Just simple billionaires, investing in our future.

The Gods Playing Poker. (Parody of the famous "Dogs Playing Poker.")

Sheldon Adelson is backing Newt “the Brute” Gingrich.  Foster Friese is backing Rick Santorum.  Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg are backing President Obama.  The list of the rich and famous shoveling cash into political campaigns is amazing to the uneducated or uninformed political eye.  How could Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson dump a quick $10 Million bucks on a Gingrich Campaign that seems to be turning on a spit.  Gingrich thinks that the “chump change” might be the kindle to catch his campaign on fire so that he could go rolling into Super Tuesday on a roll. Adelson seems to have no compunctions about having his wife, daughters and perhaps some of  his pals particpate with an endless and bottomless open checkbook for Newt.   Santorum seems to be doing the very same thing with his mentor and the Foster Friese bundle.  How about those Marriott brothers splurging their huge cash contributions to “No Quit in Mitt”?  “Do they drive Chevy Pick-ups and Cadillacs at NASCAR Races?”  Sorry Mitt, we couldn’t resist!

The millions pour in and sometimes we forget to take the time to figure out the why’s and wherefore’s.  Let’s start out with Billionaire Sheldon Adelson.  Did he come out of thin air….or has he been a political player for years?  Let’s just say we may not want to look too deeply into gaming licenses, government regulations of gambling or any of the particulars.  But, how about this:  A strong supporter of Israel, we wants more and more and more “settlements in Palestinian Territory”, ” to secure the safety of Israel….from his point view.  Suddenly, after South Carolina Newt comes out with statements about Palestine like “Palestine is just an invented concept and country!”  Obviously, the cash from Adelson might have little impact on Newt’s new revelation about Israel.

Then there is Rick Santorum and his dedication to life begins at conception.  Foster Friese, his Billionaire backer keeps using his cattle prod to make sure Rick is pushing that message and his stout anger against any type of abortion.  We wonder if Foster Friese was not involved in the Santorum money maker machine if Rick’s opinions would be so strident.

How about Mitt Romney….the Marriott’s are also members of the Mormon Church.  Their millions seemed to be aimed at targets they know are going to do exactly what they want them to do….whatever that is.

That brings us back to President Obama and his search for big gun campaign contributors.  Spielberg and Katzenberg are all Hollywood all the time.  They undoubtedly have some interest in the survival of Israel and what those policies might wind up or being implemented. One thing is for sure, those of us that are lucky to donate $5 bucks and buy a $20 dollar T-Shirt for our favorite candidate are going to have trouble fighting for issues which conflict with the guys and girls “with the money”!

So, today Mitt has to win in Michigan and Arizona if he plans on being the lead dog – on Super Tuesday.  If Santorum wins either state…..the convention could be a battle to the finish and all those Big Dog Billionaires are going to have even more influence on policies and what happens to our country in the future.  What’s kind of worrisome is the fact that Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Investment Banking, Big Insurance and Big Labor have yet to declare for one side or other in a meaning way.  Guess we can look to those folks after the Republican nominee is selected, elected or bought.

Investing in the future…….thank goodness someone still has a few bucks to throw into the pot. It could downright frustrating if the only folks left to invest in our political process were:  Mexican Drug Cartels, Russians Moguls and Chinese Industrialists.




About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.