George Orwell should run as the Republican Candidate for 2012!




Just three weeks till the Iowa Caucus.  Newt Blingrich is the current frontrunner.  Rick Santorum is trailing so far back, he is just a speck on the horizon.  Tim Tebow seemingly has a better chance of winning the Republican Nomination than any of the current slate of Republicans that are running.  We need to see Newt take the Tebow “heaven can wait”  position at a political rally or in the very next debate before New Hampshire!  Demogogues seem to be the popular prevailing order of things right now.   Whoever they are, wherever they are…..the Republicans appear to be jumping up and down – trying to get attention…from anyone!

The great George Orwell wrote of “NewSpeak” and “the changing order of things”!  He spoke of a time of “Big Brother”, when governments cried out for that wonderful “Fatherly Figure” that would save us from the evils of “Terrorism”, “Corruption in Government”, “Bad Government”, “Unresponsive Government” and maybe “just someone that can fix things”.  This seems a time of desparation with “Occupy Forces” in every city in the civilized and uncivilized world, making a statement of “frustration”.  The current World Media is seemingly stuck in Neutral.  They all seem unable to put two words together that make sense, occupy a stable position or offer any insight into the problems at hand.  The best they can do at this time is to offer some untenable recipes for Holiday Treats and Cookies.  Shouldn’t just one Morning Show target the evils and investigations of the World Banking Community?

There is huge theatre ahead for the United States, Europe, Asia and the lesser known corners of our globe – which will certainly be stimulating in 2012.  The demise of Euro….is that coming?  Raising Interest rates throughout the world….is that coming?  The rise of energy and fuel prices … that coming?  Stupid decisions by a variety of Government officials around the globe….is that coming?  No end to the Foreclosure Mess, worldwide… that coming?  The ridiculous crisis of power and financial viability in the Israeli-Palastinian situation… that just never ending?  The lists go on……with one of a thousand more choices to choose from!

We suppose that brings us back to the point of who is not only qualified, but capable of running our country and doing the best they can along the way!

Well, unless something dramatically changes… Kobie being traded to the Celtics…..or Tim Tebow being traded to the Miami Dophins….well, we will stay with our current Commander in Chief.  He is still the most likeable of the all the candidates.  He is still the most convincing that he really cares.  He still has the nicest family.  Go America!  Isn’t there going to be an Olympic Games in 2012?  Don’t we still have the World’s Best Swimmers?  Who cares!  The Winter Games should be fun….with all the Global Warming Snow and Storms coming!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.