Today Supervisor Shawn Nelson sent over this formal request to have the FBI take over the investigation of the police beating death of Kelly Thomas.
As a result, Supervisor Nelson told us that the FBI confirmed that it has launched a formal investigation into the incident.
Read the rest of “FBI Launches Formal Investigation into the Kelly Thomas Beating” on FFFF
That’s what I’m talking about. Great news!
Indeed excellent news.
I wish they would revisit my request to investigate SAPD shooting of Susie Young Kim.
Here is response from U.S. Department of Justice to my request to investigate.
As you can see they responded in very strange way asking me to provide information to them which was not available to me from SAPD.
They could ask for copy of the file from SAPD directly, that is how you should investigate.
I should add that in Susie’s civil trial Jury deadlocked.
For some strange reason the people do not want to accept the fact of police brutality.
You should also add that the circs surrounding Susie’s case were much different than the Fullerton incident
Absolutely not!
The only difference is that you do not have a picture of her face and here crying baby.
It is the picture which speaks thousand words.
However, there is a major difference between I and you.
I am sovereign person as provided by the constitution acting openly under my real name.
You are a subject of government, COP fearing coward, acting anonymously.
I am sworn to protect constitution you are not.
I should add that in spite of this FBI investigation and excellent coverage on KFI Radio, nothing will happen….. COPs will walk.
In the end the people will always protect wrong doers because they are sheep they will support unions and COP sponsored programs.
Extremely different — driving 110-120 MPH during a pursuit through numerous cities. Cars are deadly weapons, Stan, and one gunning at you that fast would probably generate fear for your safety and the safety of others, that justified the officer’s actions. Turns out her BAL was .18 and she had cocaine in her system. All with her baby in the car. Yes, I’m glad really? pointed this out.
This is where you go wrong when you have no knowledge of physic or drugs.
However, giving you all that she was shoot in the end of the chase, puling into the parking at 15mp/h essentially giving up, same as Kelly suffered his wounds when he was no longer resisting.
That is the key element!
So if she was causing any possible threat to her surrounding it was too late to shoot her, therefore, she was shoot punitively.
Good that she had cocaine in her system while intoxicated because cocaine will completely mitigate any alcohol symptoms and you can act absolutely normally.
The pure cocaine is excellent drug which has no adverse defects on human behavior or psychics.
Cocaine has same effect on your body like strong coffee.
The point is, are we gone allow police to be JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER?
Unfortunately in America too many people are fed police and government propaganda which they are believing in because they are lazy to inform themselves about facts due to the war on drugs.
Because of it, I have lost my fight against SAPD re Susie Young Kim and you will lose Kelly’s too based on same principles you are using against Susie and me.
And someday it may be you or your love one so you can understand what I am talking about.
The COPs will walk!…. so when you will see the red light behind you to stop it may be the murder COP.
Cheers to Sup Nelson. good job.
So here we go Nelson!
According to KFI J&K it was one your protected abused national geographic humanoids (Obama specimen) who turned Kelly’s face into a steak tartare.
You are like that stupid lady with her chimp who rip of the face of her friend recently and the other who bit off guy’s testicles an ripped him a part.
For a SAMD graduate you are a genius.
Now we need more of these sharia law dismemberment every day in downtown Santa Ana by other protected primitives.
Can’t wait for Chief of Police cutting off the fingers and arms of the shoplifters.
Hura, Hura Leftism.
Everyone knows the sixth cop was a black guy, if that’s what you’re trying to say. What, that makes you even madder? That makes it even worse? The five white cops are golden now?
But black on white is clearly racially motivated hate crime, but because you liberals have written the stupid law by omitting white as hated group by blacks we are discriminated against under the equal protection which you leftists are bitching about so often.
It just shows, what I always claim, that you are bad people you socialists.
So, the black guy was doing a hate crime and the five white guys weren’t? That’s stupid.
Actually it WAS a hate crime against a homeless guy, and specifically a mentally disabled guy, which – you may have missed – is a “protected class.”
It is circular argument Nelson!
If five COPs would interfere in beating by black cop he would file lawsuit against the city for racism same as the LA fireman while back who was fed “dog food” as prank.
Separate but equal may be a solution.
Then we can have good old street fist fights again
This liberal melting pot does not work.
You just hate blacks and other minorities. Poor cranky old fucker.
FYI, I hate liberals, leftists, socialists, communists and color red!
“Poor cranky old fucker.”….. Hmmmm
I can sue you for verbal abuse of senior citizen.
