a little farther and he reposts something he did on 9/11/2006 – his negative reaction to Christopher Hitchens’ arguments against naming 9/11 a national holiday. Variously spelling his foe’s name as Hitches or Hitchins, it is amusing to watch Moore snipe at the seasoned intellectual, like watching a poodle snap at a grehound’s heel.
Keep going back and it’s more 9/11, more 9/11, all stuff RIck has cherished from previous 9/11s. He is a veritable 9/11 fetishist. No wonder he disliked my post.
The bottom line is that America was attacked because America is the figure head of the West, ever thing that many muslims hate….Freedom of religion, respect and equality of woman, modern era. Most muslims all over this world detest everything about America, because most muslims ARE oppressed, sexuality frustrated, religious nut cases!
America should have never sent Americans to Iraq, they should have stopped all travel from muslim countries to America and told them either they get their shit together or we nuke you all! Plain and simple! Back ward population only know one thing “Fear”.
“America should have never sent Americans to Iraq”
But WE DID, we ATTACKED and destroyed a country that had NOTHING to do with 9-11. Where is the outrage?
And before that CRIMINAL ACT, we had been interfering with and overthrowing governments in the mideast for years prior to 9-11.
That’s the REAL REASON they hate us.
The only outrage is that we should have sent them a bomb instead of more human lives!
The middle east is full of death and most of the deaths have been at the hands of their own people. It is dear stupid liberal a common problem for most in the middle east. Holding hands…YOU DIE….for honor…YOU DIE ..etc…
They hate us you dumb ass, because we are not like them! They hate us cause we are infidels. They really do believe dear Anonster that you need to shut your mouth, bend over and take it like the bitch you are. YOU are not a good muslim woman, hide yourself, respect your man, where the fU** is your brother to escort you? The hate ME more than they hate you Anonster, cause you might just convert, me NEVER!
Please articulate for us, comprehensively, how it is that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING we have done in the Middle East in the last half century could POSSIBLY drive extremist Muslims to act violently against us.
Oh Dumb Bunny with your illogical presumptions and stereotypes. You are a perfect study in how bias and racism are cultivated. I pray your children aren’t infected by your hateful ignorance. You are a pathetic, sad, and angry woman. To copy a page from your operating manual: you must’ve been abused as a child — probably molested when you were harvesting potatoes. Your kitchen is filthy, your red hair matted and greasy and your apron has holes in it. You can’t cook for shit. Your children are embarrassed to be seen with you but they’re afraid to tell you because they know you’ll start screaming like a wild banshee with your goofy Irish accent and call them names that make no sense to them. You roll down your nylons to compliment your black army boots and oh … the odor that emanates from you!!! Twenty cans of Glade cannot camouflage the stench.
Michelle, now I hope you get how most of your comments sound …
FYI Irish imbecile;
Iraq (pre-invasion) was a secular country, one where women were educated and in the workforce.
Political Upheaval and Women’s Rights
By William John Cox
February 25, 2011
“Under Iraq’s longtime Ba’athist government led by Saddam Hussein, Iraqi women enjoyed greater freedom than women in most other Arab nations and they played an active role in the political, economic and educational development of the nation.
The 1970 Constitution formally guaranteed equal rights to women and ensured their right to obtain an education, own property, vote and be elected to political offices. Iraq acceded to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1986.”
Thank you for writing this. I dreaded turning on the TV this morning because I didn’t want to participate in the glorification of the events used to excuse so many thing that have happened since that day. So thank you, for summing up some of what bothers me about today’s events.
Kudos Vern. There will always be those who cling to the illusion. The truth is not comforting…….nor comfortable but there I’d rather be.
I feel like my main point didn’t come across clearly perhaps. Even my allies here seem to be focusing mostly on the destructive things America has (arguably) done in the world, both pre and post the 9/11 attacks. I think what I was driving at has been made more clear by the folks above who took offense – all older gentlemen who consider themselves “conservative.”
Thinking about them, and also the old folks I saw waving flags on the street today, I think these “conservatives” lived through the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s jonesing for a feeling like they had during WWII when it was the all-good America vs. the massed dark forces of evil out there in the world. And 9/11 gave them that feeling back, and I think that’s the real reason it feels sacred to them.
