R. Scott Moxley of the OC Weekly obtained, by a mensch of a dime dropper, an email sent by local Tea Partier and GOP central committee member Marilyn Davenport with an image depicting President Barack Obama as an ape! The accompanying text read, “Now you know why no birth certificate” adding a dash of “birther” stupidity into the mix.
You would think that after a White House watermelon patch photoshop image was sent by disgraced former Mayor of Los Alamitos Dean Grose in 2009 resulting in a similar media frenzy, these folks would learn to at least keep their racism in the closet a little bit better than this! Perhaps Davenport herself superimposed the image of Obama’s face on a baby ape in a family photo or maybe somebody sent it to her. Either way, the sight must have made her so giddy that the thought of forwarding it along not being such a good idea failed to cross her mind. Ah! the unevolved!
Davenport, rather than digesting what it means to be exposed publicly in this manner, actually spoke to the Weekly and offered the following defense adding more fuel to the fire: “Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people–mostly people I didn’t think would be upset by it.” Apparently, brazen racism is not racist so long as A) It’s a joke (haha – forgot to laugh?) B) You have black friends! (Yes, she did say that) and C) You send it to people who wouldn’t be upset by it (translation: people as racist as you!)
In the Weekly’s exclusive, OC GOP boss man Scott Baugh responded to the news by calling the email racist and suggested that Davenport, a Fullerton-based activist, step down. We will see what transpires in the coming days. Either way, it’s been a tough 2011 for the OC GOP on the public image front. Davenport’s email comes on the heels of the controversy sparked by Villa Park Republican Councilwoman Deborah Pauly’s infamous speech in Yorba Linda outside a ICNA fundraiser. At the very least, send these folks an ethnic studies 101 course! They need it…desperately!
Lastly, to Davenport’s purported black friends…if you do exist, I end this post by dedicating the following song to you by the Specials! Take the lyrics deep to heart!
We should all let Marilyn know how we feel about her revealing email. I for one think it’s disgusting, and that she should be fired as well as exposed for what she really is. Of course, I think the latter is already happening.
Marilyn R Davenport
1292 Miramar Dr
Fullerton, CA 92831-2066
(714) 879-4207
Thats a block away from the Hackerwomens house…..errr apartment…..converted garage…..what she moved to a secret gated community in Irvine?
The First Vice Chair (whatever that is) of the OCGOP along with TWO sitting Republican Congressmen attended a rally where thier supporters yelled “GO HOME” to citizens of other backgrounds, they hollared at and called children terrorists and accussed their Fathers of being “child Molesters”. The spat at them.
And now people are surprised when they send a racist EMAIL???
Are people stupid, the OC GOP (and the national) ranks are chock full of racists and bigoted people, plain and simple.
Of course, but it’s always good to expose and emphasize it. Racists should be in the Republican Party. People who aren’t racist should think twice about being in the Republican Party. (Or get to work cleaning out the Augean stables there if the other ideology is that important to them.)
k l i n d –
Your comment is crap – all made up shit. Stick to the facts.
Vern – you should not encourage him.
BTW “ken” – the correct spelling is “their.”
Sorry about the spelling professor.
What was not true, I am pretty sure Royce and Miller were there. I am also quite certain Deb Pauly was. How can you deny that?
Frankly, your recent postings strike me as a racist as well.
The Tea Party keeps defending itself as not racist, yet thing like this keep popping up again and again and again… There are endless examples like this..What more proof does anyone need that the Tea Party is racist??
Marilyn you are a disgusting human being.
Disgusting, she should be removed. That said, I love the GOP, it is NOT full of racists. Also , where would I go, to the Dems and base EVERYTHING ON RACE? That is racist too. Let both parties kick out the racists but because a racist enrolls does not make the party racist. Let’s get real .
I think this non-human would make a wonderful boat anchor
Only stupid Liberals and Socialist will consider an APE to be a part of the human race.
Therefore, the photo can’t be racist.
Same as comrade Vern the APE is humanoid and human.
It shows how primitive Socialists and Liberals are. May be there should be some riot where several thousands Liberals kill themselves over this picture like in Afghanistan.
Next you will see Liberal protests about Ape Marriage.
Go for it Nelson, so you do not have to solicit the beer on every corner.
But it is a OK for Liberals, Socialist and self admitting Vern Nelson to portray Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach as Sasquatch……. Huh?
Gave me a break, you moron mongoloids!
Yeah man, you got it, I was saying that white people are a lot like Sasquatches. Good work, satire man.
“I was saying that white people are a lot like Sasquatches”…….. Hmmmmm
I was saying that black people are a lot like Apes…….. same?
I thought you were the guy who didn’t need sarcasm expalined to you.
“Have I aligned
With a blown mind?
Wasted my time
On a drawn blind?”
– Zappa, “Andy”
Nice try comrade Vern.
The main objective of the satire is to promulgate a message which would be otherwise a crime to promulgate.
What are you promulgating?
However, it is a OK do depart from the Republicans just because one of them is Larry Gilbert.
