Scenes from OCCUPY the Democratic Party! (Truman Dinner 2011)

Our little Occupy rally outside the Democratic Party of Orange County’s 2011 Truman Dinner fundraiser was pretty successful and fun!  Remember, it was not officially sanctioned by Occupy Orange County who rightly insist on remaining non-political and non-partisan, but was intended by renegade Occupy members to put some steel in the spine of the Democrats when that Party purports to stand up for the 99% of us, and remind them that there is a big mass movement outside their door, that they’ll need to either ignore at their peril or embrace.  From now on.

And most of the OC Democrats who drove by our rally seemed quite receptive to that message, except for a few old fuddy-duddies who looked utterly confused, and one or two who flipped us off probably thinking we were Teabaggers…

First, your Very Humble Orange Juice Bloggers who masterminded this:

OJ Editor Vern Nelson.  (2008 Democratic Volunteer of the Year, and renegade Occupier.)

OJ Blogger  Greg “Encino” Diamond, who was also able to afford to attend the Dinner.  (Which was a sold-out, great success, I hear.)

Marselle the Choctaw Sister gets right to the point, with her Dylan Ratigan-inspired “Get Money Out” sign

A young Santa Ana artist known only as “Matt” shares his message for the Democratic Party.

For those of you who think we have no concrete suggestions, Yenny has one – directed at the California Democrats and Governor in attendance.

Santa Ana artist and musician Theo Hirsch goes with the “ghetto” look.

Cannabis activist Nicole’s sign, very appropriate for the Occupy movement, is based on a Ghandi quote – but much more effective and menacing with the Guy Fawkes pic.

Union stalwart John Grace sports signs from PDA (Progressive Democrats of America.)

Marselle exchanges peace sign with former legislator Joe Dunn.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.