(I just walked thru the living room where my Dad is napping in front of FOX News, and that smirking Chris Wallace just gave the little bumper to their wall-to-wall 9/11 coverage, something like, “And today is the day that we at FOX help all you Americans to ALWAYS REMEMBER THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES TEN YEARS AGO…” [okay, so far I’m on board…] “AND NEVER FORGET THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US.” Now I’m like, really? Osama, KSM, Muhammad Atta, are worthy of NEVER BEING FORGOTTEN? Fuck that! Dustbin of history for those boys.)
But the main point I was trying to make, and I HAD thought I’d hit it out of the park with my inspired metaphor in paragraph 3, is that it’s unhealthy for the rest of us to cling to this wound the way so many of us do. I was hoping this post would be a CAUTERIZATION.
Did you all see the film Face/Off with Nicolas Cage and John Travolta? (If you haven’t you should, it’s pretty great.)
At the very beginning, bad guy Castor Pollux (played by Cage at this point) is attempting to assassinate FBI hothead Sean Archer (played by Travolta at this point.) But Archer picks up his son just as Pollux fires, and Archer’s son is accidentally killed while Archer sustains a wound in the chest.
Later in the film while being radically modified by plastic surgeons to look just like Pollux (you just have to see it) they ask if he wants that scar removed, and he passionately demands that they keep it – he’s attached to it, it reminds him of his son and his mission to get Pollux.
At the very end, when Archer and good have finally prevailed and vanquished evil, and he’s finally allowed to look like himself again, he gives them the go-ahead to remove that scar.
Does that make better sense to you all? It’s time to remove that scar.
And mainly, Fuck Al Qaeda!
Are you saying we should be more like those f**king Norwegians?
From the LA Times;
After a bombing and a shooting rampage that left 93 people dead, some believe the open and trusting attitude that’s been a hallmark of the Norwegian psyche is forever lost. The prime minister tells mourners, ‘Our answer is more democracy, more openness, more humanity, but never naivete.’
Talk about naivete, Vern. You don’t know your fellow americans or your government, we haven’t invested trillions in armaments just to turn the other cheek.
There’s gold in that thar’ wound and we need to keep it festering, entire fortunes have been and will continue to be made from it.
“Even my allies”……. Hmmmm
You do not have any allies fucking asshole……. keep it secret do not post it.
“Are you saying we should be more like those f**king Norwegians?”
Yes! I think we should have King Oscar sardines as part of our diet
Mrs. Lay went to the store, she was cut off and lost a parking spot to a young asian man. Presumably he was Vietnamese.
In reactionary form, I drove to Garden Grove, kicked in his neighbors door (he was also vietnamese…I think) kicked the shit out of him, raped his wife, I kicked this stupid fucker’s kid in the head, dumb ass would’nt stay down, so I tied him up and dumped acid on his 11 year old sisters face.
When I was done, I went back for Mom again, and then finally simply killed Grandma, Dad, the stupid kids and decided to let the chow live.
Now how silly does that sound?????
Talk to anyone who’s been there. This 9/11 shit is exactly what Ike warned about, it’s just more in your face.
We fucked up that part of the world for the next 1,000 years, but at least we’ll have cheap (or barely affordable) gas for the Expeditions, Sequoias and F250’s!!
FUCK 9/11 and all the silly ass flag wavers.
Fuck Vern Nelson on Sept. 11th and each and every other day.
Hit the showers Grandpa!
I don’t usually leave comments. I cite the exchange between Michelle and Laura as a clue as to why… but …sigh… I doubt that folks who take offense to this article read, travel, or think much. I confess that every time i lose a nail kit because of “security measures” or have to unlace my boots at the airport I think “Fuck 9/11”. Maybe that is selfish, since i say that out of frustration at an inconvenience.
Whenever I read about what is happening in Iraq (a country NOT responsible for those attacks in ANY way) Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other stans I imagine what it would be like to be a resident there. It makes me feel cold inside,because it could have been me losing my family, living in rubble, getting shot by scared young boys with M16s. It could have been Michelle, Vern, Junior…any of us. We are just people. There are people over there.
We should all say “Enough”. No more overreaction to the one time we were humbled — caught with our pants down. No more pre-emptive ruining of lives. Enough playing the victim. This drama queen stuff is mind-numbing.
I suppose you may disagree with the term FUCK, but that is no reason to MAKE LOVE to 9/11. We need to heal. Stop reopening the wound; it’s infected already. Getting mad at Vern and filtering all your news won’t make us smarter, more secure, or more deserving of our luxurious lifestyles.
