UPDATE 9-21: Two Fullerton cops charged by OC DA in this crime…
This is what happens when a city loses control of its police force.
Kelly Thomas did not deserve to die this way. Nobody does.
Clearly there is a systemic problem within the FPD culture which permits, condones or even encourages police officer violence against residents of Fullerton.
This must end now.
Show the photo of the mentally ill and violent felon caught by police in the middle of a crime spree and jump to the conclusion that the police are trained and encouraged to kill. Do police sometimes abuse their power? Of course. Is it possible that they abused their power in this case? Of course. But this kind of sensationalistic yellow journalism is the worst kind of irresponsibility.
YOU are the ONLY ONE not discussing ACTUAL FACTS.
YOU are saying this man was “violent” and in another comment accused him of being on a “wild crime spree”, yet YOU have not provided ANY facts to back up YOUR loaded words.
And that is the very definition of yellow journalism.
yellow journalism;
the type of journalism that relies on sensationalism and lurid exaggeration to attract readers
Willis, stop with your “crime spree” bullshit. Kelly Thomas did not steel anything.
FYI: the cops were responding to call that a car was being burglarized, but that was NEVER substantiated!!!
As a matter of fact, according to Channel 7 news, Kelly was a peaceful man that local business owners cared for. You owe him and his family an apology!
Willis, you are one BIG F-ing A-hole!
You really are a pea-brained piece of crap.
“Do police sometimes abuse their power?”
Sometimes? Are we living on the same planet? Then again, don’t answer that question.
Since 9/11 and perhaps longer than that, we have let our society slowly evolve into a police state while our civil liberties have gone by the wayside. We do this all in the name of “public safety,” “security” or whatever the new buzzword is to keep us lowly peasants at bay. Prop up pictures of the bogeyman of the week and get the populace all riled up in an orgasmic frenzy screaming for police protection. I don’t know about you, but these days I am more scared of some mentally unstable testosterone case possessing a badge and a gun than I am of someone who may not fit the demographic of an Irvine citizen. Of course, my tax dollars (primarily property) finances the lifestyle of the former.
The Kelly Thomas incident is not an isolated incident of police power gone awry. We all know about the LAPD and Rodney King. But how do you explain the cases of the RNC 8 in St. Paul, MN or Corey Maye in Mississippi (you got Google. look them up)? Or if you want a local example, the case of the Irvine 11 or the countless number of people who are harassed by law enforcement because their skin color is not the predominant hue (see the MasterPlannedistan PD as an stellar example of this kind of harassment). Or to go one step further, the TSA agents who harass peaceful people who may be carrying a Koran or wearing religious garb?
What we need to do is abolish internal affairs divisions within the respective police departments and have an independent citizen council do the investigation and mete out punishment to these rogue cops who violate the rights of people. On top of that, I also believe that citizens should possess the power to defend themselves from being victims of police brutality and the power to arrest police officers who commit rogue acts such as the one that was inflicted on Mr. Kelly Thomas.
I am currently working on a proposal that would call for the elimination of the IAD department in the Irvine Police Dept and replace it with an independent citizens council conducting the investigations and administering the punishment. It would be a way to hold the police accountable for their actions and reduce the prospects of having IAD sweeping these investigations under the rug so that they can maintain their fraternal “code of silence.” I trust the police in this county to police themselves as much as I trust T-Rack to go after the real criminals like Moorlach, Boss Agran and John S. Williams. Speaking of T-Rack, he’d sweep this incident under the rug too.
I don’t expect to get support from the police union, Boss Agran’s gang or the police state apologists/faux limited government advocates from Mission Viejo like Geoff Willis and the Pearl Clutching Puritan. (Jesus loves police brutality, right?) A local ballot initiative for the fall 2012 election may be the only way to go on this.
The major problems in PDs are unions.
Unions protect bad members so there is no punishment for misbehavior.
Same goes for the teachers and all government employes.
Abolish unions and you will start normalizing society.
So who is pro unions?
Leftists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Humanists, Intellectuals and Communists.
So, you see?…. comrade Vern you are evil even though you believe that you are a humanist and intellectual.
That is a paradox of socialism.
Obama is actually more evil than Bush because he is sporting unions.
