There are no photos of R Scott Moxley known to exist, but he does always wear a baseball cap.
The things that pop up to distract you when you’re trying to prepare a foolproof legal case against sleazy ex-Senate Minority Leader Dick Ackerman, the Judas of the Fairgrounds! Suddenly this afternoon, my pal Gus Ayer calls and lets me know that the OC Weekly‘s R Scott Moxley has just referred to myself and this blog (in some lame-ass puff-piece about Pedroza’s new project) thusly:
“Pedroza handed his Orange Juice blog over to a knee-jerk Democratic Party loyalist [that would evidently be me – V] who turned the website into a mind-numbingly boring, frothy fellatio party for liberal elected officials…”
And thanks to all my friends who let me know about this slap, because I sure wouldn’t have known without you! I’m just not able to make the time to read Moxley’s blogging, which generally concerns the trials of women who cut their boyfriend’s dick off and such.
It’s clear from Scott’s dig at us and me, that he IS aware of my March 2011 critique of him, “The Once-Great R. Scott Moxley Fluffs Jim Righeimer,” and has been steaming over it ever since. In that particular piece I criticized the prodigiously accomplished but past-his-prime journalist for uncritically swallowing and regurgitating all of anti-labor Costa Mesa councilman Righeimer’s fallacious talking points, then corrected all of his faulty assertions at length, and then sketched out Scott’s de-evolution from bold muckraker of the 90’s to today’s cranky reactionary apologist. Specifically, anti-labor reactionary. (And the colloquial verb “to fluff” means “to arouse a pornographic actor for a sexual scene.”)
But I really don’t think Scott ever read that piece, even if he kind of knows it exists. It’s obvious he hasn’t read my blog at all, or he would never have characterized it in such a laughable way. He strikes me as a narcissist who doesn’t read other people’s stuff. I doubt he’s read anything by Art Pedroza either, at least not in years, or he probably wouldn’t be such an enthusiastic booster. Or maybe all it takes to get favorable mention from Moxley is to kiss his ass.
No, I can tell that Scott’s description of me and this blog came from his conversations with Art, and Art’s usual bitching about me and Greg Diamond, and how “far-left” his old cherished blog has become. And then Scott probably thought, “Hey, Vern Nelson, isn’t that the guy who insulted me last year?” and ratcheted it up a few notches. Well, is anything Scott said about us true? I’ll let you answer in a couple minutes, but first, consider:
1. Am I a kneejerk Democrat loyalist? Most Democrats who read my stuff and know me sure wouldn’t say so.
- I pissed off the DPOC by supporting Green candidates over DINOs Dianne Feinstein and Phil Angelides back in ’06.
- I freaked out the crowd at the Liberal OC back in early ’08 when I called for a demonstration against Speaker Pelosi (this was back when she was refusing to impeach Bush, and continuing to support the Iraq War and saber-rattle at Iran.)
- I criticized Obama as far back as mid-2008 over his flip-flop on Telecom Immunity – see “Guess WE’RE Sister Souljah Now” – and I’ve continued to criticize him whenever necessary, such as for his refusal to push for a public option in Obamacare, and his recent signging of the NDAA.
- I’ve usually been supportive of Loretta Sanchez because she’s deserved it (and I even played piano for her wedding and reception) but when she talked cryptically on MSNBC about “changing Social Security” I wrote a “WTF” post, and I was part of the contingent, along with Gustavo, Gabriel and Pedroza, that pressured her into finally co-authoring the DREAM Act. In fact now that I remember, I joined in protests outside her office in ’07 until she agreed to stop voting to fund the War in Iraq. People thought we were crazy but it worked.
- I’ve mostly been a nightmare to Jose Solorio and Lou Correa, the latter of whom says “Friend or foe today?” when he sees me. This is difficult because I like them both personally, but they’ve both made way too many inexcusable votes. One of my many pieces calling them to account was September’s “‘Democrats’ Lou Correa and Jose Solorio Help Kill AB52, which would protect consumers from exorbitant health insurance hikes.“
- I’m always the first to compliment a Republican when they do something good, and I’ve written a lot of positive stuff about both Ron Paul and Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson. And I’m planning to be a big supporter of Green Fullerton council candidate Jane Rands this year. And the CM councilwoman I was defending against Moxley in my “Fluffing” article for her reasonable approach to city workers was Conservative Republican Wendy Leece.