Why not open your mind while you still have the liberty to do so? Let’s all take a good look at ourselves…and our neighbors…and our enemies. We are all vulnerable humans who will fight to live and provide for our families. Try to think of other similarities. Try listening to another person’s voice. Try reading about the history of those places…and our places.
Well said, Summer. No worries of an unpleasant exchange with such a reasonable and insightful comment. It’s utter ignorance coupled with meanness that gets me going. And be warned that Michelle will always insult someone she perceives as more intelligent than she if that someone doesn’t agree with her, but that’s no reason to censor yourself!
It’s really tuff being an American these days. With the government bailing everybody out so there will be no pain. Even the poor of the USA are in the upper 5 to 10 percent of the worlds population.
For those you just can’t stomach the shame of all the wrong they perceive being done to keep the US from succumbing to a crumbling society like those falling apart in that other part of the world.
I say:
Go and join “Goat Boy”
And this is a response to … WHAT in the story or comments?
Or, just the same old “Love it or leave it.” Real patriotic, Cook.
“It;s really tough being an American these days”…
EXACTLY! No longer do we salivate when our dear leaders ring the Liberty (?) bell to begin a feeding frenzy–a buffet of blind patriotism, unquestioning aggression , and shredding of privacy and human rights. Americans can pay attention to more sources of information now, or not. Americans can personalize their media, choose the ideology that caters to their world view, become as extreme as they wish. Or we can choose to ignore what goes on and be the dumbest nation on the planet. Eat what others dish out.
I am not tired of acknowledging the courageous actions of people in extreme circumstances, and I mourn the loss of innocent life and the health of those survivors. I am grateful for the willing bravery of our military families–they need more support. I can’t help but feel crashing disappointment in the direction we as a nation were forced to travel on the subsequent days following the attack. At what point do we channel this maudlin deification of 9/11 to justify the horror that we engage in ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. Another 10 years? Never forget? Forget what? Terrorism exists? We can never be “safe”? Strap guns to our children’s legs and drill for nuclear war every Tuesday at 8:48 am?
We remember the Alamo. Pearl Harbor. Re-enact the Civil War. But the first responders who suffer from health issues directly related to their work can’t get the treatment needed to get well or just live. Can our nation begin to channel our energies to the living? After all, the greatest lesson we learned is the beauty and tenuous nature of life. Time to shift gears, focus on healing, not showing the world we are fearsome. Let’s bring democracy to America.
Why have some of the comments disappeared (notably MQ’s)?
It disrupts the thread, some comments now make no sense.
I’m sorry, I gave MQ a five-comment max a while back, which I make exceptions to if she ever says anything that’s not an ignorant personal attack on another commenter or her usual racist blather… and then I try to quickly get rid of people’s reactions to her as well – did I miss one? People complain to me when it becomes the MICHELLE QUINN SHOW around here, and I agree.
Was it your Iraq/Iran thing up above?
Yeah, that and some of her Summer/Laura comments.
It’s a little disconcerting to reply to a comment that subsequently disappears, although I understand the reasoning behind it, I just thought that on this thread MQ was tracking fairly well (for crazy).
And why MQ and not Fiala (half the time he isn’t even coherent)?
Not trying to be critical Vern, you do a great job and I really do appreciate all the hard work you put into this blog, it can’t be easy keeping all us yahoos in line.
Well, on the Fiala question there are 4 differences:
1. I do frequently delete his comments (which is why he sounded so furious at me in his “From the Exile” comment above)
2. He doesn’t tend to broach the five-comment limit the way Quinn’ll do when she’s on a roll;
3. Maybe it’s a question of taste but I usually find him much more amusing than Quinn, even when he’s evil;
4. Every now and then he’ll blurt out something startlingly insightful!
Vern, if you are going to censor me, tell me you idiot, so I don’t waste my time. With all your friends (summer, anonster, laura) who can’t even let them fight their own battles, cause they are no match for me!
Only liberals censor, cause liberals can’t defend their own bull!
No, dear, it’s just that repetitive and nasty don’t go together. Remember – the Five Comments Rule?
“I’m sorry, I gave MQ a five-comment max a while back, which I make exceptions to if she ever says anything that’s not an ignorant personal attack on another commenter or her usual racist blather… People complain to me when it becomes the MICHELLE QUINN SHOW around here, and I agree.”