The UNIONS are domestic Al Queda.
The war on terror should start with the war on unions.
Unions, yeah who needs them? They only made it so American workers have 5 days on, 2 days off and 40 hour work weeks. They increased the safety conditions of places of employment as well as offer health benefits to employees that would otherwise have not protection.
You mention- “Leftists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Humanists, Intellectuals and Communists (all in your opinion, being a bad label).”
So let me guess, you like the opposite, “Idiots” instead of “Intellectuals” and “Will-Never-Evolve-or-learn-from-History” over “Progressives”?
Your comment was so ignorant and off-base, I think it might be a parody of a real answer. Either that, or it’s straight up scary.
“Your comment was so ignorant and off-base, I think it might be a parody of a real answer. Either that, or it’s straight up scary.”………. Hmmmm
The scary part is that you are living in some sort of illusion which is inconsistent with principles of life, therefore, you are attempting to change the principles instead your illusion.
It is called the bolševism.
You are an officer of the court and as such you have an obligation to be factual. Your comments are totally inaccurate and inflammatory !!
Orange County Register:
Officers spotted a suspect – a shirtless man (Kelly Thomas) with a beard, shorts and a backpack – and the man began to fight officers as they tried to search him, Goodrich said. He added that property found in the backpack led officers to believe he had committed either a burglary or was in possession of stolen property. http://www.ocregister.com/news/officers-307960-thomas-beating.html
Yes, I am the one that is just regurgitating propaganda . . . right.
“It is irrelevant if a mentally ill man was on a WILD CRIME SPREE and VIOLENTLY RESISTED arrest when confronted?”
What part of LURID EXAGGERATION don’t you get?
yellow journalism;
the type of journalism that relies on sensationalism and LURID EXAGGERATION to attract readers
Yes “violently resisted” and “began to fight officers” is completely different . . . really?
“wild crime spress” and “robbing cars” is also completely different? Anonster, Spoc would find you completely illogical.
Yes Geoff, YOU are using ‘loaded’ words to exaggerate the truth.
Resisting arrest doesn’t automatically mean someone was “violently” resisting arrest, one could just not cooperate and just sit down or do something as ineffectual and unthreatening as flapping one’s arms, those actions too would be classified as “resisting arrest”.
And what about “wild crime spree”, that conjures up images of mayhem, when in fact they had only found (allegedly) stolen goods in his backpack, they could have come from anywhere, he might have stolen them or he might have found them in a trash can, do YOU KNOW for a fact how they were obtained or are you just making shit up?
And, it’s not “Spoc”, it’s spelled Spock.
So using excessive force to the point of causing a death is justified here?
I’m more afraid of rogue police officers than I am of “dangerous” people like the late Kelly Thomas. Did it ever occur to you that the reason he may have been squirming (or as the police like to dub it “violently resisting”) was that the police may have been a bit too rough on him while trying to subdue him? But wait, those angelic and pure as white police
officers would NEVER do that!
So in order to subdue Mr.. Thomas, bludgeoning him to death was justified? Is that what you believe, Willis? I suppose he’ll never resist arrest again. That will teach him. Hip hip hurray for the police state!
I can’t wait until you have been on the receiving end of a wrongful arrest. You might change your tune (or not since you have such blind faith in an authoritarian, overreaching government). I have been on the receiving end as a result of a city’s computer glitch and never received an apology from the municipality that arrested me for a “crime” that I did not commit. The “crime” in question was for a parking ticket ($35) that I had already paid. Even though I had back up evidence to show the jackbooted thug that I already paid it, he said it wasn’t on their computer record, told me to get out of the car and cuffed me anyway.
Think I’m going to be as trusting of the police after being put through that hell and locked up with people who committed acts of domestic abuse and rape? I don’t think so.
I’m sure you believe that it was a wise use of taxpayer resources and that the said community is a lot safer knowing that people with paid parking tickets or unpaid parking tickets aren’t roaming the streets. After all, it’s PUBLIC SAFETY FIRST over fiscal responsibility, right?
Unbelievable. Is there a PUBLIC, CITY (CITIZEN) – OWNED camera in the area? Yes. Any reason it might not have been on? Probably not. Who owns the images? Citizens. Why is it not publicly available? Hmmmm…..