So, all around, what do you think? Does Scott know what the fuck he’s talking about?
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2. Is the Orange Juice mind-numbingly boring? Well, that’s your call, but if you answer yes, I’d think you’d be somewhere else instead…
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3. Are we a “frothy fellatio party for liberal elected officials?”
While answering that, I would take into account not only my own critical record above, but maybe also the fact that this is where you find Geoff Willis harping on what he calls “Obama Murdergate,” Larry Gilbert decrying “Obamacare,” Tony Bushala trashing Loretta Sanchez, Pam Keller, Tom Daly, Lorrie Galloway, and many other local Dems, and Guy Fawkes savaging Larry Agran and his Irvine cabal… not to mention Democrats and “liberals” being attacked from the left by Gabriel San Roman and Duane Roberts! So…
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4. Finally, and most strangely … would you call a “frothy fellatio party” mind-numbingly boring? I would think, depending on your particular sexual bent, you would either find it disgusting, or exciting, or some sort of combination of the two. But evidently in R. (“Riggy-fluffer”) Scott Moxley’s mind, there can be such a thing as a “mind-numbingly boring frothy fellatio party.” So I have to ask you, dear reader:
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Blog War!
To the mattresses!
To the mattresses!? oh my are they going to be naked?
I think that someone running for President on a Fellatio Party ticket could beat Santorum.
Stick to fellatio, and santorum won’t even be a problem.
Or so I’m told.
Or, if it IS a problem, it’s a HUGE problem.
Frothy either way, apparently.
Yeah, no kneejerk lefties here.
Lefties for sure! But not all of us. Kneejerk? That means we don’t think a little before sounding off, and I don’t think that’s true about most of us. And Scott would have you believe this blog is ALL kneejerk – well, not even lefties – but kneejerk apologists for Democrat politicians. Simply false. Laughable. Wouldn’t you agree, comrade?
Last time I checked, Darth Agran was a Democrat. And the only time I apologize is when someone tells me that tbey re-elected him to the Star Chamber
Um … yeah, I don’t know what you’re getting at. In the post itself I gave you credit for going after Agran and his Dem collegues … as part of making the case that this is not a Democrat bootlicking blog. Thank you.
Just to double-check, GF: the sin that earns him the “Darth” title is that he won’t let you and unspecified others build an Indian casino in the Great Park, right?
Well, GF HAS told us a bit more – how his military dad was one of the main fighters against the airport and for a Great Park, and then Larry rode in and took all the credit for it, and has not built a Great Park. I remember that part.
Of course a lot of the slams against Agran in recent years have come from Moxley, and my opinion of that writer’s credibility has slipped quite a bit of late…
Allowing Indians to build a casino on Indian land would be out of Darth Agran’s juriisdiction. Even a corporate welfare recipient like his boss, Emperor Bren, knows that. Knowing Darth Agran like I do, he’d take credit for helping us Indians if we got the casino.
And yes, I know you gave me credit. I’m just waiting to see if Riggy Fluffer will go after Jeff Lalloway and Dr. No.
You’ve got to admit “frothy fellatio party” is some pretty good invective.
By why the lack of love?
From whom?
I did my piece back in March, slamming Scott for being a Riggy stenographer. He’s apparently been brooding over it for ten months. And it seems like Art went bitching to him recently as well about how I’d turned his old blog far-left. And so Scott attacked us yesterday.
It’s all good, it’s all fun…
Does that mean that you can explain to me what “frothy fellatio” is? I thought that maybe it’s a Costa Mesa thing that I don’t understand.
Like the Costa Mesa Stink-Eye? Don’t feel bad, Moxley doesn’t know about that either.
I guess I don’t count in Mr. Moxley world.
It is truly an injustice. I don’t think that Arse Caught actually reads this humble site. He made a stink about not knowing my name, so not here for the past three months, anyway. The whole fluffy article, the subsidiary point of which is that Theo Hirsch called Chris Prevatt a bigoted slur (while denying that the word applied to his being gay) stinks of Pedroza poisoning. It would be embarrassing to anyone capable of embarrassment.