Why do you waste your time with a troll? MQ is a fraud and you keep feeding it.
Yeah, I’ve heard that theory before. But, believe it or not, she is a real person. I’ve spoken to her on the phone before.
And we do try to give everyone a voice here as long as they don’t push it too far…
I commend you for writing this piece. It was well written and well thought out.
I am disgusted by those that have chosen to use 9/11 as a rallying cry to commit acts of evil in our name. I do weep for those killed on 9/11 but I too weep for those ignorant souls that don’t understand why people are angry with America and would want to do such a horrible thing.
You are spot on about Israel. They are the source for much of the hatred directed at us. Netanyahu and Sharon are war criminals and should be tried for their crimes. Those who cry anti-semitism at any criticism of Israel are equally guilty.
Thank you for writing this Vern. As a proud American, I applaud you for this.
Spoken like a true liberal, Vern (I’ll give you credit for having the guts to say what other liberal won’t). And you even managed to sneak in a little truther talk. Thankfully, those first responders you don’t care to celebrate are part of the reason your rant only gets you scorn from most (and praise from some), and not your hands chopped off or your tongue ripped out.
I don’t think you followed me around all day, Newbie. I did celebrate the first responders, and I personally performed two very heartfelt songs related to 9/11 at church in the morning. But this post, aimed to cauterize a national WOUND that has way outlived any purpose, was not the place for that.
I think I’ll probably do a follow-up piece to this, without the bad words, as my thoughts become clearer.
What is all this “first responder” nonsense. I saw an accident in front of the Costco in Fullerton the other day. A real smash up. The “first responder” was a tow truck driver!
Just as many of the first responders at 9/11 were simple heroic civilians. But the firefighters and police that day are rightly celebrated, Tony.
Just noticed your little fantasy about “hands chopped off, tongue ripped out.” Really, you feel that at one point, 2001 or any time sense, or any time in the coming century, America is in danger of being governed by Saudi-Arabian style law?
When we were protesting the invasion of Iraq back in March ’03, one old lady counterprotestor explained her support for attacking Saddam thus: “I don’t want to end up having to wear a veil.” We really didn’t know where to start, responding to that concern.
But I don’t think that lady had as much college as you have, Newbie.
*The dog that came out every day… find their owner had gone forever. The sons and daughters, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, moms and dads……that lost their only kin. The husbands and wives of those who perished. Yeah, we are just thick slugs……that don’t understand it was a One World conspiracy….run amuck……..the guys that stayed on the 78 floor to make sure they got as many people out as they could……and never came out themselves.
Whoever did it….was not our friends…..and all their compatriots need to be water boarded 1000 times with the handcuffs placed behind their backs…..very tightly.
Then they can all go to Guantanemo….for a life loved vacation on a tropical isle.
Call us old fashioned……but…
We even bought T-shirts for the Little League Ocean View West team and watched
their parade down Main Street in Huntington Beach. Junior American Heroes!
We don’t need to mention the blood and treasure lost from our fighting folks …over
40,000 injured with lost limbs, PTS, War Bonnet itis……and so many that didn’t and won’t recover ever…..from both 911 and the 10 years of war after. No, flip is not a word anyone should imploy regarding 911.
Taking out Osama….was a milestone which everyone should appreciate… whether Bin Laden planned the attack or just stood on the sidelines to clap his hands.
Thanks Mayor Rudy…..Thanks George W……Thanks President Obama!
Jesus H Christ…
His middle name was “Harry”???
What disgusts me the most is the Teabaggers who use 911 as an excuse to promote their racism and hatred toward all Muslims and Arab Americans. No wonder so many white supremacist groups recruit at Teabagger rallies. These scum are the real danger to America!
I don’t really think the Tea Party started out that way. But sadly, it seems to have devolved a lot over the years…
“Remember – the Five Comments Rule?”
Vern – The 5 comments rule should be thrown out the fucking window – when you post an article as fucking stupid as this.
Oh yeah, and what’s so “stupid” about this article, potty mouth?
“.. what’s so “stupid” about this article, potty mouth?”
First off – your cute little asterisks don’t change the meaning of the word Fuck. So fuck you Vern – that is fucking stupid.
Second – it is pretty stupid of you to call ME a “potty mouth” when YOU start your article by saying “Fuck Sept. 11.”
