Goodbye from Geoff Willis




Well, it has been a quick year.  I published 106 stories in my short time at the Orange Juice Blog.  I had the number one story in terms of hits (Shape Shifting Donkey Hooker) and comments (Wisconsin Protests) in 2011 and had a lot of fun along the way.  I enjoyed most of my time here especially with Vern – I may not agree with much of what he has to say, but at least he actually reads the posts and comments and is willing to enter into actualy discussion.  I even enjoyed, to some extent, the battles with anon and Anonster.

When Greg Diamond joined the editorial board of the Juice I feel that things took a swan dive both in terms of quality of post as well as in quality of comment.  His self promoting pieces on the occupy “movement” were his biggest contribution of the year and his poor writing resulted in NONE of his stories placing in the top 40 stories of the year.  I find dealing with him simply tiring.

I plan to start my own blog and, with Vern’s permission, will post a link for folks to find me.  I have enjoyed this and feel like the blogging world is a great place to visit.  Enjoy.

About Geoff Willis