If any of you haven’t yet, sign the petition to release the secret video of the beating, made by city cameras at the transportation center:
Now when I have learn that COP is black, I can say for 100% that he will not get fired nor punished, and he knows that, and I bet he will sue the city for big money anyway claiming some racial crapola and Nelson will agree.
In the end Nilson will say that black COP had right to kill Kelly because he was under the stress by department discrimination and circulation of the Obama’s birth origin photo by Republicans.
You will see!
Youre fulla shit Stan, all six of those pigs are going down. None of us care what race they are.
Or are you joking? It’s not very funny.
I wager 6pack of “Plzen” (Czech original) not Pilzner or Pilz (German replica)
That you are full of shit and in the end they will walk and the FBI will never edict black COP for killing while enforcing a law.
For shoplifting maybe!
There will be trial that is for sure but it will be jury of their peers in Simi Vally.
Cops of every race have been convicted for every imaginable crime. Not every cop is a pig. Not every doctor is a saint. Flaws pervade every profession, nationality, sex, religion, race, and creed. Conversely there are predominantly good people who want to do the right thing in every profession, nationality, sex, religion, race and creed.
I KNOW not all cops are pigs. I was referring to these six.
“Not every cop is a pig.”…….. Hmmm
Therefore there are exceptions……….. agree?
Please study why an exception proves the rule…. see what will you come up with.
I know you know that, V. My remark was intended for Rehab guy who thinks the entire profession is comprised mostly of thugs. Yesterday, I watched a cop interact with a mentally ill man in the most compassionate way imaginable. The cop spent a good half an hour talking this man out of committing a crime that would have gotten him arrested. I honestly believe that is more the norm than the repugnant freaks who beat Mr. Thomas to death. I hope they are convicted. I hope they go to prison. I hope they are sued for every penny they have. I hope they are fired. I hope they lose their retirements.
The problem is that you are emotional L gal without any logic what so ever.
By the definition, you can’t have some bad COPs in an organization of many good COPs, because the good COPs majority would eliminate bad minority.
The only way some bad COPs can exist in an large organization is possible, only, if such organization will tolerate some bad COPs in which case all cops are bad!
Put this in your little head!!!!
What you are describing L gal is that there some good COPs in large organization of bad COPs.
Protectionism is a sign of bad organization.
The reason why you can’t fire bad COP or teacher is because of the union.
Look how difficult it was to take these 6 cops of the street.
The union went crazy…… chief was soiling his pants just to imagine to gave an order to suspend them.
Unions are known to be thugs.
The very movement is based on support from mafia.
See Jimmy Hoffa.
I was working in Hollywood movie industry ran by the strong unions as a private Laser Show subcontractor and I can tell you a horror story.
You do not know what is rely going on.
Stanley, I will agree that an organization that tolerates corruption and immorality certainly will retain bad cops. What you fail to recognize is that most organizations do not tolerate this kind of behavior. You project the bad experiences you had in Czechoslovakia onto every argument you make on this blog. I feel badly for you. I don’t know about Santa Ana’s police department that you often lambast on this blog – it may have the problems you describe, but then look at Anaheim, not so much there. It’s not universal. And unions: some are thuggish; some are not. As a manager who deals with employees in four different unions; one of which is a law enforcement union, I have found some union reps to be helpful on several occasions to discipline an employee who is clueless. Some reps seem to be pains in the ass. All I’m saying is you can’t paint everything with the same broad brush. It’s ignorant.
One thing I have learn in my life is that you do not argue with female.
So that makes me chauvinist pig.
I am glad the Justice Dept. is investigating this,but I’d really like to know if it’s because Supervisor Nelson contacted them, or if they were already in the process and he caught wind of it? If it’s the latter, than Nelson is merely acting like the opportunistic whichever-way-the-wind-blows him politician that he’s always been.
To be “whichever-way-the-wind-blows” is better then hiding from the wind.
Once the emotionality subsides the COPs will be exonerated and he will pay price to dare challenging unions and OC DA.
So in the end it does not matter if the chicken or egg was first.
It was the picture, not DA, FBI, Justice Department or Supervisor Nelson which do really care about the police brutality.
Hopefully (but doubtfully) any investigation and subsequent review of this case would include the role of the FPOA (Fullerton Police Officers Association).
We know form this post: http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2011/we-get-mail/ that the union is aggressively trying silence critics. One has to wonder, what role the powerful union played in the assignment of the investigation with the chiefs friends at the DA and further, how deep the OCR and it’s reporters are in thier pockets.
These are logical questions that might never get asked.
It was a year ago that the Brea Police Association’s President, Shawn Neel shot and killed an unarmed man. That case was not discussed publically for a year, by which time the shooters friend and Chief retired and the outrage subsided.