Do you want more examples of the stupidity of your article? I have plenty more where those came from.
Hm… nothing substantive yet… did you remember to vote in the real poll?
I will vote in your poll if you will put up my poll as well.
What, about “Is Vern out of line?” Simpler, I’ll cast the deciding vote yes, I am out of line. Sometimes you gotta go out of line to blast through all the bullshit. And who’s gonna do it if I don’t?
New poll;
Is Vern out of line in saying “Fuck Sept. 11th” ?
Should America begin to get over this national wound and stop obsessing over it?
That is like telling liberals and minorities to stop obsessing over being poor, second class citizens, or not being white.
Forget 9-11, forget Pearl Harbor, Forget the USS Maine,
And forget Slavery, forget segregation, forget affirmative action.
The line for the “forgetter’s” to board the bus to nowhere Ville is now boarding.
Please enjoy your short cruise to …….
High Five to cook !!
But the USS Maine is questionable – just sayin’.
I was going to put in the Alamo, but there is a Maine memorial at Irvine Park on the North East side of the lake. I use to take my kids there every time we went to Irvine park, now it’s the grand kids turn. And hey, it led to a war, just like Pearl Harbor and the 9-11 attack.
Can’t believe there’s a Maine memorial.
Do the Germans celebrate the Reichstag Fire Day?
Well, Cook, it sounds like a clear choice for you … choose answer 2! Like 18% of your Juice Comrades have.
Yeah, I wouldn’t really be up for celebrating a Slavery Day, a Segregation Day, a Remember the Maine Day, either.
So Vern was 9-11 just a tragic accident?
For your readers who voted to forget, I hear that there is plenty of room to forget in Afghanistan, I am sure “Goat Boy” will welcome you with open arms.
Not a tragic accident, Cook. But, hey, did you catch that whole part where we caught KSM, where we killed OBL, where we threw AL Qaeda out of Afghanistan and now have pretty much put them out of commission, where we raised so much hell out there that many innocent people died too… but I’m getting sidetracked again. We’ve dealt with it.
Okay, I know it was incendiary for me to throw this out there on the ten-year anniversary. But I’m sure even Cook’s, Junior’s, and Rick Moore’s obsession with 9/11 will be fading as the 11th & 12th anniversaries roll around. Or else I’ll be really worried for you guys.
maybe Vern, but even tho I was not yet born in 1941. I still observe December 7th a day that will live in infamy.
It must be a human thing, people need stuff to remember, to believe in.
I bet your next big post will be about people letting go of Mohamed, Moses, Jesus, or maybe JFK, MLK, or Abe?
Enjoy your day my friend
“I bet your next big post will be about people letting go of Mohamed, Moses, Jesus, or maybe JFK, MLK, or Abe?”
No, man, THOSE people are inspiring, and healthy to remember. In a way that getting caught with your pants down and reamed is not.
You enjoy your day too my friend, and let’s move on to other good stories.
I think the US ought to address the egregious over-reaction these past ten years and the resulting effects on our economy, civil liberties, etc. There no sense in ‘getting over’ it as a historical moment without some political maturity.
That being said, of course, there should be a continued commemoration of a date when ideology decided that civilian lives were expendable.
However, if you choose to do so like Dumbitru over in Orange by slandering all of Islam and the Koran, that’s just plain stupid.
How is this for substantive Vern?
“•my nation’s bloody, greedy, imperialist meddling in that part of the world beginning with the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s last great democratic leader Mossadegh”
If those stupid fukin’ people weren’t so fuckin’ stupid they could run their own stupid fuckin’ country – and that way stupid fuckin’ people, as yourself Vern, would not have stupid fuckin’ shit to complain about.
That’s about as substantive as I get with stupid fucking people Vern.
PS: I reject the premis of your poll that the first is a rational choice – stupid fuckin’ poll.
Okay, are you familiar with the story of how we overthrew Mossadegh then? It looks like you aren’t. Do you know what the pretext was, versus the real reason? Do you know whose benefit it was for, and how it was deviously sold to Ike? Do you know who we replaced him with?
Read “All the Shah’s Men” and then come back with your complaints. Or if you’re too busy I’ll answer all those questions for you.
I don’t give a shit how we overthrew Mossa-fuckin-whatever … I told you – those stupid fuckin’ people should have the fuckin’ brains to run their own stupid fuckin’ country. If they weren’t so fuckin’ stupid they would know how to keep us out of their shitty country.
