Just three weeks till the Iowa Caucus. Newt Blingrich is the current frontrunner. Rick Santorum is trailing so far back, he is just a speck on the horizon. Tim Tebow seemingly has a better chance of winning the Republican Nomination than any of the current slate of Republicans that are running. We need to see Newt take the Tebow “heaven can wait” position at a political rally or in the very next debate before New Hampshire! Demogogues seem to be the popular prevailing order of things right now. Whoever they are, wherever they are…..the Republicans appear to be jumping up and down – trying to get attention…from anyone!
The great George Orwell wrote of “NewSpeak” and “the changing order of things”! He spoke of a time of “Big Brother”, when governments cried out for that wonderful “Fatherly Figure” that would save us from the evils of “Terrorism”, “Corruption in Government”, “Bad Government”, “Unresponsive Government” and maybe “just someone that can fix things”. This seems a time of desparation with “Occupy Forces” in every city in the civilized and uncivilized world, making a statement of “frustration”. The current World Media is seemingly stuck in Neutral. They all seem unable to put two words together that make sense, occupy a stable position or offer any insight into the problems at hand. The best they can do at this time is to offer some untenable recipes for Holiday Treats and Cookies. Shouldn’t just one Morning Show target the evils and investigations of the World Banking Community?
There is huge theatre ahead for the United States, Europe, Asia and the lesser known corners of our globe – which will certainly be stimulating in 2012. The demise of Euro….is that coming? Raising Interest rates throughout the world….is that coming? The rise of energy and fuel prices …..is that coming? Stupid decisions by a variety of Government officials around the globe….is that coming? No end to the Foreclosure Mess, worldwide…..is that coming? The ridiculous crisis of power and financial viability in the Israeli-Palastinian situation…..is that just never ending? The lists go on……with one of a thousand more choices to choose from!
We suppose that brings us back to the point of who is not only qualified, but capable of running our country and doing the best they can along the way!
Well, unless something dramatically changes…..like Kobie being traded to the Celtics…..or Tim Tebow being traded to the Miami Dophins….well, we will stay with our current Commander in Chief. He is still the most likeable of the all the candidates. He is still the most convincing that he really cares. He still has the nicest family. Go America! Isn’t there going to be an Olympic Games in 2012? Don’t we still have the World’s Best Swimmers? Who cares! The Winter Games should be fun….with all the Global Warming Snow and Storms coming!
“The best they can do at this time is to offer some untenable recipes for Holiday Treats and Cookies.”
… “untenable” … “recpies” ….. really …?
You two do realiize that Orwell was a socialist, and very anti-war as well?
I would vote for him over Obama actually. Except he’s got that little, well, dead problem.
It’s just a flesh wound!
And Ayn Rand was an athiest – so what – I like them both.
Orwell had a lot to say about intrusive government and the “nice-ities” of communism – which is more akin to the aims of today’s socialists.
Tell us more about the “aims of today’s socialists,” please. Otherwise it’s just your usual blather.
I think he means that Barack Obama intends to put us into a 1984-like dystopia.
Who was it that said? – “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” I think that we are at that point.
That’s ironic, skally; I think that that was the problem with the unfettered laissez-faire capitalism of Wall Street.
And then they went out and got more of other people’s money after all — and didn’t use it to save the economy. Doubly ironic!
It wasn’t Wall Street that ran up a 15 trillion dollar debt.
“I think that that was the problem with the unfettered laissez-faire capitalism of Wall Street.”
The problem was political class crony capitalism – not true capitalism. The politicos & Wall Streeters each got what they wanted through improper manipulation of the capitalistic system.
*Skallywag……..are you mental or what? “It wasn’t Wall Street that run up the $15 Trillion dollar debt!”. First off, the number is actually $29 Trillion…for both the USA and the European Community. The Grand total is actually $44 Trillion.
Some idiot paid a very capable lobbyist to make sure “they got theres and proceed to continue to get theres now!:
If in fact you are a Certified CPA just add the total of what is paid out yearly (not what is so-called total owed) of Medicare, Social Security and Government Pensions. Then take a peek at how much the IRS tax intake is….yearly. Whatever is left….is what has been stolen by Wall Street for their various companies.
Casting aspersions upon Capitalism or Socialism is an effort in futility. Right now our system is a combo of Capitalism for the Rich, Socialism for Government Bureaucrats and Communism for the rest of us. We get peanuts…..the rich get richer and the Government laughs all the way to the bank with their guaranteed pensions, retirement healthcare and cost of living increases. Without which ….we would all be standing in the bread lines of the Red Cross of India.
*P.S. for Skallywag….
Animal Farm – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_FarmCached – Similar
You +1’d this publicly. Undo
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell published in … In a letter to Yvonne Davet, Orwell described Animal Farm as his novel “contre Stalin”. ….. George Orwell wrote the manuscript in 1943 and 1944 subsequent to his …
Animal Farm (1999 film) – Animal Farm (1954 film) – Old Major – Napoleon
um … yeah, guys … I think we all know about Animal Farm.
Under both systems, sacrifice is invoked as a magic, omnipotent solution in any crisis and “the public good” is the altar on which victims are immolated. There are stylistic differences of emphasis. The socialist-communist axis keeps promising to achieve abundance, material comfort and security for its victims, in some indeterminate future and offers its victims an alleged social ideal proclaiming some grandiose economic plan, which keeps receding year by year.
Where did you copy and paste that pretentious nonsense from? I know who you are, and that’s not how you write.
I adjusted it to suit – I like the way it sounds.
That is some incredible crapola there. I think you’ve exceeded GW’s abilities. Congratulations!
I’d still like some dtails about the “aims of today’s socialists”–you know, like identify a few and what, specifically, their aims are. Otehwise, keep on listening to Rush and Sean for your talking points.
*Rapscallion…..dude…you are still listening to Sean and Rush? You are so 1990’s!
Ah, if it were only true. However, there are quite a few right wingers who slobber all over Limbaugh’s flabby posterior, waiting for his pearls of wisdom.
*Yep, we still miss “Dancing through the tulips…..” but he never brings it back!