“Born Red, Die Red” Redman March on Washington D.C. – July 4th, 2012




I just caught wind of this upcoming march on Facebook and don’t mind giving press to our nation’s most forgotten minority and my indigenous brothers. Besides, it’s a group that I can support that will give the drum circle and other Native rituals the respect and dignity that they deserve. Unlike some of the Kemo Sabe poseurs out there who pretend to be “Native” just so they can look cool in front of CNN or their equally ignorant comrades.

Without further ado, I will turn this over to my Ojibwa and Potawatomi brother Franklin A. Cornstalk, Jr (100% full blood. Or so he tells me)

What's the difference?



(From their Facebook fan page. I will do the punctuation editing.)

Join us today as we prepare to March on Washington on July 4th in the summer of 2012. It is time that our voices are heard. Want to be heard? Sign up, make plans to be there and request all of your tribal members to join us show this country real power

The first of its kind, we are not invisible people and with your tribal support we can debunk the policy makers in DC who lambaste us with rhetoric. Maybe this can be the beginning of a political power base for all of the First Nations people in this great country as We MARCH peacefully, on the Fourth of July weekend,2012 to find the solution to the release of our politically held brother, Leonard Peltier, along with many other sociological ills perpetuated on us. Traditionalists be stirred, we have to spring forth a new voice in the twenty first century so our children’s children will see by our actions that free will is the thing. Want to be heard? Sign up, make plans to be there and request all of your tribal members to join and show this country real power. like the Mississippi!!!

Ho Miigwetch

Franklin A. Cornstalk Jr (Ojibwa, potawatomi, and Ottawa) full blood!

My name is Franklin Cornstalk and I created this group. As the number of members grow they all will have questions,inquiries from members who are not on Facebook and be able to point them to an administrator who can provide pertinent info. Here is my phone number and email address to this end: 207-807-6920, n email: neemewinanong46@yahoo.com I will have a brochure-info packets to mail out

Ho miigwetch!

Hi, it’s Guy again. As soon as there is an official web site and more information, I will be passing it on.

Here is their Facebook site: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Redman-March-on-Washington-2012-Offical-Site/174530335921722?sk=info

Gakina Awiiya

About Guy Fawkes