I would never join Republicans, I am heads on stick free spirit.
We missed you at the Mission Viejo TEA party yesterday.
Sure like RINO so TINO.
Gone with the wind!
A little girl asked her father, “Daddy? Do all Fairy Tales begin with ‘Once Upon A Time?'”
He replied, “No, there is a whole series of Fairy Tales that begin with ‘If elected I promise…'”
Stan, that was a classic! Thanks for the smile!
“Only stupid Liberals and Socialist will consider an APE to be a part of the human race.”
So if apes are not part of the human race, I take it that they are also not part of the “spiral of life.” Or do they have a part in the great mystical evolutionary plan that resets every 3000 years? I need to know so I can determine whether or not “Planet of the Apes” was the creation of a crazed and delusional person hopped up on bad acid.
Firstly, be careful on that spiral of life not to get vertigo.
Secondly, the “Planet of the Apes” was Hollywood’s Jewish propaganda depicting Nazis as apes same as in Star Wars the Jewish satire.
As to spiral, without Obama’s incompetence the Trump could not be the president same as without Gray’s incompetence, Schwarzenegger couldn’t be the Governor in both cases people forgot the history and repeating the mistake.
On the spiral of evolution the apes departed and are not human race but humanoids due to the Anunnaki intervention.
Humanoids are not race of humans.
So would you say there is some “truth” to the upcoming James Franco film “Rise of the Planet of the Apes?” In the “spiral of life,” will apes/humanoids eventually become the ruling class while we humans will become subservient to their every whim and need? Or are we humans, in the words of Charlie Sheen, “WINNING!”
During the race relations nadir (which consequently enough was after the Civil War AND Reconstruction) there was a steady stream of racist ads (such as the one below) that portrayed African Americans as “apelike.” These demeaning ads ran during a time of harsh racial apartheid in the United States. The imprint of the racist stereotypes on the national psyche hasn’t disappeared and some stupid people, like Davenport, like to still get their rocks off to this sick, sick mentality. Any apologists who argue to the contrary live in a delusional state.

The fact is that Obamay is stupid as is that black shoeshine boy above. Could it be possible to think IQ as reason rather than color?……. Huh?
But then you wouldn’t be Liberal Socialists.
You’re nearly a hopeless case…
Sounds really convincing when it comes from the leftist-Latino-racist and USA hater like you.
I say nearly because I have a modicum of faith in human beings and their ability to change, but you really challenge that notion. haha
“I have a modicum of faith in human beings and their ability to change”…… Hmmm
I do not know what you are referring to but if you hope that ape has an ability to change and become a human then you are ape.
At least Scott Baugh held her accountable and cal;led for her to resign. I wonder if he will follow up onit. I wonder how many if any of the other GOP Central committee memebrs are also calling for her to resign.
Really why should she when Dean Grose is still on the central committee, and Deb Pauly is “first whatever.” That’s what I’d say if I were her.
Okay, good for Scott though.
Baugh has a lot of house cleaning to do, but something tells me he’ll get lazy with his chores…
excellent point. i didnt even think of those two individuals and their actions. Although I do think scott baugh or someone at least gave Dean Grosee a rationof shit tot he point he was forced out in shame from his seat on the council. I dont think Debra Pauly got any flack from the GOP leadership. At least not to my recollection. Maybe we should initiate some sort of shame cam[paighn until the leadership denounces these 3 actions seperately and collectively.
Inspiration: A fiction piece I may write soon. I shouldn’t tell you all in advance, but I can’t help it.
Given how Dean Grose and this Davenport woman got in trouble for carelessly e-mailing their racist crap to people who obviously objected, this subculture of “established Republicans who enjoy racist anti-Obama, anti-Mexican or antii-Muslim humor” is going to just be driven underground. And they will be forced to have little parties, only the most trusted people invited, where they get together in someone’s basement and share all the hilarious racist-humor they can find each month. I think I could depict such a party.
“this subculture of “established Republicans who enjoy racist anti-Obama, anti-Mexican or antii-Muslim humor” is going to just be driven underground”……. Hmmmm
Declare fatwa!…… your IQ is sufficient to these who do.
“And they will be forced to have little parties, only the most trusted people invited, where they get together in someone’s basement and share all the hilarious racist-humor they can find each month.”………. Hmmmmm
Like Skull & Bones?,…… Bilderbergers?,……. Trilateral Commision?,……. Masons?,……. Illuminaties?….. Rockefeller commision, etc. etc. etc.
Good luck!
Just remember what they did to Nativo Lopez.
You may end up in court ordered institution with lifetime long bummer.
Go aged make my day..
Also check about demise of your idol JDL leader Irv Rubin.
Same loon like you and Lopez.
The rainbow coalition of left socialist loons….. White, Jew and Latino
Anyone is stupid to email this to their friends who is somewhat famous such as a central committee member, a newspaper columnist or a business owner should be forced to wear a t-shirt saying Airhead.
If you don’t like Obama’s policies its only going to make your job harder to fight his policies when you become the target not him.
