Man Arrested When Shape Shifting Hooker Turns Into Donkey




Sunday Moyo thought that it was a typical Monday evening.  He went into town to party at the Down Town night club, found a lovely girl, paid her $20 for sex and then took her out into a field to receive her favors.  Boy was he surprised when he was arrested by police a few minutes later and the hooker had turned herself into a donkey.  A straight faced Moyo told the stunned court

“Your worship, I only came to know that I was being intimate with a donkey when I got arrested,” he began.“I had hired a prostitute and paid US$20 for the service at Down Town night club and I don’t know how she then became a donkey.”,+court+hears/news.aspx
But this is not just a tawdry man/shape shifting donkey tail but a story of magic and love.  Moyo explained that he had obviously been charmed by the hooker
“I think I am also a donkey. I do not know what happened when I left the bar, but I am seriously in love with [the] donkey.”
Moyo had no further explanation as to how or the shape shifting human hooker had become a donkey.  Magistrate Mildred Mituvi ordered the 28 year old man to have immediate psychiatric counseling while ordering the bailiff to give the donkey an apple.

About Geoff Willis