Hey, here’s a little something out there for our too-often neglected South County friends, most of whom have just nominated Rep. Darrell Issa to take part in the recall. And the bonus is, you get to learn some Freudian psychology too! (Hint: the “superego” is basically the “conscience.”)
What I’m going to describe really happened this past Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with …” pundit chat show. Rep. Darrell Issa was a guest, there to talk about how the House was going to issue a contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder due to his role in blocking Republican attempts to prevent people they don’t like from voting the “Fast and Furious” case where local Arizona lawmen bungled a sting operation involving selling guns to Mexican drug cartels so that their path could be traced back to, shall we say, the Big Enchiladas, with the result that an American federal agent was killed.
Holder is saying basically “look, this wasn’t my thing, it came from the Bush Administration and the operational decisions were made in Arizona” and Obama is saying “yeah, I was too busy saving the economy and killing bin Laden to take care of every detail in the federal government, so don’t drag me into this” and those of us with an ounce of sense left are rebutting the right wing conspiracy theory that Obama did this to discredit guns so that he can implement gun control with the observation that Obama has not, in fact, been trying to implement gun control so he didn’t really need to accidentally kill a federal agent for a pretext.
(By the way, our prodigal correspondent Geoff Willis was the motive force behind this story, which is now not only landing Holder in Darrell’s Dungeon, but which is also infecting the minds of countless senior citizens who think that Fox News Channel’s Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade really are their friends. But is Orange Juice Blog credited every time the story is mentioned? No, it is not. And are we complaining?)
But let’s get to the fun stuff. Issa is being asked whether it’s fair for Obama and Holder to cast blame on underlings and to pin responsibility on those who came up with this sort of sneaky policy during the Bush Administration — and he demands that his brain spit out an enlightening analogy and this is what the dark reaches of his unconscious mind send down to be blurted out of his mouth:
“The whole point of this thing is a little bit like when you do something wrong and then lie about it as a young person, you can’t say, oh, after you get caught, my brother did it, too…”
Oh, Darrell. Oh, my God — Darrell — how many nanoseconds was it before you realized what it was that you had just said? Did you think back to your own history as a young car thief who … yes, yes, it’s true … blamed your brother for all of the bad things that got him into trouble?
Some readers unfamiliar with our newest partial-district incumbent Congressman (balancing out Linda Sanchez on the other side of the county) are not going to believe that this could be true.
Well, read this: Darrell Issa To Lead Obama Investigations: Suspected Arson, Car Theft, Weapons Charges! Wait! That Is Issa’s Past!
(That articles is more than a year and a half old, by the way! How could anyone have predicted that long ago that Issa would do this?)
I’m pretty sure that Orange Juice Blog’s own archives will have a heapin’ helpin’ of such Issaiana, but Vern will know where the bodies, so to speak, are buried, so I’ll leave updating to him.
Hat tip to Jillian Barclay, who wrote the above article and this one that tipped me to this last desperate attempt of Issa’s superego to assert itself on ABC. Issa will no doubt now be having it surgically removed.
Jerry Tetalman is the other one in the Top Two in CA-49; he’s raising money here. Tell him OJB sent you.
Our old Geoffrey, the “motive force” behind Fast and Furious Mania? Really? I didn’t know that he had broken anything new, beyond coining what he thought was the very clever phrase “Obama Murdergate” which I haven’t come across anywhere but here. Have I short-changed him? Maybe we should be nicer when he comes around, and just say, “yeah, yeah, sure…” so he doesn’t get his feelings hurt and stomp off again.
And no we don’t have any secret OJ archives of Issaiana, he’s only just now becoming this county’s problem. But give us till November…
Re Willis as THE motive force: “Exaggerations were made.”
So we have to document ALL of Issa’s legal troubles for our friends in South OC?
“We’re gonna need a bigger blog.”
WARNING!! WARNING!! National Review abandons ship in front-page editorial!
And it continues on the website: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/304142/did-fast-and-furious-not-happen-robert-verbruggen
(Hat tip to this blogger: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/27/1103590/-National-Review-Editor-turns-on-Darrell-Issa-I-didn-t-see-that-one-coming)
Darrell Issa is taking on water! Dive! Dive!
