First, please look at your calendars – it is April 6 not April 1 and unfortunately this does not involve a joke though it does involve some fools. In the face of the impending federal government shut down public union leaders have threatened to sue the federal government claiming that the government shut down constitutes slavery. Again, this is not a joke (well it is, but you know what I mean).
Speaking at the National Press Club, John Gage, national president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), said his union would consider filing a claim under the Constitution’s 13th Amendment in the event of a shutdown since some workers would have to work without pay to keep vital operations up and running. The 13th Amendment became law in 1865, ending the practice of slavery and indentured servitude in the United States. “We are looking at that actively,” Gage said of a lawsuit.
Evidently public unions have become so out of touch with reality that they see parallels between their working conditions and slavery. This reminds me of the Twilight Zone where William Shatner became convinced that the boogeyman was trying to destroy his plane.
The unions have become simply delusional thinking that they have rights where they do not exist. I hope folks see how disconnected public unions have become from reality and there is a voter backlash against their supporters in 2012.
I hope folks see how disconnected public unions have become from reality and there is a voter backlash against their supporters in 2012.
Hope away… the previously unheard-of Kloppenburg is in the lead right now……
Yes Vern, the powerful public unions can throw around money to buy an election, “As of this writing, the race is too close to call, with only a few hundred votes separating the candidates. This is despite the fact national unions poured money and muscle into the race, generating a huge turnout for an off-year election. The race has featured a controversy over a misleading ad about Prosser’s involvement in a pedophile priest criminal case.”
Sorry Geoff, the unions were outspent by pro-Walker forces … off the top of my head … 3-to-2 was the figure I think?
Maybe you don’t even think THAT’S fair, it shoulda been 3-to-1?
That is actually untrue Vern:
“Under this system, both Prosser and Kloppenburg agreed to accept public funding for their campaigns in exchange for foregoing private contributions and adhering to spending limits. Their general election grants are worth $300,000 each.”
I cannot support or refute your additional claim that non-campaign endorsed adds were bought at a higher level for Prosser than Kloppenburg. Love to see a supporting citation for that one.
I’ll get back to you on that. I heard it on Maddow, which I’m sure to you sounds laughable, but she does her research.
” I heard it on Maddow ..”
Ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha.
No Vern, what’s laughable is that Maddow “does her research.” Kloppenburg’s a hypocrite who only has a chance because the unions take their mandatory union dues and dump them into any race where their precious filthy lucre is at stake. They tell lies (about Prosser aiding a child molestor years ago – the child who was molested is now an adult and he asked Kloppenburg to try to stop the ad and she refused). Now, having lost handily in the election last year, they will try to use 4 individuals to thwart the will of the majority. I would say they have no shame, but that goes without saying.
Here’s my support for calling her a hypocrite:
redstate. Hahahahaha
Vern, redstate published the videos, they did not create them out of whole cloth. I’ll take your red herring as an indication that you can’t refute her hypocrisy, but that goes without saying.
Um, no, I said “redstate ha ha ha” because junior said “maddow ha ha ha.” I’m not really as immature as you people that I would dismiss a story just because of where it came from.
Still, I didn’t feel that interested in checking out the “hypocrisy” video. Let me guess: the candidate decried independent expenditures, and then went on to accept them for herself or something? That doesn’t sound all that interesting in politics. Is there more to it?
Taxpayers are the slaves to the public emplyee unions.
Careful junior, only liberals are allowed to use the slavery card.
Lets do it, cut the pay for everyone to China levels. Let all figure a budget to live on for 3 dollars a day, perhaps that may be a little high.
It would solve many problems, we could all ride bikes or walk. Energy problem solved.
No Cars or Buses, pollution problem solved.
Medical care, not at 3 dollars a day, healthcare problem solved.
That is about where we would be if trade unions had not come into being and it is where we will return to if all unions are disbanded as some appear to want.
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Yes everyone has to sacrifice for us to get out of the mess we are in, but we did not get here overnight and there is a lot of fault to go around.
OK guys. Geoff, Newbie, Junior. Do you trust Newsmax??
And the article tries to frame it as though it were equal, and they emphasize that the union coalition was the biggest contributor, but they had enough journalistic integrity to list the top five at the bottom of the article, and #2-5 are all anti-worker and outweigh #1:
“The four [sic-five] top organizations spending money on TV advertising in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, according to the Brennan Center:
Greater Wisconsin Committee — $1,363,040 (that’s a coalition of unions)
Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce — $893,990
Citizens for a Strong America — $813,660
Wisconsin Club for Growth — $415,860
State Tea Party Express — $53,710”
And all the articles I read emphasized that most of the money came in the last few days, hasn’t been counted yet, and is mostly from people like Club For Growth and Americans For Prosperity.