Wanna say that to an Iranian’s face, Junior? This is why people don’t like you. Losing the argument, buddy…
Put up my poll – chicken
Not interested in your silly poll. When I already said the answer to your poll is “yes,” then the answer is yes.
I love these MIGHT-MAKES-RIGHT arguments, so conservative, so christian and soooo logical.
For instance, I wonder if “junior” would feel the same way about some young lads investing in an AK-47’s and visiting him at his home and robbing him, would “junior” just consider himself to be “too fuckin’ stupid” to keep the young lads from taking anything they want from “junior’s” “shitty” house and live with the consequences of “might-makes-right” or do you think “junior” would feel violated, call the cops and try to get revenge (legally, of course)?
Bring it on – I am well heeled.
Not threatening you “junior”, just pointing out that “investing” in arms doesn’t make one right.
Your argument is silly at best and shows a DEEPLY DISTURBED MIND at worst.
Keep defending your position, it’s very revealing.
“Sometimes you gotta go out of line to blast through all the bullshit.”
You went way to far out of line – and the “bullshit” you cite is mostly just crazy ass shit and does not justify the hurt you caused.
I don’t care about your “deciding vote” in my requested poll. I want to know what others think – don’t you?
*Glad we went to war when it was uncool…… we can say that all the progeny that followed…..are now just doing crack and listening to hip hop and American Idol music.
Country Joe McDonald – Feel Like I’m Fixing To Die – Woodstock (HD) – YouTube
*Now you see….this is what you missed by us being in Europe guarding all those Gast Hauses………when there was real war going on someplace! Robert Strange McNamara infected the gene pool. You folks all have Bilderberger Sexually Transmitted Disease. It’s OK…..just sit on our toilet seat…please!
Here’s the problem, guys like Junior, who wasn’t even alive during WWII want to live that Rob Richardson nostalgia life. The truth is thats gone. There is no KP duty in the army anymore, thats done by Marriot/Host.
These kind of guys think they are doing a service to America by rallying on about 9-11 and all the Anti-Islam shit, the truth is they are hurting us.
This whole Ronald Reagan thought process that coporations can do things cheaper than government has influenced their thinking. Mike Tardiff, clearly has no idea who is running things. He more clearly has a really, really slanted view of Islam: ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS, which belongs in the category: MORMONS DON’T DRINK, CATHOLICS DON’T HAVE PREMARITAL SEX……….Get with it Grandpa.
FUCK 9-11, the more I read the ignorant comments here the more I want vote FUCK FUCK 9-11. And all the candy ass ad’s and bullshit promo’s that go along with it.
Having said that. The NFL did a decent job of commemorating the day with out being over the top (except for the Dumb Ass Ryan Brothers). That was respectful classy and enough. Matt Lauer interviewing kids is bullshit and so are these phony flag wavers who vote YES!
Vern said: “..I HAD thought I’d hit it out of the park with my inspired metaphor in paragraph 3 ..” Yes, your lovely rape metaphor – you did not hit it out of the park Vern – you hit into a triple play.
To put it in your terms – the Japanese raped us at Pearl Harbor and through WWII – they stopped (after we crushed them). We now enjoy consensual relations with our Japanese friends.
The radical Islamists have not given up – they continue to rape us & our friends – we will continue to resist their assault until they are crushed.
I call bullshit on you.
Instead of berating Vern’s logical post. Why are’nt you leading the charge against the “Madrassa” in Irvine: These crazy fuckers actually have a religious school in the USA, mixed in with Christans!
This has got to be a trick, especially when you learn, that your buddies at the LOC, who you can “disagree” with but not be “disagreebale” support this school along with their Muslim Lawyer.
So if you need to pick sides Junior, it’s time!
Outgrow your name and pick a side…….You’ve made it clear here: Your either with you or against you. Or does that just count depending on which BLOG you comment on.
Man talk about a community of hypocrites!
“This is why people don’t like you.”
I don’t lose sleep over assholes who don’t like me – with this post you have proven yourself an asshole Vern.
I’m glad you’re not losing sleep old man, but it’s getting late. Now go to bed.
It’s OK…..just DON’T sit on our toilet seat…please!
By the way……..
SEAL TEAM SIX: They don’t exist – until they find you. Then you don’t exist!