Death penalty for resisting arrest or breaking into a car? Yes. Trial? Not possible now. Injuries to the cops involved? Anywhere near a lethal threat? Above the law?
It’s almost predictable that any outcry for the video will be met with claims that it wasn’t on, wasn’t functioning, not set to record, blah blah blah. If no citizen is above the law, SHOW THE VIDEO.
It’s ironic that you lay claim to “yellow journalism” about those SEEKING ADDITIONAL FACTS, while assuming that the DEAD person was guilty, and the SIX WHO WERE CHARGED WITH ARRESTING HIM, NOT KILLING HIM – SIX!! of them! are GIVEN the “gift” of assumption of innocence. Were they not trained in “Innocent until PROVEN guilty?” Not trained in overpowering an unarmed, grown male without causing his death?
If it were six unarmed, untrained and unpaid TEENAGERS, they would be trying to post bail at this very minute, praying to god that their legal-aid lawyer won’t fall asleep during trial. AND WE WOULD HAVE THE VIDEO.
In any struggle, Mr. Willis, what do you call SIX AGAINST ONE? Look at the FACTUAL picture of the dying man in his hospital bed. ALL WE WANT ARE THE REST OF THE FACTS to proceed in a law-abiding manner. Murder charges, or exoneration. Failing that, THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING.
Wow. They still make idiots like you? I thought your kind were discontinued with Beta. Look at the facts, understand the facts, then form an INTELLEGENT OPINION
This is why I am raising my children to never trust the police since most of them are uneducated animals.
Rodney King didnt even die and we saw actual tape of the ass kicking he had to endure so just imagine the type of beating they put on this 135lbs mentally ill man that causes so much damage that his life ended he could have easily been brought under control by one man with pepper spray and tasers have you ever been pepper sprayed or tasered? I have.. once you get either of those what ever fight that you had in you is completely gone those cops are cold blooded murderers and should be sent to prison for the max in my eyes they are just as bad as child molesters and people who hurt old people abusers of power and the best solution is to let them get abused
I suppose, very few will visit, this website, again……..I hope every one educates, the people, and keeps the heat in the street……..
Senationalistic yellow journalism????
More like sadistic , brutal , police practices…….
he was tased about three times, and beat to a coma with the but of the gun…..
Your certainly downplayed, this abuse…….
okay clearly u knew nothing about that guy, ur saying things that arnt true and yet u have the facts right there.
Sensationalistic? You obviously have never been “harassed” or even “confronted” by police who are, in more cases then ever theses days, emotionally and mentally unstable themselves. They deserve nothing less than the death penalty, the same as a civilain who beats someone to death. Bottom line.
I think a push should be made to attract the attention of the State Attorney General and the FBI. This type of incident, IMHO cannot be truted to be fully investigated and prosecuted by Fllerton PD PCSD or the OC District Attorney. Too many times have they let bad cops get away with murder.
Oops I mispelled my own name lol Its Paul not Psaul.
It’s all good, the original Paul was originally Saul. And I did mention this once in the context of YOUR controversies back in 2008….
Why did this persons family and friends leave it up to the police to deal with him?
Many mentally ill people refuse to take their medication or have trouble finding appropriate solutions to their illnesses.
Often their illness is more than their families and friends can handle, they might be violent, disruptive, inappropriate, etc. and families sometimes have other children they have to consider. Government and private resources are scarce and expensive (if you can even get the patient to participate).
Don’t judge until you’ve been there.
Cook, we should keep doping them from 10 story high buildings.
Let GOD decide.
If they survive then we should let SAPD13 handle the problem.
Looks like he did fall or be tossed from a ten story building.
Living where you live cook, downtown with lot of SAPD13 pigs around, one day you ma get same facial when you drop down from your try-cycle and look disoriented.
Perhaps this goes beyond the OCDA, the CHP, The State AG and this needs to go straight to the US ATTORNEY ANDRÉ BIROTTE JR. who is committed to investigating these kind of activities.
This was suggested at FFFF previously.
It’s worth mentioning that FFFF is serving the community well, like the OJB there are no hollow words here or there.