The Los Angeles times is reporting that Scott Baugh was a recipient of the EMAIL. This is curious considering Davenport is reported as saying she sent the EMAIL to a small group of close associates who she thought would understand it.
This makes it preety hard to conclude anything but the GOP in Orange County is a totally retarded when it comes to race (and taste) issues from the top down.
Somebody should call out Baugh.
In the words of a most intelligent person: “Monkey See….Monkey do Ms. Davenport”. Yes,
Marilyn needs to resign. A variety of Republican leadership people need to resign too. Hey, there are people that need to resign bigtime – because they didn’t immediately deal with the situation. This issue is one of things like that of Don Imus…..”you sort of know when
you say stuff that is on the edge”: there will be ramifiications. Having just Davenport resign isn’t even a decent attempt at an apology.
We guess she could place a full page ad in the LA Times…..protesting the fact that she doesn’t have a racist bone in her body. Sure, try that – see how that will work!
“We guess she could place a full page ad in the LA Times…..protesting the fact that she doesn’t have a racist bone in her body. Sure, try that – see how that will work!”
Kind of like what Donald Sterling – Owner of the Clippers/Racist slumlord — basically does.
Jim Brulte and Duff Sundheim….
I suppose this is an example of the mindset of the California Republican Party that you referred to at the IGS symposium on the 2010 Governor’s Race when you talked about how the Republican Party is headed for oblivion in California and needs to gain inroads into minority communities in California if it is to survive….After all, California is very close to being a minority majority state per the recent US Census population projections over the next 10 years. As you both correctly put it, the Republican brand is dead in California.
This kind of crap is what cements the further burial of the California GOP. The kind of crap that comes out of the collective mindsets of Jon Fleischmann (the acolyte of Grover Norquist), Chip Hanlon (SEC indictment), and Matt Cunningham (amidst his public ostracization over the OCFC contracts that have been made available for all to review) is what further dooms the CA GOP to irrelevant third party status.
What is amazing is the lack of action by Scott Baugh and Mike Schroeder on this situation. No action is to keep the Davenport situation front and center in the local public eye as well as the state and nation (as evidenced by this having gone national in the Washington Post and the LA Times).
Bottom Line: Where is Tom DelBaccaro as head of the CA GOP? Silence says a substantial amount….Maybe he is still immersed in that bus tour and views the Davenport situation as a minor to non existant itch on the backside of the party….
As the biblical statement goes, the CA GOP reaps what it sows…..
Yahoo has 2,000 hits. Quickly taking this out of Matt Cunninghams League!
(It’s always OK to sacrifice anothers Son “I have daughters”). What a pig.
Do you even bother to read the newspapers? Scott Baugh has been in front of this controversy from the start, calling the email ridiculous and demanding that Davenport resign. I missed the meeting last night, but I understand that the CC is planning an ethics investigation. And Jon Fleischman has condemned the email, despite the fact that he is friends with Davenport. So, try to get things straight before you rehash the typical talking points against the CC, the party, and the leadership. They have acted swiftly and hopefully will impose the harshest penalty possible.
Newbie- Maybe thats because Scott Baugh was one of the recipients!!
Of course he was up in arms he was complicit. He sent it to Schroeder who sent it to R. Scott Moxely. Thereby gaining control over another seat on the CC.
This is all simple politics. She (Davenport) was elected by her peers, aurguably racist, bigoted, old white folks who think like a 1970’s Kansas housewife Jesus freak.
So when Schoeder saw the chance to steer this back to the POWER BASE, he and Baugh jumped on it.
THE OC GOP are more scared of the nazi’s like Deb Pauly and Marylin Davenport than the rest of could ever be……….Because they’ve got the most to lose: POWER.
THIS IS ALL ABOUT POLITICAL CONTROL NOW. Anyone who tells you different is a lying.
I’d say DKM hit this one out of the park.
“these folks would learn to at least keep their racism in the closet a little bit better than this” I’m calling BS on this. It’s not fair to lump every Central Committee member, or Republican, or conservative into the same group because one did such an unconscionable thing. Apparently the CC can’t expel her, but If a censure motion comes before the CC, I will support it.
Good ahead and call BS. I didn’t lump everybody into one category. That’s your BS!
I’m appauled by her disgusting email. I want her resignation. I ask this of the Orange Co Register. Please have legal check on this.
Its’ in regards to publically/privately traded stocks, which were purchased with our Tax dollars to bail out G.M., AIG, Goldman Sachs, and you got the picture. I am seeking the stock brokers name and series 7 license that did this. Because I did not and I know the American people did not sign a discressionary form giving this stock broker the right to use my tax dollars and every american’s tax dollars permission to purchase these said stocks. Was this an ILLEGAL purchase of said stocks.
And if I was a stock broker & did this I would have lost my license and am subject to a civil lawsuit. I’m seeking legal feedback on this. If any of this is true then the American people have the right to know, and also need to know if they can take civil action against it’s own government.
Thank you,
Theresa Skau