Deborah Pauly probably running against Todd Spitzer and Mark Bucher for 3rd Supe Seat





Well, this race should be colorful!

You know how close  I am with Deborah Pauly, the notorious Villa Park Councilwoman and Vice-chair of the OC GOP Central Committee, best known for publicly wishing death on peaceful OC Muslim men, women and children, comparing Obamacare to anal sex on her Facebook page, and announcing that Democrats are “of, by, and for The Terrorists?”

That’s probably why she chose me, Far-Left Vern, to be the bringer of this bombshell:  she is almost certainly going to join the 3rd Supervisorial District race against Todd Spitzer and Mark Bucher, if and when the latter actually announces.  (The 3rd District contains Irvine, Orange, Tustin, Brea, Villa Park, Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills and parts of Anaheim, and all those places nobody goes with names like Trabuco Canyon.)

What she actually told me is that she’s been seriously thinking of running against Spitzer since she first heard crazy Chuck “Santorum” DeVore – the anti-Spitzer Republicans’ previous candidate – was packing it in for Texas, and that if her arch-enemy Mark Bucher runs as has been reported, she is “much more likely” to jump in.  And as Moxley reported Bucher’s run as a fact from his most reliable source *cough*Schroeder* I’m counting the Spitzer-Pauly-Bucher brawl as over 90% probable.

Deb adds, in a creepy deep female voice that sounds like a nerve-wracked, humorless Ann Coulter, “This should be a very interesting Central Committee meeting tonight.”  It ALWAYS is, when Vice-Chair Pauly is around, from what I hear!

This should really clinch things for the wiry, mercurial Spitzer, with his name recognition, infectious personality, and million-dollar war chest – having his “conservative” base of opposition split between union haters and Mexican-and-Muslim haters – split between the unlikeable nuisance lawyer Bucher (yes, my big Bucher piece will be ready this week I promise) and the utterly deranged and divisive Pauly.

Spitzer’s biggest problem is his unfortunate vote one decade ago for the unaffordable “3%-at-50” retirement deal for cops and firefighters.  Of course that masterstroke of fiscal madness was signed off on by politicians of both parties in the wake of the September 11 attacks as they fell all over themselves and each other to show how much they loved them some law-and-order men.

Todd has repeatedly admitted that that was an extravagant mistake, and I know that over the coming year he will piss me off repeatedly as he tries out all manner of extreme statements and positions to re-establish his “conservative” bona fides, but – in the absence of a viable liberal candidate – you can mark this blogger off as in the Spitzer camp.  Todd won the hearts of a lot of us last year when he helped to bring down the very corrupt, incompetent and wasteful Public Administrator/Guardian John S Williams, in the process pissing off the whole incestuous Schoeder/Rackauckas/Baugh machine and losing his job and place in line as the next anointed District Attorney.  (See “When Scumbags Collide.“)

And while 3% at 50 is a black mark, we do need Supervisors who have more in their toolbox for dealing with unions than just trying to cut them off at the knees as Bucher’s gang does.  And Pauly?  LOL.  You go, girl!   Be yourself, be outrageous!  Tear those boys up.  And with each bigoted and insane statement you make, keep emphasizing that you’re Vice Chair of the OC Republican Party! Hit those Mexicans, hit those Muslims, hit us Democrats!  We are preparing the popcorn as we speak.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.