Grabowski Strikes Out! Costa Mesa’s Losing Streak Continues.

Costa Mesa’s $495 an hour lawyers from Jones Day lost in court today in their  attempt to get the Costa Mesa Charter Measure on the ballot, despite having blown the mandatory filing deadline.

In the process, Irvine managing partner Richard Grabowski made some stunning claims, including the whopper that Costa Mesa residents John Stephens and Katrina Foley, working pro bono, represented  the forces of anti-democracy.

Grabowski also concocted a remarkable theory that the City Clerk somehow was an agent for the City rather than part of the City, and that she had single-handedly stripped the citizens of Costa Mesa of their rights.  The Jones Day partner waxed on about the difference between democracies and authoritarian regimes, and that the only difference was that one official did not have the ability to deny the will of the people. The high-priced lawyer further   speculated as to what might happen if the City Clerk had malevolently failed to follow the will of the democratically elected City Council’s will. He  had  absolutely no qualms about throwing Julie Folcik under the bus in his attempts to make some convoluted case of irreparable damage.

The INEFFABLE Grabowski!

Grabowski did everything but call the residents who object to the Charter terrorists.

The firm retained by Costa Mesa continued their contempt for the other attorneys by failing to submit copies of additional filings to opposing counsel. This violation of protocol was so bad that attorney Stephens had time to do a top ten list of reasons why they judge should not accept the filings.

Ultimately, Judge Franz Miller ruled that Katrina Foley was right on point. Mandatory deadlines are mandatory deadlines and there is no discretion on the part of the Registrar or the judge to change the law. Irreparable damage? Nope.

Is it on to another expensive loss in Appellate Court?

Will the Costa Mesa City Council keep the expensive meters ticking even as they claim the City is broke?

When it comes to Costa Mesa, the smart money always bets on stupid, so we expect to see the City piss away more money on corporate lawyers in a futile and unsuccessful appeal.

Update: Right on schedule, Costa Mesa come out of closed session with a 4 to 1 vote to appeal.  Once again, City Attorney Tom Duarte and his team of outsourced litigators keep spending tax dollars to support the egos of the Council members.

Correction. We apologize to John Stephens for mis-spelling his name. He’s been the one doing the heavy lifting on the legal work here. An extraordinary Costa Mesa resident, Little League coach, who is taking time away from his own legal practice and family to represent the people of Costa Mesa when their own elected officials have gone bonkers.

About Mayor Quimby