This is a question for Tony Bu7shala and or mr Whitaker. Have these 6 officers been placed on administrative leave? Is a paid leave? can the names of the officers be released to the public? Are they even close to being questioned as suspects in a mruder? Who are the officers involved? I pretty sure that every time an officer invl-olved death occurs the names of the officers is released to the public.
Paul, the answers to those questions are kept secret by the PD due to decades of lobbying by police unions at the state level.
No transparency here.
A question comes to mind:
Is the Fullerton POA so powerful that it can keep this out of the OC Register, the LA Times and off other Southern California media?
I have read very little about this, except fon the blogs. What has been published has been spun, watered down and cursury. You can bet if a police officer was beaten to death there would be a three hundred car parade, like in Oakland last year.
Horrible double standard by the union.
Horrible double standard by the press, you mean.
OFF TOPIC ALERT (that’s for Larry)
I am sorry, but I have to respond to you here, as the little chicken shit (aka, Art Pedroza) is censoring me on his blog for pointing out that anyone who starts smearing people with Klan references is spewing hatred and that disagreeing with Art on issues doesn’t automatically mean you are a racist or one of his “usual suspects”.
The man has no sense of proportion or even rationality. He can’t stop himself from pointing fingers, making wild accusations and alienating people on his “new very positive blog”. LOL
If Art thinks that a divisive, bomb thrower like himself is who the folks at city hall should be listening to, he’s even crazier than I thought.
Anyway, to your point, just saying that soccer is more important than football doesn’t make it okay to deprive SA football teams of their right to use the stadium.
As I said before, I am not against Chivas coming to Santa Ana, but I DO RESENT being attacked and called a racist for wanting to know more about the proposal and the terms of the deal.
lol ….Liberals eating their own….From the brown racists to the white elite liberals getting their knickers in a twist…Very funny :0)
I’m sure the whole world seems liberal to you, potato head.
What happened to Kelly Thomas should have been prevented from happening to anyone by the very people who murdered him. Talk about terrorism !!!! If this is not terrorism i don’t know what is. And the police are getting more bolder every day. We have just about lost all are rights . We have a president that totally disregards the very thing he swore to protect (THE CONSTITUTION ). And if you need the T.S.A. to strip down 96 year old ladys and 4 and 5 year olds to protect you then take your yellow spinless ass and bow down to the GOVERMENT GODS!!!!!!
New statement from Kelly’s dad, Ron Thomas
Ron Thomas on July 24, 2011 at 9:20 pm:
Bruce [Whitaker] and his wife have shown great compassion to myself and my family. However, Mayor Jones has not given us the time of day. I can only guess that this is because (as seen in past council meeting videos) he is going to see to it that the downtown area is cleaned up. Well, his goon squad has gone to far this time. I have no doubt that the intention of this “goon/hit squad” was to show the other homeless people that if they don’t leave, they will be next. Well Jones, I’m not going anywhere. I will find justice for my son even if it means your job. I don’t appreciate the fact that you have already had your attorney contact me for an out of court settlement. He felt compelled to degrade my son, and to go as far as saying “Ron, Kelly wasn’t a rocket scientist”. After hearing my son on the video beg and cry out for them to stop they tazed him some more. Then he cryed out “DAD..DAD HELP…..These were the last words of his life as the murderers continued to beat him to death. I will never give up my fight for my sons justice.
Ron Thomas, Kelly’s Dad
How true!
If I would have been elected as a Mayor of the Santa Ana in 2004, 2006 and 2008, I would enact an ordinance in the city to allow citizens to use reasonable force against the COPs to defend them self against such abuse.
So you have missed your chance on the “spiral of life” folks.
Suffer!….. Until the next Fiala appears.
Then do everything in your power to elect him….. be free.
Please sign the petition to force the release of beating videos – the ones from the Fullerton Transit Station cameras, and whatever police-car videos there may be.
I watched LAPD officers fight with a small man, probably he was about this guys size. I think he was mentally ill…he was living in the building where I worked and I hardly knew him.
I couldn’t believe how strong this little guy was he fought..but the 2 cops finally pushed him up against a wall and handcuffed him.
So I guess it’s possible this guy did really fight hard when the police tried to arrest him, but with all those officers present I don’t see why they could not subdue him…they could have struck him in the legs etc. with batons, somewhere got him pinned down and then handcuffed him. This is terrible. There’s no reason to beat someone about the head and face like this.
