By the Fullerton Shadow

Daryl said it would be like this...
Did former Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley bring LAPD Chief Daryl Gates’ unique style of policing to Fullerton? This lady, who worked for the LAPD under Gates and alongside his protege, Pat McKinley sure seems to think so. And we know that McKinley admires Gates as his friend and mentor.
Her son was shot in the back by a cop in Downey and she appeared at a Fullerton City Council meeting to support the family of Kelly Thomas – who was beaten to death by six cops of the FPD.
*Daryl Gates? Come on now…..LA prior to Rodney King was the safest large city in America. But what the heck…..if you look at the Watts Riots in ’65, well…..OK how about Kent State then?
Just leave the great Daryl Gates alone. He was cool. He didn’t even like Vincent Bugliosi. He got Manson you know?
Let me guess…you once met him and his charming wife at a party and he was charming and self-effacing.
Gates impressed me by his willingness to speak publicly the truth regardless of the political correctness fallout.
His dismissive response to concerns about excessive force by police employing “choke holds.” In 1982, Gates attributed several deaths of people held in choke holds to the theory that “blacks might be more likely to die from chokeholds because their arteries do not open as fast as they do on ‘normal people.'”
OK, if what Gates says is “true,” would you like to point us to the scientific/physiological evidence that says “blacks might be more likely to die from chokeholds because their arteries do not open as fast as they do on ‘normal people.’”??
There are many genetic reasons Onan!
1) http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/hypertension-in-african-americans
2) Reduced endothelium-dependent and -independent dilation of conductance arteries in African Americans
Umberto Campia, MD*, Wassim K. Choucair, MD*, Melissa B. Bryant, RN*, Myron A. Waclawiw, PhD{dagger}, Carmine Cardillo, MD*,1 and Julio A. Panza, MD, FACC*,*
* Cardiology Branch, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
{dagger} Office of Biostatistics Research, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Manuscript received November 5, 2001; revised manuscript received April 25, 2002, accepted May 16, 2002.
* Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Julio A. Panza, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street Northwest, Suite 2A74, Washington, DC 20010, USA.
OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to determine whether racial differences exist in the functional behavior of conduit vessels.
BACKGROUND: Compared with Caucasians, African Americans have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease and its complications, which may be related to reduced nitric oxide (NO)-dependent and -independent vasodilation of the microvasculature. However, whether a similar impairment is also present at the level of the conductance arteries is unknown.
METHODS: To this end, we studied endothelium-dependent (posthyperemia flow-mediated dilation) and -independent (nitroglycerin) vascular responses of the brachial artery by high-resolution ultrasound imaging. There were 46 black subjects (23 men and 23 women; age 37 ± 8 years and 38 ± 9 years, respectively) and 46 white subjects (23 men and 23 women; age 38 ± 11 years and 36 ± 9 years, respectively) in this study.
RESULTS: Baseline diameter was similar in blacks and in whites (4.4 ± 0.9 mm and 4.1 ± 0.7 mm, respectively). Mean reactive hyperemia after cuff deflation was similar in the two groups (793 ± 653% in black and 852 ± 734% in white subjects, respectively; p = 0.5). Flow-mediated dilation was significantly lower in black compared with white individuals (4.79 ± 3.5% vs. 8.87 ± 4.5%, respectively; p < 0.0001). Nitroglycerin-mediated dilation was also significantly lower in black individuals compared with white individuals (10.99 ± 4.6% vs. 14.98 ± 5.4%, respectively; p = 0.0002).
CONCLUSIONS: African Americans show reduced responsiveness of conductance vessels to both endogenous and exogenous NO compared with Caucasian Americans. These findings expand our understanding of racial differences in vascular function and suggest a mechanistic explanation for the increased incidence and severity of cardiovascular disease observed in African Americans.
Now study you socialistic liberal left moron mongoloid!
Here is the link you Monkey Onan
We are not as equal as you left-liberal-progressives-idiots believe!
Pray tell, what website tipped you off to this data being relevant to greater African-American vulnerability to dying due to chokeholds, Camarillo, or did you make the connection between vascular disease and being choked to death yourself?
Fiala defenders (who here was it that claimed that he was like Andy Kaufman?), prepare your defenses of the indefensible.
