Syrian Artists for Freedom honored by OC pols

Hundreds attended Sunday night’s concert to raise funds for victims of the Syrian regime’s brutal crack down on protesters that started fourteen months ago. The concert, held at the Grove of Anaheim, featured performances by two Syrian artists who spoke out publicly against the Assad regime: singer Asala Nasri and pianist/composer Malek Jandali. Jandali’s parents were beaten at their home in the besieged city of Homs by Syrian dictator Assad’s ‘shabiha’ militias last year after he performed at a rally in support of the Syrian revolution in front of the White House.

Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait and California Assemblyman Chris Norby presented proclamations honoring both artists.

The fundraising concert was organized by the Syrian American Council, Los Angeles chapter and the Southern California Syrian Coordination Committee.

As the Assad regime continues its violence despite the UN peace plan, Syrian-American organizations have been calling for an immediate establishment of safe zones to protect civilians and stop the atrocities committed by the Assad’s security forces and ‘shabiha’ militias.  The call for safe zones has recently gained support from Republicans and Democrats alike as both Rep. Keith Ellison and Sen. John Kerry called for following Senators Marco Rubio, John McCain and Joe Lieberman’s earlier endorsements of establishing safe zones in Syria.



About Rashad Al-Dabbagh

Arab American community activist based in Anaheim's Little Arabia. Founder/Director of the Arab American Civic Council. Follow him on Twitter at @Happy_Arab.