When we posted a college student’s allegations of police brutality last week, several commenters responded by calling the victim a liar and saying that the claim could not possibly be true.
Well, here is the truth according to FPD’s own Internal Affairs department: the complaint containing allegations of brutality and theft was “sustained” against FPD Officer Cary Tong.
The letter from Chief Michael Sellers calls officer Tong’s actions “inappropriate and not within policy,” and states unequivocally that “a finding of sustained means that the evidence indicates that the complaint was well founded.“
Read the rest of “Fullerton Police Beating Complaint “Sustained” by Internal Investigation; Officer Named.”
The picture associated with this article is fuzzy.
However, I must assume that Larry Gilbert or Vern Nelson is in the hands of a proper authority lessoned to obey by the US Constitution.
Stanley. If you cannot offer anything of value to these posts let me suggest that you go back into exile.
Now we know who is in the hands of a proper authority.
Take a look at the Orange County Cypress Police Department, which also has a history of excessive force, brutality, and blatant efforts to lie and cover it up.
My question is this, what happened to this officer? My recommendation would be termination. However we all know how powerful these government employee unions are, and much like bad teachers, bad cops are hard to get rid of.
Look at the case of Kelly Thomas, who was killed by two Fullerton Cops on tape, while two or more other Fullerton cops looked on. These guys are still on the street, and most likely getting full pay while their arttorney’s figure a way to get them off.
The common man has no protection against cops like this, even being taped by by-standers doesn’t bring them into line. It’s getting worse folks, its time for all of us to stand up and demand these bad cops are disarmed and fired. No retirements, or medical retirements for those found guilty of abuse of power and authority.