Happy Birthday to Three of our Fringiest Bloggers – John Earl, Gabriel San Roman and Tony Bushala!




I was very sad to learn that, not only was our good friend Gus “OC Progressive” Ayer born on Christmas itself, but three of our favorite bloggers who cross-post here have their birthdays this week.  This puts them in the woeful club of folks who generally only get one present a year.  I know what people say to them, with a shit-eating grin:  “This is for your birthday AND Christmas, okay?”

So in a feeble attempt to cheer up these three great writers (all of whom are fiercely independent and have their own blogs but cross-post here) please join me in wishing happy birthday to the following:

MONDAY (today, Boxing Day) – JOHN EARL of the Surf City Voice, which is “making waves from Huntington Beach, California.”  A staunch Green Party member and painstaking journalist, John mostly writes these days about the tomfoolery of the Huntington Beach City Council and government, and the ups and downs, ins and outs of the Poseidon desalination scam.  His last few articles cross-posted here:

Plus, John is absolutely right – ex-Mayor Joe Carchio hangs out all day in Albertson’s now without shopping, just gladhanding people – I saw it with my own two eyes on Xmas eve!

THURSDAY Dec. 29 – GABRIEL SAN ROMAN of the OC Weekly and the Don Palabraz blog. At the Weekly Gabriel writes about the latest music, on KPFK he interviewed the latest left-wing rebels and visionaries. Here at the OJ he’s helped recruit the new generation of younger bloggers – Amber, Rashad – and most importantly, along with Duane Roberts, he holds down the left flank of the blog, making me and Greg Diamond appear as the moderates that we really are.  Some of Gabriel’s latest posts:

and NEW YEAR’S EVE – TONY BUSHALA of Friends For Fullerton’s Future!  Fullerton’s libertarian firebrand needs no introduction to Orange Juice readers, as he and his gang have been cross-posting much of their work here for three years.  A tireless crusader for “accountability” from public officials, and a scabrous and hilarious writer, he became a hero and celebrity in the wake of the police murder of Kelly Thomas, appearing on CNN and everywhere else calling for accountability and justice.

Now leading the charge to recall the “Three Blind Mice” Fullerton councilmen McKinley, Jones and Bankhead for their utter lack of action on the Kelly Thomas matter as well as sundry corruption and hinkiness, Bushala has put himself in the sights of two of the Orange Juice’s scuzziest bete-noirs:  Dick Ackerman and Dave Ellis – which makes Bushala more of a friend than ever!

Happy birthday boys!  To a great new year of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable!  And sorry about the one present thing…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.