Well if you would do less shaming by your self Golem than you would probably realize that a chokehold is legal restrain which cause deprivation of oxygen to the brain and person passes out.
The hold is then released person is handcuffed and “normal person” vessels quickly open and everything is a OK.
In African American, however, that does not happen and person may die.
What education do you have Golem that you are such a moron mongoloid?
Why are you such a fatso and do not know that the obesity will kill you?…. Huh?
There’s absolutely nothing…NOTHING…in that study that says African-Americans are more likely to die from a police-administered chokehold. The conclusion Stanley, and Mr. Gates, come to is a case of projecting one’s preconceived notions onto an unrelated subject.
Fiala’s mention of genetics and equality is also telling. Note the ease with which he connects genetic differences (whites, by the way, also suffer from unique genetic vulnerabilities) to not being “equal.” I’m assuming for the moment that Fiala concludes that African-Americans are genetically inferior, but he can come on here and refute that if he truly doesn’t believe it.
I happen to suffer from Hemachromatosis, a genetic disease overwhelmingly affecting white males of Eastern European extraction.
Here you show that you are a monkey Onan!
Gates stated: “because their arteries do not open as fast as they do on normal people”.
Conclusion stated: “African Americans show reduced responsiveness of conductance vessels to both endogenous and exogenous NO compared with Caucasian Americans.”
I think that a reasonably intelligent individual would conclude that Gates statement is based on medical data.
However liberal-left-progressive-communists are not reasonable intelligent people.
“However, whether a similar impairment is also present at the level of the conductance arteries is unknown”
“However, whether a similar impairment is also present at the level of the conductance arteries is unknown”……. Hmmmm
The results of the choke holds naked it known!… Onan.
Go seaming your self with Golem.
Would anyyone even partly convinced by Stanki please speak up? I’ll only bother to continue rebutting his claptrap if someone is at risk of being convinced.
Dont you see Golem the bolshevist propaganda that the Negro has equal windpipe is zionist mongoloid crap. I understand it all now. Grofaz.
“I’ll only bother to continue rebutting his claptrap if someone is at risk of being convinced.”………. Hmmmmmm
And that is all what you Golem, an attorney, can state?…. pathetic.
Folks, would you retain Golem to represent you in court of law?
“The results of the choke holds naked (sic) it known!”
LOL. Right. In the same way that when more blacks get punched in the face than non-blacks, it means they bruise more easily. LOL. Got it.
The issue was Gate’s statement not police brutality, you idiot!
However, you and Golem are both moron mongoloids who will only respond with your left-liberal-progressive-socialistic talking points and cant stay with the issue.
It’s an analogy that highlights the absurdity of YOUR chokehold statement, dope.
I should add that Kelly Thomas was white and was beaten to death by Mexican primitive who should have been deported long time ago to his Mexican pissing grounds.
“It’s an analogy that highlights the absurdity of YOUR chokehold statement, dope.”
Or is it your dullard’s brain which created this analogy?
*You remind me of man…what man? A man of hoodoo. Who? You do! You do what? Remind me of a man!
There are a bunch more…..like: “That Tough! What’s Tough? Life? What’s Life? Life is a magazine! How much does cost? it costs 20 cents. I only got a nickel. That’s tough!
or finally: “Black is black….I want my baby back. Gray is Gray since she went away…oh..oh. What can I do? Cause I, I, I’am feeling so blue!”
My thoughts exactly, Winnies.
Conclusion: I always consider COPs to be the garbage, criminals and assholes with very low IQ.
It is you left-liberal-progressives-socialists who consider them to be the peace-officers because you support their criminal union representation.
So shut your mouth about about Gates because in my mine he is a COP.
However, he was straight shooter!
OK, Stanley. We’ve had an emergency meeting at the Orange Juice executive suites – YOU made us have a rare weekend meeting! – and we’ve voted you off the blog and back on your meds for one week.
To your Exile!
Thank goodness – Fiala discourages legitimate debate between reasonable commentors.
Only a week?
He turns this blog into a cesspool of bigoted nonsense, and your punishments have no positive effect.
Let him come back…if you like your blog to be unreadable.
in my mine he is a COP.
Do you mean mind?
Another shining example of Fialas high IQ.