Does it really matter who wins Florida tomorrow? Does it really matter by what margin Mitt Romney is going to beat Newt Zoot Blingrich? Does it really matter if Newt is a quality Conservative or merely a paid off Lobby Bluff? Does it matter that if Newt got ousted from Congress… for cause? Does it matter that Newt loves to beat up the Liberal Press or enjoys more being beat up by the Liberal Press? Does it really matter if Ron Paul and Rick Santorum get 11% or not?
Super Tuesday is coming.
So, when Mitt wins Florida tomorrow……who cares?
Here’s Stephen Stills’s opinion:
And there is also this:
“Well, I’m gonna be movin’ down to Florida child,
And you KNOW I’m gonna have to potty-train Chairman Mao.
I’m gonna make the Governor write my doo-doo a letter, child…
I guess by now you’ve figured out about Florida…
All those hostages that dance like Ray Bolger on the hood of a car in a traffic jam…”
And this is almost appropriate. Remember, readers, this is your best site tomorrow night for getting videos about Florida primary election returns that have little if anything to do with Florida primary election returns! Only on THE Orange Juice Blog!
I’m surprised you neglect this:
And of course: