Well, this race should be colorful!
You know how close I am with Deborah Pauly, the notorious Villa Park Councilwoman and Vice-chair of the OC GOP Central Committee, best known for publicly wishing death on peaceful OC Muslim men, women and children, comparing Obamacare to anal sex on her Facebook page, and announcing that Democrats are “of, by, and for The Terrorists?”
That’s probably why she chose me, Far-Left Vern, to be the bringer of this bombshell: she is almost certainly going to join the 3rd Supervisorial District race against Todd Spitzer and Mark Bucher, if and when the latter actually announces. (The 3rd District contains Irvine, Orange, Tustin, Brea, Villa Park, Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills and parts of Anaheim, and all those places nobody goes with names like Trabuco Canyon.)
What she actually told me is that she’s been seriously thinking of running against Spitzer since she first heard crazy Chuck “Santorum” DeVore – the anti-Spitzer Republicans’ previous candidate – was packing it in for Texas, and that if her arch-enemy Mark Bucher runs as has been reported, she is “much more likely” to jump in. And as Moxley reported Bucher’s run as a fact from his most reliable source *cough*Schroeder* I’m counting the Spitzer-Pauly-Bucher brawl as over 90% probable.
Deb adds, in a creepy deep female voice that sounds like a nerve-wracked, humorless Ann Coulter, “This should be a very interesting Central Committee meeting tonight.” It ALWAYS is, when Vice-Chair Pauly is around, from what I hear!
This should really clinch things for the wiry, mercurial Spitzer, with his name recognition, infectious personality, and million-dollar war chest – having his “conservative” base of opposition split between union haters and Mexican-and-Muslim haters – split between the unlikeable nuisance lawyer Bucher (yes, my big Bucher piece will be ready this week I promise) and the utterly deranged and divisive Pauly.
Spitzer’s biggest problem is his unfortunate vote one decade ago for the unaffordable “3%-at-50” retirement deal for cops and firefighters. Of course that masterstroke of fiscal madness was signed off on by politicians of both parties in the wake of the September 11 attacks as they fell all over themselves and each other to show how much they loved them some law-and-order men.
Todd has repeatedly admitted that that was an extravagant mistake, and I know that over the coming year he will piss me off repeatedly as he tries out all manner of extreme statements and positions to re-establish his “conservative” bona fides, but – in the absence of a viable liberal candidate – you can mark this blogger off as in the Spitzer camp. Todd won the hearts of a lot of us last year when he helped to bring down the very corrupt, incompetent and wasteful Public Administrator/Guardian John S Williams, in the process pissing off the whole incestuous Schoeder/Rackauckas/Baugh machine and losing his job and place in line as the next anointed District Attorney. (See “When Scumbags Collide.“)
And while 3% at 50 is a black mark, we do need Supervisors who have more in their toolbox for dealing with unions than just trying to cut them off at the knees as Bucher’s gang does. And Pauly? LOL. You go, girl! Be yourself, be outrageous! Tear those boys up. And with each bigoted and insane statement you make, keep emphasizing that you’re Vice Chair of the OC Republican Party! Hit those Mexicans, hit those Muslims, hit us Democrats! We are preparing the popcorn as we speak.
To have three candidates would make the election interesting and motivate more people to vote. I hope all of them will run.
Yikes — if I correctly recall that there’s no runoff, a Democrat could win this race!
Currently, says Wikipedia, “the Third Supervisorial District consists of the cities of Brea, Irvine, Orange, Tustin, Villa Park, and Yorba Linda, as well as the Anaheim Hills area in the city of Anaheim. It also includes the unincorporated areas of El Modena, MCAS El Toro, Modjeska Canyon, Olive, Orange Park Acres, Santiago Canyon, Silverado, Trabuco Canyon, and Tustin Foothills.”
Beth Krom could win that seat against a field that divided. If Debra Pauly gets the nomination, Krom could probably even get the majority of Republican votes!
Ah, I don’t really think either of those ladies could beat Todd…
Is Beth thinking about that race? You know something?
(oh .. just noticed “no runoff” in your comment. Is that true? Anybody? Cook?)
On second thought … Maybe if Beth re-invented herself as a big, vocal supporter of Occupy Irvine … who knows? There’s a mass movement out here looking for representation!
You have to be joking… the turnout to Occupy Irvine was a joke.
A thousand over the course of the first day, a joke? And over half of the passing motorists honking in support? Glad you have such a good sense of humor, Fred. It’ll help you through the big changes coming soon.
Look at the Janet vs. T. Nguyen race in 2007. Did it go to a runoff? The Wikipedia page says no — but I do seem to remember a Nelson-Sidhu runoff so maybe there is one. Or maybe it’s special vs. regular elections, or it’s changed — who knows? (Hopefully someone here!)
I have no info that Beth is thinking about that race; I just use her as an example if there’s a three-way GOP split.
I can’t believe none of us know. I’ll call the registrar tomorrow.
That was a special election to replace Correa. No run off. The tiny turnout was skewed to the agitated Vietnamese electorate.
Nguyen won’t be so fortunate next June.
Really. Who’s going against Janet?
Lou Correa.
I guess the reason that never occurred to me was … he’s still got a Senate seat till 2014. This is a surprise…
@Vern — compared him favorably?
Correa and Spitzer … would be a slight improvement over Nguyen and Campbell. I’d rather have Lou sticking up for working people on the 5th floor to the degree he does, than standing in the way of progressive legislation in Sacramento.
Yikes! What a choice. But seriously anybody would be better than Campbell, the fake “conservative” who loves to bail out failed real estate speculators and campaign contributors.
OK, talked to the registrar…
The Supervisorial races (for districts 1 where Janet is running for re-election and 3 where Campbell’s termed out) are on June 5.
If nobody gets “50% plus 1” it goes on to a November runoff between the top two.
So the scenario of the Republicans destroying each other in district 3 while a Dem sneaks by with 30% isn’t happening. Either Todd gets 50% plus 1 in June, or he beats Bucher or Pauly or someone else in November.
Lou vs. Janet next year? I’ve got to look into that. Does that mean a special election for Lou’s seat? And Jose gets to run for that two years earlier than he’d thought? What tumultuous times we live in.
The men to whom she was referring were clearly linked to terrorists, a fact backed up by Congressman Ed Royce, who also spoke at the rally. http://royce.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=227304
Oh yeah? Well, I’ve written all about it, and it wasn’t that long ago, so you can’t just make up new facts now.
First of all, Deb was clearly referring to all the assembled Muslims, peaceful women and children. Later she tried to claim she was only speaking about the two speakers Imam Siraj Wahhaj and Malik-Ali, but was terrified to mention them by name because they might kill her – pathetic! – and so she unleashed her venom, and that of her crowd of followers, on the peaceful group outside.
Furthermore, granted Malik-Ali is a crazy firebrand orator (about like Pauly herself) who I don’t think was a good choice for speaker, but I don’t know that he’s “linked” to any terrorists – while Imam Wahhaj isn’t “linked to terrorists” at all – he is in fact the first Islamic holy man to be invited to give an invocation before the US Congress. Nervous and hateful types consider him dangerous because he speaks of a future where America becomes an Islamic nation – that’s about as dangerous as me dreaming that we’ll be a socialist nation some time this century.
$600,000 was made that night, which all went to domestic (US) charities and was strictly accounted for.
And “Ed Royce says it” makes it true? Yeah, right… At least Deb’s speech made Ed’s and Gary’s look sane and statesmanlike.
You are linked to terrorists also, by the way. Your government gave arms to the Taliban (and others.) But no major county political figure is screaming for your imprisonment and/or execution, are they?
I think that one good indication that the “clear links” between these men and terrorists are somewhere between tenuous and spurious is that they’re still walking around happily and unmolested by the government. Don’t you?
Meanwhile, thank you for tying Ed Royce that much more firmly to Deborah Pauly. Say, you wouldn’t happen to be working for Gary Miller’s campaign, are you?
Gary was there too, and gave a speech very similar to Ed’s, although I seem to remember Gary making a little more effort to praise all the moderate and peaceful Muslims in America and the OC.
Unfortunately it’s impossible to go back and check, since the Republican videographer George Collins seems to not only have been successful in forcing CAIR’s edited clips off You Tube, but even – inexplicably – hiding his own IN-CONTEXT original film of the rally – which is supposedly exculpatory.
We really need a Muslim Democrat to run against them both in CA-39, just to make the debates that much more interesting.
*We love Deb….she will knock Todd right out of the box. Hopefully, the party will
make the right call…for once. If they go for Toddy……..turn out the lights…the party’s
God, you two, think before you write. Just because you think she’s cute doesn’t mean she deserves your support. Do you listen to ANYTHING she says?
“We love Deb….she will knock Todd right out of the box.”…….. Hmmmm
Winships, I was unaware that Todd was in her box.
Vern, Todd will get my vote for the way he helped route John S. Williams out as the Public Guardian – although Williams still gets his full pay! Todd stuck his neck out to go after the corruption in the D.A.’s office (T-Rack’s girlfriend WAS the assistant PG) and the Public Guardian’s office. Who else would have done that? Yes, Todd was on a vendetta because he was fired due to the lies Williams and T-Rack (via Susan Toader), but nonetheless, this is unheard of in political arenas! Todd has my vote my friend! The others just don’t stand a chance.