Obama’s Gun Running is Grounds for Impeachment
Impeach Obama for Gun Running – Then Extradite him to Mexico for Trial
· Obama approved illegal gun sales to Mexico’s drug cartels.
· When Mexico’s government tried to trace the serial numbers of the captured guns the Obama Administration said the serial numbers did not exist.
No Tracking Mechanism for the Obama to Mexico’s Drug Cartel Gun Sales.
Hey, isn’t that Arizona sheriff McCain’s “build the dang fence” buddy who got busted for threatening his gay Mexican lover with deportation? Yeah, Babeau, that’s it. Sounds French, like LaRouche.
Most Libertarians have secret Mexican lovers.
What did Daryl Issa know and when did he know it?
From the Washington Post;
Issa aides deny he raised no objection when briefed on ATF gun-trafficking program last year
By Jerry Markon and Sari Horwitz, Published: June 21, 2011
“A chief Republican critic of a controversial U.S. anti-gun-trafficking operation was briefed on ATF’s “Fast and Furious” program last year and did not express any opposition, sources familiar with the classified briefing said Tuesday.
Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.), who has repeatedly called for top Justice Department officials to be held accountable for the now-defunct operation, was given highly specific information about it at an April 2010 briefing, the sources said. Members of his staff also attended the session, which Issa and two other Republican congressmen had requested.
Fast and Furious targeted Mexican gun traffickers but was linked to the killing of a U.S. law enforcement officer. Republicans in Congress have criticized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives over its handling of the operation, with Issa calling it “felony-stupid bad judgment” during a hearing last week in which he grilled a Justice Department official.
At the briefing last year, bureau officials laid out for Issa and other members of Congress from both parties details of several ATF investigations, including Fast and Furious, the sources said. For that program, the briefing covered how many guns had been bought by “straw purchasers,’’ the types of guns and how much money had been spent, said one source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the briefing was not public.
“All of the things [Issa] has been screaming about, he was briefed on,’’ said one source familiar with the session. …
… But Issa raised no objections to the program at the April 2010 briefing, sources said. They said Issa and Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and John L. Mica (R-Fla.) had written a letter to Melson in February seeking a briefing about ATF’s efforts to combat gun- and drug-related violence along the Mexican border.”
Great post by our sister blog (adopted) Talking Points Memo on what else you have to believe if you believe in the F&F conspiracy theory:
Here’s a summary of the list only; go to the link for explanations. You must also believe:
As you’ll see from the explanations, believing all of this will take some doing, so good luck!
It seems absurd to us that someone like Skallywag, that anyone with an IQ over 80 or so, could believe this stuff. Maybe it helps to remember he is hearing it nonstop from people that he should be able to consider intelligent, honest and well-informed: Senators like Chuck Grassley and Congressman Issa himself.
The question is, do THEY really believe this, or are they lying through their teeth and laughing at Skallywag behind his back?
Grassley does seem kind of senile these days – remember his “Pull the plug on Granny” line regarding a program he’d originally backed.
Issa, I don’t know … really doesn’t seem like an idiot. I think he’s the worst kind of demagogue who’ll say ANYTHING he can get away with, no matter how false and absurd, if it’s likely to have the desired political effect.
And then what typically happens is they go back and retract or rephrase what they’ve said (“If I had to do it over again, I’d have parsed my words a little more carefully,” Issa said in Nov. 2010, on CNN’s “Situation Room.” “Do I think the president is personally corrupt? No… I should never have implied that or created that in a quick statement on a radio call-in.”).
But they know that by then, their bullshit statement is out there and duly consumed by the likes of Skallywag.
The wheels are are twisted……our hero Joe Arpaio is being attacked with impunity. Our other good friend Darrell Issa is the point man for an unadulterated attack on the Attorney General Eric Holder……..for impropriety relating to one dead DEA Agent.
Hmmm. How many Americans have given their lives this year in law enforcement dealing with just the Mexican Drug Cartels? ONE?
The election year games are sick and twisted. Makes you want to become Pauxatawny Phil…..and dive under the covers until the middle of November. Even
normally conscientious Congressman John Mica has become a troll for for the extreme wing of the Tea Party NRA Maypole Parade.
Come on guys (Members of Congress)……go attack Syria or something….you keep wasting alot of energy on a continuing list of insignificant causes and directions. Did they put somethingin your drinking water lately or what?