Costa Mesans for Responsible Government Denounce City Council Charter
Group is preparing a Costa Mesa Spring to defeat the council power grab
Costa Mesans for Responsible Government ( is a grassroots organization of city residents formed in early 2011 to return Costa Mesa to an open, responsible, transparent government that is responsive and accountable to its people. CM4RG finds the provisions of the proposed charter a step in the wrong direction and is committed to the defeat of the charter proposal placed on the ballot this evening by the Costa Mesa City Council.
According to President Robin Leffler, “ This charter is a critical issue for everyone in Costa Mesa. Their proposal is a poison pill that we are being asked to swallow. It takes power from the people in Costa Mesa and puts it in the hands of the few…a city council that seems heavily influenced by outside interests.” Mrs. Leffler went on to say, “A good charter can minimize state control and protect the voters rights at the same time, what this charter actually does is take away a lot of our general law protections, and concentrates the power in the city council, taking power away from the voters. Many of the things they claim this charter will help Costa Mesa do, we are able to do right now under current law. I don’t trust what their charter could do to our city.”
The organization has launched its website, CM4RG.ORG to provide detailed information on the failures of this Charter proposal and why it is dangerous for the city’s future.
Sandy Genis, a spokesperson for the group added, “The city council has chosen to proceed headlong with the bare minimum of public input required by law, which they ignored anyway. Why not take a thoughtful, measured approach on something so critical?” She expressed her disappointment that Council Member Eric Bever had commented “If you don’t like what we’re doing, tough luck.”
Ms. Genis explains, “CM4RG volunteers will take this fight to the streets. We will be working hard to get the truth about the charter out to the whole community.”
For more information about Costa Mesans for Responsible Government and how you can support this effort, go to Join us on Facebook at and on Twitter at
It actually takes power from Sacramento and puts it in the hands of Costa Mesa leaders. A real no-brainer. I’m starting to think these people didn’t even read the Charter!
Hey, can you explain to us how a City Charter works? (Goes back to sharpening knives.)
Philly wanna cracker????
Parroting the talking points.
It also takes away the voting power of the residents and puts it in the councils hands, but Phil doesn’t really understand that.
Phil likes the way that sounds bit doesn’t really understand the differences between State and General law, or how the current charter takes things away from General and actually places them under State. I’ve read the charter, and I know what a mess this council has made of the city.
Geoff West’s story on this — currently in the sidebar but worth being noted here permanently for future reference — is excellent. He’s right — a charter isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but this charter is a horrible idea. It’s “City of Bell” meets “State of Wisconsin.”
*We stand with Professor West……on this issue. Newport Beach….has a Charter which can be changed almost anytime. No one does though, because the City leadership…already has all the power. After all these years as a General Law city,
it could be an absolute nightmare to create a wholly new Charter City plan. In fact
it could be very costly to implement. But we leave those choices to the people of Costa Mesa.
Phil (initials MM) you need help.