
Two down, two to go (toward a decent trustworthy Fair Board, that is.)
“Babs” Venezia reported yesterday that cranky shriveled pharisee Dale Dykema and hapless long-suffering follower Gary Hayakawa, who have been two of Dave Ellis’ dependable allies in all his crooked Fairgrounds-related schemes, are coming to the ends of their terms on the Fair Board come the Ides of January. At which point, Governor Brown should and probably will replace them with better people – people who will take seriously their oath to steward the property as a public trust.
We Derail-the-Sale people are rooting for beloved former Costa Mesa Councilwoman Katrina Foley, and Ashley Aiken, the daughter of legendary Democratic lawyer Wiley. But anyone can apply, and good OJ friend / Coast College trustee Jim Moreno passes along instructions how:
…to become qualified you have to submit an “on-line” application: www.gov.ca.gov/m_appointments.php
Make sure to get the address correct. You will get to the Governors’ application for appointment page.
Click on “online application”
You go to the next page. “application for appointment.”
Click on “begin application.”
Begin filling our your information and MOST IMPORTANT under #3 fill in from the drop down screen there are two positions which are described.
Agricultural Assn., District 32, Orange Co. Fair
Agricultural Assn., District 32a, Orange County Fairgrounds
I would think the second title related to the Fairgrounds would be the one, but on the safe side I would fill in both positions.
I am writing you today to not only to have you apply, but also to distribute this information amongst our strong Democratic friends to make a difference in how these Fairgrounds will serve our County its residents and the hard working people who depend on jobs through this great event. [Vern note: Governor Brown says you don’t need to be a Democrat – if true, THAT would be a departure from the longstanding tradition of rewarding loyalists and donors.]
As a Trustee at the Coast College District I also depend on this site on a daily basis for the students of Orange Coast College. Parking is a precious commodity when you need to get to class and it is provided for. Let’s get good people on the OC Fair Board. It is our time!!
“Let’s Roll.”
Yeah. Imagine what it’ll be like for Chairman Ellis, losing his pliant majority. Hopefully he’ll just resign at that point. (Venezia reports that the Governor “doesn’t have the authority to unilaterally remove the previous administration’s appointees prior to the expiration of their terms” – otherwise we’d be all over him at the Truman Dinner Oct. 11 to replace all four of the members above ASAP!)
Imagine what the new improved Board will be able to do, whether Ellis stays on or not:
- Reverse its decision to get rid of Jeff Teller’s OC Market Place as the swap meet operators – it’s becoming clear that Ellis and cronies are not only punishing Teller for blowing up their Swindle plans, but also planning to hand the gig over to their friends at Delaware North, an aptly named shady outfit whom this blog’ll be taking a closer look at soon.
- Move forward with new director Nick Berardino‘s two great ideas which have so far been shot down: a forensic audit of what exactly went down with these crooks in 2009-10, and a citizens’ oversight board going forward.
- Stop wasting tens of thousands of dollars on the pricey Mannat-Phelps attorneys that were only hired because Attorney General Brown withdrew his reasonably-priced lawyer due to the Board’s shady dealings and conflicts of interests. Now that the new improved Board will have nothing to hide from the public, they can go back to using someone competent and reasonably priced from AG Kamala Harris’ office.
- What else?
PS. In other breaking bad news for Dave Ellis, Inland Politics reports that he and his crooked crony Brett Granlund are finally being dumped by San Bernardino County Employees Retirement Association. Really, what took so long? Years after these clowns drove the fund into the ground? Damn, these things take a long time. But that’ll be hundreds of thousands a year less for Dave. Maybe it’ll leave him more time to make glossy mailers trashing Tony Bushala so Fullerton voters will be too scared to vote to recall their Three Blind Mice Councilmen.
Jim Moreno himself would be a good choice too.
Can you please explain what you meant by calling Dale “cranky shriveled pharisee?”
I’m assuming, Neil, that you’re only puzzled about the word “pharisee.” I was trying to get across Dale’s conspicuous trait of unjustified self-righteousness.
An acquaintance of mine who knows both Dave Ellis and Dale Dykema well, says that they’ll do exactly the same crooked, self-interested things, but Dave “lives in the sewer, knows he lives in the sewer, and is proud he lives in the sewer,” while Dale is always CONVINCED that everything he does is for the most noble, selfless motives, and bristles with outrage whenever anyone suggests otherwise.
Also, there is something high-priest-like (or at least godfather-like) about how Dale sits at his desk and cuts checks of different sizes to all the supplicant GOP candidates lined up at his bedroom office door.
Gary Hayakawa I don’t know as much about. People feel sorry for him. The old guy hobbles into meetings with his walker, he wants everyone to like him, he puts on a great show of fretting and worrying about doing the right thing, but he still ends up doing everything Dave Ellis says, because Dave is convincing that way.
I always loved Spy magazine in the 90’s, especially their little thumbnail caricatures, like “social-climbing war criminal Henry Kissinger” and “short-fingered vulgarian Donald Trump.” I suppose they were an influence on me.
Jim, katrina or Ashley would be terrific. People that have shown over the years they truly care about the people they represent. The arrogance and corruption of Ellis, Dykema, Hayakawa, and Beazley over the years needs to come to an end. Their total betrayal of the Fairgrounds employee’s and the employee’s families for nothing more than their own personal greed is unforgiving.