I’ve never had police training, but I DID go through Navy Shore Patrol training, learning riot baton use. In that training we were taught to NEVER swing at the head. Head wounds have a very small chance of stopping the subject, they bleed heavily (and spectacularly), and leave a fair chance of the subject falling over dead in the next several days. We were taught to strike HARD at heavy muscle masses, causing disabling cramping but no real damage.
It seems that every time I see police at work with batons I see them swinging for the head. Is there a problem with their training or are they just blood-thirsty?
Police officers abuse their power because they can, and people who defend them has never had a bad encounter like some of us. The end.
Or had a friend with a bad encounter. Or a child. Or a brother.
“…people who defend them has never had a bad encounter.”
People who defend these rogue cops seem to live in a vacuum and repeat the cliche like droids from the Star Wars movies…”PUBLIC SAFETY FIRST”
If by some chance they should be on the receiving end of police brutality and wrongful arrest, watch their tune change as they run to groups that they love to slam and beg for their help to defend them (i.e. the ACLU).
Let me correct the pop culture reference. Robbie the Robot from “Forbidden Planet” and “Lost in Space.” The Star Wars droids possessed a lot more intelligence.
these sick police supporters, are worse than the crooked cops…….pussy police……………
….all cops are criminal and sinner saints……..-jagger
well put……….
Mcdonald v. U . S. ……power is a heady thing, and history shows, that police acting alone cannot be trusted……………..
When i heard about this incident, i didn’t really believe it but when i saw it on television I was very shocked! It doesn’t matter if Mr. Thomas did steal or not. Cops have no rights to hit people not even a single touch.
And I do think that cops abuses their power. They are not any better than us. They are just regular people like us that needs to work for money. Cops are like teachers, they are suppose to correct all the wrong things that are happening in the streets.
These “peace officers” were responding to a report of cars being burgled. Has any burglary been substantiated? I would be very interested to hear that report.
I would also be interested to know what was discovered in the backpack that led to such serious consequences for this challenged individual.
If it is proven that this group of peace officers turned into a murderous mob, at the moment that occurred, of their own free will, they surrendered their badges and any benefits of public service.
I cannot believe that the public is still willing to pay them, be willing to overlook this act, or willing to have them return to public service in any capacity.
Oh, and Mr. Official Maybe-We-Should-Let-It-Die-Down-and-Transfer-Them? When their characters rear their ugly heads again, good luck defending your actions.
What remedy does law offer for those who lend aid or comfort to murderers, after the fact? Just asking.
If a parent harms or kills a child, what does the law expect of the other parent? Does the law expect more from lay people than those charged with and trained in enforcing it?
There is no need for more evidence, no stupid lawyer, FBI etc…investigation. This man was murdered period, by cops, and no amount of evidence to prove other wise can out do the beating that this man suffered by these rogue cops. They should be in prison and if not, the people should demand that they be in prison. Not even the RUC was capable of this type of violence toward a civilian. Poor man, how completely awful for his father who was himself a police officer!
Jail them now and let the people see who they are!
Damn. We agree on something. Although, they do get their day in court.
You’re right, if they weren’t cops they’d all be in jail, trying to post six-figure bail at the least.
office of oath.
police brutality in its worse……
They tried, to sweep this under the carpet…………..too bad…..
a government of the people, by the people, and for the people……
we need to expand, cop watch.com
police watchers
police abuse.com
and sprout up more investigative journalists, and amateur , and novice reporters…….ongoing……
expose, the scum, caught on camera, and endless witnesses…..
the guy who was there, and had his camera, slammed, and falsely arrested, is suing, now…
poor dumbass city council members, what a disgrace, all of them….
we all need , to pressure, the mayor, and the ex cops, to apologize, the families, and citizens, for what happened, and the need to resign…
and we need to sue fullerton, for failing to serve…
also, the news report, stated, that about three dispatchers, that night, watched, the beating, and allowed,the police, to view,the video, before, the y filled, out there reports…..
