Born To Lose: The Do-Nothing DA’s Recipe For Failure
by Joe Sipowicz

Loser. By design.
I’ve been thinking about this for months. It’s been gnawing at my spinal cortex. It’s been chewing on my psyche. It’s been snag-toothing the back of my brain. There is no polite way to put this. OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas’ case against the goons who killed Kelly Thomas is designed to fail.
There are just too many lose ends overlooked or ignored by the DA. Too many unasked questions. Charges that are mystifying, flimsy, dubious, ultimately useless.
If ever anybody looked like a patsy it was the obese clown Manny Ramos, who, as Rackauckas pointed out, initiated the brutal contact with the schizophrenic, undernourished homeless man. But other than possibly joining the pile on, Ramos is not said by the DA to have been part of the actual beating laid down on Thomas. That was said to have been perpetrated principally by the one-eyed cop Jay Cicinelli, who was hit with paltry charges and a paltry bail.
The Second Degree murder charge against Ramos won’t stick, since…
read the rest of the story at “Friends For Fullerton’s Future” …
“It’s been gnawing at my spinal cortex.”……….. Hmmmm
Sure Gröfaz!
Look at my early opinions about this case, I have stated that these guys will walk.
Not because Tony Rackauckas but because the unions which you are big supporter of.
No man can withstand pressure of your unionized communist socialist gangsters modeled after German Workers Party. (Nazi for short)
But, I enjoy it because you got bitten by your own beast.
You will get more of your bolshevistic wishes biting you as the time goes on.
Go get more beer!
Born To Lose: The Do-Nothing DA’s Recipe For Failure
by Joe Sipowicz
(not by Vern, although he posted it for the 4F writer.)
“The Do-Nothing DA’s Recipe For Failure, by Joe Sipowicz”…….. Hmmmmm
Sure Joe!
What would you do Joe if the PD Union goons approach you in your DA’s capacity and inform you that any prosecution of COPs may not be good your health?
What would you do Joe if the LAUSD, SAUSD or any **USD Union goons approach you in your DA’s capacity and inform you that any prosecution of Teachers may not be good your health?……
Even if a Teacher feeds semen to a child?….. Huh?
You are the Bolshevistic idiot Sipowiczki
So sad to see the hate and ignorance that Tony Bushala breeds with his blog full of his agenda and misinformation.
What about his skeletons? He should know they are right next to his crystal meth.
So, you feel that our DA is fully competent and doing a bang-up job, right? Is that what you’re saying? Or just that Tony (who didn’t write this article) might like drugs?
Oh yeah, you’re also a chickenshit.
Wow, Tony Bushala also is a crystal meth addict? No wonder his writings are so hateful and full of misinformation.
I heard Tony Bushala also drinks diesel fuel and eats newborn baby kangaroos with tapatio sauce and is a crack junkie.
I’m sure all the good law abiding residents of Fullerton are going to see right through Bushala’s crap and not vote to recall the three esteemed Fullerton leaders in former police chief Pat McKinley, former Fullerton police captain Don Bankhead and the well respected retired Air Force Colonel Dr. Dick Jones.
I’m going ahead and publishing this comment in part because I can’t tell whether it’s satire. Tony, if you feel defamed, let us know and we can pull it. P.S.: baby kangaroos, Tony? Seriously? For shame!
The clue it’s satire, Greg, is “well respected retired Air Force Colonel Dr. Dick Jones.” I wouldn’t put the diesel or ‘roos past Bushala though.
Baby kanagroos taste GREAT with tapatia sauce, but I prefer baby seals. Diesel fuel not so much.
After dinner I pop through the worm hole in my basement and appear on the other side of the galaxy.
Oh, did I mention my harem of early 80’s beauties and my solid gold toilet?
Incessantly, I’m told.
By the way, do you know what’s good with tapatio sauce? More tapatio sauce.
Saw the Gannaco first installment report on T.V. and could not believe the sort of people that stood at the podium to address the council. Members of Kelly’s Mob who are obviously from the trailer trash and uneducated sector of society. This is not what real hardworking people of Fullerton look like by no means. The results were not to their favor so they were rude and offensive to the council. Ron Thomas looked pitiful with his new hairstyle and crocodile tears. His new sympathtic persona is a desperate act of a father who abandoned his son to eat from trash cans and steal to survive on the street. Word around town is that Ron was kicked out of the sheriff academy (look it up), and is as much a martial arts master as Barney Fife. This unethical man turns his political aliments in a flash. No longer aligns himself with Tony Bushala because Tony used Kelly’s case to fire up his recall campaign. Ron was publicly buddy-buddy with Raukakus at the time of the indictment announcement. Then was critical of the D.A. for not releasing the video. Now is in agreement with Raukakus to not release the tape, this after he and his ex-wife viewed the tape. I think Ron did not see what he hoped to see. I think Ron wants to hide the tape just as long as he can. Your “Kleenex” strategy is despicable as you cannot produce real tears, or any tears as a broken father who can’t hardly hold it together, you are a bad actor Ron and a liar. Right, you didn’t recognize your crazy eyed hairy son. You lied. And have always lied and will continue to lie until you get what you really want, money. To see the public brawl you and your ex will have over that settlement will be a shame. Then we’ll never see again. Yes, after you settle, you’ll be gone. Or maybe you can talk Tony Bushala to convert some of his buildings into homeless shelters, that you can contribute money to operate. Right. The officers will be exonerated because they were only trying to arrest a violent criminal who tried to flee. Officer Ramos is a killer because he used the F word? Come on now, you cannot put a man in prison for life, for using the F word. And as for putting on gloves, who would not, before putting your hands on a filthy, flee infested, shirtless nut. A dangerous man who was a reflection of the way he was raised. The truth will prevail when the officers are cleared and you and the unethical lynch mob can part ways. You, to spend your dollars , the mob, back to the bars, jails and low life, they crept out of. Ron Thomas, you’re a loser.
Orange Juicers, what you have just read is the Mein Kampf of the killer cop/Culture of corruption in Fullerton. This is not a fake comment.
This is what we’re up against and this is why we will Recall the Three Bald Tires – Bankhead, Jones, and McKinley.
Mein Kampf? That’s really stretching it Tony Bushala. How can you compare the killing of ten million beloved righteous Jewish people to the accidental death of one abandoned violent transient?
Wow. Anonymous speech leads to some interesting disinhibition. If anyone knows Ron Thomas, I’d be glad to splice in an e-mail reply if he’d like. I’m not sure what take-down rules are applied here. I guess it’s good to be able to document that the knives are out of the sheath — and how far.
I doubt Ron has the time of day for a piece of shit like that commenter. And yeah, that was my way of thinking when I approved the comment.
The only piece of shit Ron Thomas didn’t have time for was his own son. But now with a BIG payday in the horizon he has all the time in the world.
What about your misdeeds Tony? Who Recalls you for the people that you have betrayed and lied to? People who have known you for years and considered you a friend and who you paid back by using them to serve your purpose. People who can’t speak their minds in your blog because you block their comments.
Of course you don’t eat kangaroos or baby seals your Dad ate dog food so that wouldn’t happen.
Tony can you really be recalled? If so, I’m going to run against you. I want a shot at that transgalactic wormhole. You can keep the ’80s harem.
Excuse me. Did you think Tony was joking, Greg?
Looked like a gold alloy toilet to me. (Your music there, Chief?)
No, damn it. Tony, start using me for a musician, rich bastard.