Bernie & Ruth….no Ozzie and Harriet Nelson!




Ruth Madoff….is coming out of the cold.  All her usual invitations to Jewish fund raisers have dried up.  The Simon Weisenthal Center refuses to return Ruth’s phone calls.  Ruth is letting everyone know….that when things were the worst, she and Bernie were determined to commit suicide.  They had a glass of wine, contemplated the lack of social invitations, the years apart from each other, the many years in jail for Bernie, the death of one of their sons, the loss of all their Country Club memberships and the outright thought that they might actually have to admit…they did something wrong.  As Ruth chatted with Barbra Walters she told of how most of the people that they fleeced out of their life savings….would or might get up to 60% of what they invested back.

We wonder if Steven Spielberg was called by Ruth with a similar plea?  We wonder if Bernie is upset he can’t have a Twitter or Facebook Account in the State pen?  All in all, we have never heard the like of it.  The Madoffs make the Keating Seven look like choir boys.  Madoff made Ken Lay, Jeff Skillings, Bernie Ebbers and now Goldman-Sachs Gupta also look like Eagle Boy Scouts that inadvertenly hired a hooker instead of delivering chicken to homeless elderly folks at Thanksgiving.

Ruth…please join the ranks of Casey Anthony, Lindsay Lohan and a raft of other disfunctional folks that need a hand up.  Lohan we hear is going to be giving a leg up instead….but for a cool million bucks.  Think they are going to call it: “Hef’s Last Stand”!  The less we see of any of these folks the better.  They are a disgrace to lawabiding, gun toting Tea Party and Occupy folks everywhere!

What happened to our Ozzie and Harriet Nelson world?  Guess we can just quickly dismiss it by saying: “Oh, that was the 50’s!”  Ricky Nelson was a “Teenage Idol” and his brother David was a constant pillar of society.  Ozzie and Harriet never bilked thousands of their closest friends out of billions of dollars.  Ricky died poor, David died just recently but we were lucky enough to say hi to him two years ago over in Canary Village in Newport Beach.

Bernie, please enjoy your next 150 years “in you quiet and peaceful place”.  Ruth enjoy that same 150 years regretting not completing your suicide pack with Bernie “the man who really never did much wrong but try to support his family.”

“Some people call me a teenage idol…some people say they envy me……but they got no way of knowin how lonesome I can be……..I need somebody to be my baby… tell my troubles to……but they got no way of knowin ….cause I’m just passin through…” …..Ricky Nelson 1959

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.