Of course Pedroza’s new blog in the old OrangeJuice! He has mucho time on his hands since he got fired from Disney. How many jobs will he be fired from for blogging at work? And You nailed it Diamond! Mill is a Moxley fluffer. Break out the knee pads Sean. He is the middle position of the centipede headed by Sal and ended with Pedroza.
Here’s another classic example of R. Scott’s “stenographer” style of “journalism.” And the story, predictably, went absolutely nowhere. Mill and Pedroza were CERTAIN the Attorney General would be filing charges.
Thomas thanks for your ever insightful albeit anonymous contribution to this post.
Not Thomas. Fail.
Big fail. This anon’s the same anon who’s been with us for at least five years. (And Sean and Art used to try to guess, wrongly, that he was Dennis de Snoo or someone.) Although I always say I wish he’d pick a different name, since sometimes other people call themselves anon.
There needs to be a word for these pathetic characters who always think they see their worst enemy behind every anonymous commenter.
This one’s interesting though. Even though anon was not Thomas, Thomas did see this and is wondering, who could have possibly known the name of his mother “Camille Ann” who’s been dead for nearly 20 years? Who has a job where they could look that up, and who would be so creepy to bother? This will be interesting to look into…
Uh, if anyone wants me, I’ll be at urbandictionary.com….
“There needs to be a word for these pathetic characters who always think they see their worst enemy behind every anonymous commenter.”
How about Debate Loser? Oops, that’s two words. The cries of “who are you” always come out when someone gets backed into a corner and their argument has been torn apart.
Sean Mill needs to stop looking up deed information from his job at Advantage Title before he gets fired from his job like Pedroza was
Why do you think the person has to have a job to look it up? Anyone with 1/8th of a brain can find anything they need to on Al Gore’s internet.
Maybe … but why WOULD someone want to look up the name of Tom’s dead mom? Don’t you think that’s creepy?
I doubt someone even had to look it up. It was probably someone Thomas knows well — maybe even a relative. As for creepy, couldn’t say without knowing the backstory …
Out Moxley – both his sexual orientation and his tired, apologist, reactionary tactics. His musings are hollow drivel, often libel. Look in to his personal past in Dallas and DC – I have. You’ll be amazed at what you find. Follow him and take pictures. Hold him accountable for every obtusely worded “investigative” piece he writes. Openly question his tactics, which should have landed him in prison long ago.
I wouldn’t touch his sexual orientation, unless he fucks little kids. I remember Bob Dornan used to call him a homosexual, but Dornan called everyone who attacked him a homosexual. He woulda called me one if I was doing journamalism back then…
He is homosexual. Pay a surprise visit to his Santa Ana apartment; you’ll be amused. His penchant for lambasting closeted homosexuals (see, e.g., his recent “piece” calling local Republicans “pro-tax increase cheerleaders”: “We’ve got vociferously anti-gay public figures who are secretly gay or bisexual”), is equally as amusing given his aversion of public disclosure of his own lust for cock . . . almost as amusing as what happens when dodges photo ops.
Is this a different “Anon” from “A different Anon,” and was “A different Anon” a different “A different Anon” from “A Different Anon”? I really want to know — as opposed to whether Moxley is gay, which I don’t really want to know.
This is the sort of anonymous comment that I would take down upon request if allowed, because it’s so easy to assert and so hard to back up.
I am only keeping your sleazy comment up because of the sleazy comments HE keeps up about people he doesn’t like, like Cunningham. But that’s enough now. Nobody here cares if Scott is gay or not. Bless his soul if he is.
Whoa — did the author name of that comment to which I responded change since last night? It had not had my name on it originally, that’s for sure. (My reply to it would not have made sense, if so.) I just checked, and originally it just said “Anon.” How’d that change happen?
Editorial prestidigitation. Just trying to clarify things for you.
Ah, OK. Well, my comment above explains why my previous comments once made sense.
Given recent developments, I can no longer in good conscience refer to Scott as a Riggy-Fluffer.
(Although it’s STILL more accurate than how he refers to me and this blog!)