Is that a quiet Black Helocopter circling your house again? Don’t light up….but
that is just our advice.
“Instead of berating Vern’s logical post.”
There was little logic in Vern’s “Fuck Sept.11th” post – and much to berate.
I welcome the New Horizon School in Irvine. It is no more a “madrasa” – as you termed it – than the parochial school my children attended.
So fuck you kenlay.
So why the sudden change of heart Grandpa??
I realize It would be a shame to piss off the only guys in the blogesphere who take you seriously. Don’t worry, as soon as the wind shifts, you’ll have a new enemy and two fewer friends.
The BIG difference between Mater Dei and New Horizon is that they don’t FUCK the students! If Father Harris was a principal at New Horizon, would they have killed him, what about Andrade?
You are worthless …
I am sorry to see this blog again go the way of Art Pedroza and Sean Mill.
Al you progs and libs and communists are running around with your hair on fire because you know that BHO is on his way out.
Republican Wins House Race in New York, Seen as Obama Rebuke
Obama will be our next President. Do I look excited about it? No, not excited. But he sure is better than the alternatives. Also, hair not on fire.
Hey – wasn’t that the guy killed Osama Bin Laden?
Hey – and why are you still up old man? It’s midnight. You’re getting worse than Quinn.
Vern said: “Wanna say that to an Iranian’s face, Junior?”
The only way I could say that to an Iranians face would be right here in the good ol’ USA – so that Iranian would have already voted – with his or her feet – that their country of origin is fucked up.
Woke up early and ignorant, eh? Iranians are here either because they fled the Shah in the 60s / 70s; or the Mullahs since 79. If we’da let their fucking country alone and not overthrown their democracy in ’53, the only Iranians you’d see would be visitors happily going back and forth.
If they had a clue about running their own fucking country we would not have felt it necessary or have been able to interfer – they are fucking stupid. I am tired of fucking stupid countries – my wife thinks that we should turn them all to glass. I wouldn’t say that.
You idiot. Iran’s democracy was overthrown by the British and our nascent CIA FOR THE BENEFIT OF BRITISH OIL COMPANIES. You are the stupid one, and I’m getting that you’re gonna go to your grave defending evil, never knowing a fraction of what really happens in the world.
anonster said:
“Not threatening you “junior”, just pointing out that “investing” in arms doesn’t make one right. Your argument is silly at best and shows a DEEPLY DISTURBED MIND at worst. Keep defending your position, it’s very revealing.”
anonster – buddy – YOU are the one that brought up firearms DUMBSHIT. I thought that my use of an archaic term regarding being armed for self defense was pretty mild.
you and Vern can both fuck off
If you can’t handle this thread, old man, go hit the showers, like kenlay said. You’re obviously still too upset to understand anything people are writing here.
Nice personal attack Vern.
I am sorry to see this blog again go the way of Art Pedroza and Sean Mill.
Ha~ You are something else!
You’re like some little kid or animal crying, Hit me, hit me, and then finally, “Hey! He hit me!”
An animal .. really? I don’t see the analogy here Vern – I think that I am getting some pretty good blows in myself. One more thing – fuck off.
Yeah, you repeatedly called all Iranians “fucking stupid.” Real skillful blow! And you don’t know the first thing about the country or its history. And I just realized, thinking about it, that you’ve never served in the military either, or you wouldn’t be so ignorant. Now I’m calling YOU fucking stupid. You’ve polluted this thread enough, don’t put up any more comments on this story.
“.. you repeatedly called all Iranians “fucking stupid.””
That is false.
You repeatedly, and with no knowledge or interest in learning, claimed that we overthrew their democratically elected leader because they were fucking stupid, and didn’t know how to run their fucking country.
I dare you to say that to any Iranian your size and age, but be prepared to get decked.
“’ve never served in the military either, or you wouldn’t be so ignorant ..”
I honor those who have served – which is much more than this blog has done.
“.. You’ve polluted this thread enough ..”
It is kind of difficult to pollute a cesspool & acid pit like this blog.
I could tell. Most people I know who’ve been in the military have more knowledge, and RESPECT, for other cultures. Your ignorant hostility and flag-waving is the sure mark of the chickenhawk, the guy who always secretly wishes he had served and has an inferiority complex about it, which he tries to compensate for with obnoxious overly jingoist blogging.