Allan Mansoor is HOT…he should run!
lets not forget that mr schroeder has committed several hundred thousand of his own dollars to an ie to topple todd. my money is on schroeder and the anybody but todd candidate
Another reason to root for Todd!
Remember the biggest reason the Dark Lord Schroeder hates Todd – Todd went after his wife S-Kang, for good reasons.
Willie, you’re on. I’ll put $100 on Todd, you on Schroeder’s boy Bucher (or you can include Pauly if you want.) Are you still playing at that bar on Balbaoa?
*We might advise those folks out there that Michelle Bachmann is cute too….and she
has just as much chance of taking the Republican nomination as Herman Cain…..just
watch what happens in Iowa.
Meanwhile, we will stay with our pick “Deb”. She actually responds to e-mails. When
is the last time any of you got a personal response from Todd when he was either “in” or “out” of office? His newsletter was self absorbed tripe! But then we are not being kind to tripe!
Todd was my supervisor prior to being in the assembly. He was absolutely one of the better supervisors for our community. No question.
Not only did he return e-mail, he returned phone calls. He fought hard for this community (as assemblyman) during the 2007 fires (and after).
I don’t know why he never returned your calls, he DID return mine… and I am a lifelong lefty.
“I don’t know why he never returned your calls, he DID return mine… and I am a lifelong lefty.”……….. Hmmmmm
Sometimes Winships suffer fro the delirium tremens.
Ron & Anna,
I enjoy much of what you write; I truly do. But can you tell me if you take issue with her comments made at the Yorba Linda anti-CAIR rally and subsequently? Given those sentiments, I don’t care if she replies to my e-mails with yummy baskets of fresh fruit and muffins; I could not support her even over other bad Republicans. She’s trying to use racism as a means for political advancement and that simply cannot be tolerated. I hope that you’ll reconsider your support, in the cause of opposing bigotry.
I know. And many many other things Deb has said and done. I sometimes can’t think WHAT to say to the Winships, who seem like nice people, but sometimes support monsters just because they seem “likeable” to them. At least we can be glad they don’t live in Pauly’s district. And that there’s no way Pauly will win. Don’t go sending her money, though, Ron and Ana, without thinking about it a lot more – not only a waste, but it will leave a black mark on your soul.
*The only assessments that mean anything are one on one interchanges. Many things are done for political reasons. Many things are done because some supporter or advisor has made the wrong call and tweaked the candidates attitude on one issue or another.
Meaningful, begets truthful and when some candidate makes a pivotal error in judgment – they have to pay the price at the polls. Racists? Ask her again! Make the statement clear and concise and ask her to respond in writing. Saving all other responses………we will demur until the next public meeting and her responses to various issues and answers.
Okay, ask her if she still believes Democrats are terrorists. And if she is still “ashamed” of her fellow Republican Villa Park Councilmen for declining to name their town a “Rule of Law City” that backs Arizona’s papers-please law. And if she still thinks we should “feel sodomized” by Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
She probably won’t give you an honest answer about her anti-Muslim rants in Villa Park, because she knows she jumped the shark on that. But still listen to what she says about our fellow Muslim Americans. She can’t hide her bigotry that well.
And then look at backing Bucher if you can’t stand Todd. Oh wait, you really don’t have to, as you’re not in that district.
That’s why I never condemned Qaddafi — I never met the man one-on-one (he said, facetiously.)
John McCain said he was a fascinating man. I wonder if he would have voted for him. Oh well, too late now.
*Bro Vern, there is nothing worse than duplicity. It is rather rampant in the ranks of politicians of all stripes. Double dealing, twisted logic and of course the worst of all…..selliing out for the big paycheck. Unless a candidate can exhibit a pride of ownership…..and willingness to stand tall…….we have a problem.
Another good example was Lucille Kring in Anaheim. From our standpoint she is the best in every regard. She is a wonderful person and we love her, not because we appeared on her program “Kring’s Korner” numerous times, but because she had no problem “listening”. Deb Pauley suffers from those same maladies and as a result she stands at a crossroads. If she sells out now…..she will never recover and be relegated to a “near do well” forever. However, if she stands tall against Todd and lets the chips fall where they may…….she could succeed ….and for that we would be grateful.
Oh and one more thing – I firmly disagree with your philosophy of getting to know what a politician is like “One on one.” They are ALL, ALWAYS pleasant and reasonable when you talk to them one on one. That’s why they’re good politicians. They always have the amazing knack of always making you feel that they agree with you, even if they “unfortunately” can’t do what they should about it.
No the measure of a politician is what they do and accomplish, and say in public – not private.
And yes, even if what they say in public is a bullshit statement that bears no relation to reality or a bullshit promise they may or may not intend to keep, a public statement by a prominent person IS also an action.
*Being smooth or slippery is not what we are talking about. Three quick questions on any number of subjects will eventually have to find a resolution they need to stand up to.