That is so true!…. Ken!
Unfortunately the supporters of union movement do dot want to see the criminal element of it…..
They want to see only the liberal element.
However, if they would rally look into the history as a origin point for interpolation past, present and future they would see that the German Nazi party is German Workers Union.
Unions [can’t] be defeated politically….. the people are too stupid to do so.
Now the unions run the commercial on radio not to sign any petition to protect yourself against the identity theft…… nice Nelson…. Huh?
What is the next if the people will be fright to petition?…. Huh?
Union Fascism?
Both Obama and Brown are pro union guys and will make sure that no one will touch the unions.
Here in Santa Ana we have successfully solidified power where Police Chief Walters is the City Manager and Chief of Police, collecting dirt on the council members to intimidate, so Pulido can rule the city council.
So Walters now collecting three pay check to spike his pension.
One as Chief of Police one as part time Chief of Police and One as City Manager.
Walters is also firmly in control of Police union.
It is classical fascistic setup.
I saw the video, and I read all the comments. These cops were ANIMALS!. They are disgrace to the badge, and they are a disgrace to the City!!!! They beat this man while he was no longer struggling, and continued to beat him while he was unconscious!!! I understand how they come into contact with felons and criminals who are dangerous from the get go, but this man was passive, and on the ground, and then later unconscious, and they continued to beat him.
The cops were disgusting animals who deserve to be punished and put in prison. If this were my son, I would want these disgusting animals put into prison! Hell, he’s not even my son, and I want them tried. Dirty bastards.
*We will enter Occupied East Germany and the Harry Lime dedicated forum to simply
say: People seem a little upset in Fullerton. Seems like Mr. Thomas the Dad…should have been taking better care of his son. Whatever happened was awful. Whatever happened needs to be investigated. Whatever happened needs to spend some time developing the story behind the story…..which started when Kelly was put out on the streets – as a homeless person…..and no one seemed to think they could help him.
No wonder why more and more people are getting afraid of police.
The cops in this case should be tried for murder.
No hiding behind a badge.
Justice must be done.
George Vreeland Hill
Again…trafic outcome…period. Tired of all the supposed citizens, who are upset about the so called beating. You do not run from the police. You do not fight with the police…period. If you do, you will be lucky to walk away from it…as IT SHOULD BE. Lastly, if any officer sustains broken bones are injuries close to the being that severe…well…enough said. Stop monday night quarterbacking the incident. YOU WEREN’T THERE….YOU WEREN’T INVOLVED! Just cause you once upon a time got a traffic ticket or partied to hard and got a DUI…or the police took to long to respond to you for a police report doesn’t justify YOU CRITICIZING THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID. AGAIN…TRAFIC OUTCOME AND NO OFFICER THERE WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN.
Oh God. There’s more than one person like this? I’ll deal with this one.
Kelly did not fight with the police. At most, he tried to run, not knowing in his addled schizo mind why he was being confronted. Did you see the photo, the videos, did you hear the testimony of numerous witnesses? “Broken bones” you say? Didn’t you hear the cops took that claim back, it was just bruises. Of course you can get bruises on your hands beating someone that hard. “You weren’t involved?” We are all involved. And who are you to say “no officer wanted this to happen?” It’s shameful and un-American you can sit there and defend this. Zoe.
Vern, you were not there, so your testimony has NO weight.
The videos and words I have seen, also NO weight.
We are going to have to wait until the FBI finishes with their investigation to know more.
I know a few of the names posting on this subject, and I believe you would have stepped up and said something if you were there, whereas the others posting, I am not so sure.
Cook, I never gave any testimony. There are photos. Videos. Eyewitnesses. A dead guy and an autopsy. Zoe is off the wall and so are you and Geoff.
can you link to autopsy? I did not find it, and the OCSD doesnt have it on their web site.
never mind, there is no autopsy yet.
Yeah, right, I wonder what killed him.
I thought I had read about an autopsy somewhere the other day but I can’t find it. Subtract that one word from my previous comment. Big deal.
“Yeah, right, I wonder what killed him.”……. Hmmmm
Notwithstanding sarcasm, it was public union ..PD section. (Socialism) what kill him.
If it would be act of an individual no one would cover up.
That is why I have posted Bohemia Protector Heydrich living snapshot.
Absolutely normal man, normal family, loving father. (Same like SAPD Paul Walters)
Put on the National Socialistic and Workers Union uniform and you get “Angel of Death”.
Once you will understand concept of evolution change implemented by the man, you will understand concept of socialism and based thereon you will understand concept of unionism vs. individualism based of sovereignty.