I knew I could trust Rachel.
My comments were not about spending. Though on that note, I am happy to wait until the final numbers come in and see what they are. I would be curious to see when the spending came in. My guess is that the conservative groups started spending after the union groups came in with their false campaign ads (the one I talked about above that the cowardly Kloppenburg refused to try to stop or even condemn).
My comment was about what a hypocrite Kloppenburg is. She has made comments that the Supreme Court should not be about politics, but then she acts exactly as a politician in the debate with Prosser. He reads her a letter from a molestation victim telling her the unions were running a false add using the molestor’s terrible experience and lying about Prosser and she simply refuses to answer and gives the politician’s response. Beetween her pitiful political ideals and the activist trial court judge’s clear attempt to delay her final ruling in a transparently political attempt to wait until Kloppenburg is sworn in, it’s a sad day for Wisconsin.
As a good chess player, I love it!
This is a classical checkmate, the union being the king.
“And the article tries to frame it as though it were equal ..”
Then it probably was equal – your word smithing & twisting at the end of your comment carries no weight. The few numbers you cite are neither comprehensive nor dipositive as you pretend them to be Vern.
The numbers are right, doofus. Did you f–ng read the article?
And I’ve found more too. The unions were outspent but won anyway. It’s a fact.
(I know, a recount could change it)
Vern, I read them and the article that you link in this comment only dealt with the primary, muddled TV spending and total spending and didn’t talk at all about the general election. The earlier link found that:
“According to the Brennan Center, the largest single advertising underwriter in the campaign — $1.4 million so far — is the Greater Wisconsin Committee. That’s a group largely funded by unions and the Democratic Party, which is committed to defeating Prosser.”
In addition, the total spending figures for the campaign are not in yet. I will conceded that large dollars were spent by both sides, but it was certainly not dominated by Prosser.
“The numbers are right, doofus.”
I know the numbers you cite are correct Vern. It is your iterpretation of those numbers that is faulty. The numbers do not support your conclusion.
Only through your magical thinking do they not. The numbers quite plainly show $2.1 million to Prosser, $1.3 million to Kloppenburger.
See my comment to Geoff below.
Are you joking? Are you just teasing me? This isn’t that hard… Okay, after this I will give up and you guys can believe what you want.
Yes, I saw the paragraph you quoted, and mentioned it – that was the Newsmax spin. But if you go to the end of the article, you will see, just as I quoted above, the TOP FIVE CONTRIBUTORS.
The first is pro-whatsername – The Greater Winsconsin Committee. For 1.36 million.
And all the rest are pro-Prosser – Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Citizens for a strong America (which turns out to be a Koch/AFP front group), Club For Growth, and Tea Party Express, for over 2.1 million.
It’s not rocket math. And you can see that whatever comes after #5 isn’t gonna be that big, because #5 wasn’t that big.
And yes, more figures will come in soon reflecting the final days. Rumor is that heavily favored Walker. But what we have here SHOWS THE UNIONS BEING OUTSPENT AT LEAST 3 to 2, like I’ve been saying all day. If you guys continue to not understand that, or pretend not to, I’m just moving on.
Hey Vern,
I am at MDHS right now for Grandparents Day, using one of the schools new IPads.
“And yes, more figures will come in soon reflecting the final days. Rumor is that heavily favored Walker.”
Vern has been “Maddowized” – ie, forming conclusions and making accusations based on incomplete numbers and rumors.
“I heard it on Maddow.” – maddowized
I said, “Rumor is.” If it turns out otherwise I’ll admit it. That’s not a conclusion or an accusation.
And Maddow turned out to be right, didn’t she? Even though you and Geoff were so slow to understand the figures.
Hey, cheer up, you worker-haters: Prosser’s a bit ahead at the moment! Maybe all your out-of-state (Koch, Americans For Prosperity, Club For Growth) money just held the fort.
You should let than “non-political” hack Kloppenburg know since she’s already declared victory.
Prosser’s now up by 7,500. I guess Kloppenburg can thank him for the service that he will be continuing to make on the state Supreme Court. I love to see good union money go to waste.
Thanks to whoever changed the photo on this thread.
I agree, that was quite an offensive photo. I figured that some covertly racist liberal produced that really disgusting image with the intention of making conservatives look bad. If that was the case, it must have backfired and exposed the true racist plantation keeper libs.
Your mind is very twisted junior, but I guess that’s how you need to deal with it. I didn’t like the image either. It was Geoff who picked it for his own story.
And evidently Geoff changed it, thankfully.
I take full responsibilty for the original photo which was of three guys at the gay pride parade mocking the detestable institution of slavery. My waaaaaay to subtle point was that the unions were mocking slavery in the same way. Pulled the photo after a few hours.