Rodney King, wasnt a saint, but had 52 blows, to head, and body, and was handcuffed, and maybe a broken leg…..
we need to let everyone know,….I asked a few people, if they heard, and alot dont know it happened, its, not the Rodney King, video, that was by an independent vidiographer, and released, to the press…..
exposure, to community, will ensure, careful citizens to be on the lookout…….
join copwatch, or start your own……
police watchers,
police abuse…..
buy your video cameras, and form a media group…………!!!!!!!now……..
Four officers were convicted this week of civil right’s violations for unjustified shootings in New Orleans during the Katrina disaster. It’s expected life sentences will be handed down by the judge. This was a federal investigation and trial that yielded some semblance of justice. May the Fullerton officers meet similar or worse fates.
doubtful….I hope…….
Orange, county prosecuters, I think never convicted, one cop………..
the system is flawed, rigged, and coverups galore………..
abner louima…..had a broom stick rammed up his rectum
diallo,,,,,32 bullets
shooting in downey…..32 bullets…???
rodney king 52 blows, to head, and body,,,and arrested..
Mentally ill people are so different to deal with. At first reading of the incident I was sick of all the people complaining about police bruality and this and that, but in this case they did go overboard. BUT: his family has everyright to be upset and heartbroken, yet they allowed him to be homeless. He had a 16 year history of problems and arrest with the police. No he wasnt fully capable of self controle and YES THE POLICE WENT TO FAR. But, the ideal to teach your kids police are all bad is STUPID, yes i have delt with bad cops and good ones. Yes there needs to be better ways to monitor police BUT its like monitoring doctors. Most hospitals do not allow you to film a bbirth any more simply because if the doc holds the sizors at the wrong angle(or anything irrelavent like that) they can be sued. The police in queston did make a horrible choice and deserve punishment. Rather then key-board justice why not get up and do somthing?
Dont like the police? choose:
A) go somewhere like parts of South Africa without any police and see how you like it
B) go to police accademy, become a chief and change it
C) do nothing and expect someone else to…
Mental health Spc for the military / PI ( forgive the spelling im DiZLexik (: )
Not sure what you are saying. I think most of us will go for
D) Looking for justice for Kelly (you admit the cops probably “deserve punishment”)
E) Pursue reform – changes in leadership, and more transparency.
Call that “keyboard justice?” There’s a lot going on right now that you’re not seeing, I guess.
he wasnt on the fbis most wanted list…….
your true colors, are like a mother who denies her children do anything wrong…
you sound more defensive, towards, harsh criticism toward, the police, rather, than disdaining their behaviour…
on the radio, a psychologist, stated, they were off the charts for even closey handling the situation properly……basically,
their police manual, clearly states, for officers, tos tep, in a prevent, heinous actions…
…..Mcdonald v. U. S. …..police acting alone cannot be trusted…..
What im refering to is people stating in some of the above post
they teach there kids to hate cops
seek citizen councils over police
or complain about stereotyping
I agree reform is needed all i was saying is you cant say all cops are bad, then say its unfair to steriotype, then say i teach my kids to hate cops. unless your Archee Bunker
Yeah well some people overreact. Here’s what seems to be a good Fullerton cop, talking about this case on the radio:
It’s no wonder why people teach their kid’s to hate cops, but I have found that no one has to teach kid’s to hate cops, all they have to do is to just look back at most of the experiences that they have had with the cops in the past, and it just comes naturally, especially if you just happen to be of Latino or of Black heritage.
We have given too much power to our government employees, and I think it’s time to take some of that power back, don’t you?
There is absolutely NO excuse for beating an unarmed man to death, especially for MURDERING a guy on hearsay evidence ONLY!!! Funny thing how the Chief of Fullerton Police decides to go on a paid medical leave! They think that we are really stupid, and that NONE OF YOU HAVE THE GUTS to demand that justice be served.
How many more Rodney Kings need to happen before you stop talking, and start standing together, let your city or your town leader’s know how you feel about this type of injustice, and that you will not be voting for these city officials in the future, unless they start doing something to help, instead of being part of the problem!
It’s time that our city and government officials start to earn their pay by doing something to help this poor man’s father get the justice that he deserves for the loss of his son! IT COULD BE YOUR KID NEXT!
I am not surprised when I heard the news. Fullerton and Brea have the worst police force in this country.