This blog honors the military far more than you do. For one thing, we actually take an interest, and keep our readers informed, of where they get sent and what the real reasons are. Also, we’re the only OC blog that regularly honors all the troops this county has lost each Memorial Day, with bios, anecdotes and pictures.
Okay, that wraps up your contribution to this thread. We’ll see you elsewhere no doubt.
hey vern! this is such an incredibly layered account–on 9-11, on 9-ll, i’ve not known where to start a response or how to conjure a viable contribution to discussion! been germinating, but the pith of it is, your potentially uncensored demand that we lay down the laurels of our pain, our fear-righteousness, our apple pie without its pippins–yeah, acknowledge our loss and shock, rightly bury our heros (reckless or not) and move in a constructive forward procession away from that–it’s a great and laudable call to freedom and sensicality.
thank you for this, sans offense at your scattered and pointed and profuse so-called eff-bombs. they work for me, in fact, they’re oft’times strategically placed. Loving the varied and many responses… you’ve stirred the temple shit!!! now, as Ms. M’s been known to urge, and this would be a misquote: can’t we all just hol’ hands n get along? Ground is laid. Thanks for your infamous and powerful, “F**k 9-11” !!!
Great post Vern!
I told you it was a stupid fucking country filled with stupid fucking people – I am proven right!
Moron. EVERYBODY knows Iran is a fucked-up country NOW. This wouldn’t have happened under the democratically elected, secular government that WE OVERTHREW. Do you even fucking remember what this discussion was about?
Why are your replies so repeatedly personally offensive Vern? That is not necessary, not effective and not like you.
I try not initiate that type of really low level debate tactic – however, I will respond in a like manner if called out.
Who said that when you start calling names you have lost the debate? You are sounding more and more like Art Pedroza and Sean Mill every day.
It just makes me very impatient that you’ve forgotten what your original point was. You can waste all day for the whole year putting up examples of bad things that are happening in Iran now. That doesn’t show that we were right to overthrow their last good, democratically elected leader; in fact it makes the opposite point. So DROP THIS. AGAIN.
“Why are your replies so repeatedly personally offensive Vern? That is not necessary, not effective and not like you.
I try not initiate that type of really low level debate tactic – however, I will respond in a like manner if called out.”
Junior proves once again how delusional he is;
The following were all posted by YOU junior;
“Fuck Vern Nelson on Sept. 11th and each and every other day”
” …So fuck you Vern – that is fucking stupid.”
“That’s about as substantive as I get with stupid fucking people Vern.”
“Put up my poll – chicken”
“I don’t lose sleep over assholes who don’t like me – with this post you have proven yourself an asshole Vern.”
“So fuck you kenlay.”
“anonster – buddy – YOU are the one that brought up firearms DUMBSHIT. I thought that my use of an archaic term regarding being armed for self defense was pretty mild.
you and Vern can both fuck off”
“Nice personal attack Vern.”
“One more thing – fuck off.”
“Who said that when you start calling names you have lost the debate?”
“I have NOT forgotten my original point Vern – you are full of shit – just like AP & SM”
junior your comments to other bloggers have been nasty and awful, but as bad as they were they are nothing compared to your comments revealing your world view, you are truly an ugly human being.
I guess youmissed the part where I indicated that I do not INITIATE personal attacks – those comments were all prvoked by the initiation of those types of comments within a thread by others. Except perhaps in your case, where you have repeatedly self-identified as a DUMBSHIT.
” I do not INITIATE personal attacks”
Yeah junior, except that you did, your very first comment was “FUCK VERN NELSON” and show me where I called you a name.
Like I said, you’re delusional.
I have NOT forgotten my original point Vern – you are full of shit – just like AP & SM. The only point I have made in this thread is as follows:
Vern said: “•my nation’s bloody, greedy, imperialist meddling in that part of the world beginning with the 1953 overthrow of Iran’s last great democratic leader Mossadegh”
junior said: “If those stupid fukin’ people weren’t so fuckin’ stupid they could run their own stupid fuckin’ country – and that way stupid fuckin’ people, as yourself Vern, would not have stupid fuckin’ shit to complain about.”
We are still talking about stupid fuckin’ people – same point.
And we were right to overthrow their STF leader because his “democratic election” was sketchy and he was going to be overthrown by someone else anyway.
I am going to change my comment name to “vernisartandseantransmorgrified”