Prop 37 Backers Come to OC; Monsanto & Co. Come to Grief

California Prop 37 seems to be on fire these days. There is so much going on! Probably the most exciting news is that we just got an endorsement from California State Senator Mark Leno (D).  I  read a letter he wrote to his colleagues and candidates, which in my humble opinion expresses the very sentiment I feel.

Dear Colleagues & Candidates,
I’m writing today to ask that you join me in saying Yes on 37.  Please join the CA Democratic Party, the California Labor Federation, the California Nurses Association, UFW, Sierra Club, CALPIRG, Consumer Federation of America, dozens of farmers and doctors, and hundreds of other organizations and businesses in officially endorsing Yes on 37.  Yes on 37 is California’s Right to Know ballot measure that would label genetically engineered foods.  You can endorse Prop 37 right now at or simply by replying to this e-mail.

Yes on 37 is based on a pretty simple notion: we have the right to know what’s in the food we and our families eat.  Food products should have simple labels that tell us if they have been genetically engineered, especially since we don’t know these foods to be safe.  This “right to know” is a fundamental right and a bedrock American value.  It is time for California to join 49 countries that already label genetically engineered foods.
Yes on 37 is part of a massive, rapidly-growing national grassroots movement.  Here in California, we’ve secured the endorsements of several elected officials, including U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, Congresswomen Maxine Waters & Judy Chu, Chair of CA Dems Women’s Caucus Christine Pelosi, State Assemblymembers Allen, Huber, Monning, Huffman, and Ammiano, and many more.
Please learn more and join us today:
Thank you!
In other Prop 37 news, Jeffrey Smith and Pamm Larry are back in the OC for the next few days.  I highly recommend that you come to any one of these events to find out more about GMOs and this important propostion.  Hey, you might even feel inspired to volunteer.
  • Jeffrey M. Smith, author (Seeds of Destruction and Genetic Rolette) and the leading spokesperson regarding the need to label GMO foods; Tom Newmark of Greenpeace;  Pamm Larry of August 25, 2-5 p.m., Holiday Inn and Suites, 2932 E. Nutwood, Fullerton.
  • Pamm Larry at Mothers’ Market in Costa Mesa –August 21 at 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Talk and Planning Meeting –August 21 at 11 am to 2:00 pm: As stated on Mothers’ website, “Pam Larry will be available to answer your questions about GMO’s. Visit her table in the Mother’s store.
  • Pamm Larry at Mothers’ Market in Brea –August 23 at 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Talk and Planning Meeting –August 23 at 11 am to 2:00 pm: As stated on Mothers’ website, “Pam Larry will be available to answer your questions about GMO’s. Visit her table in the Mother’s store.

Meanwhile back in Monsanto Land I just read that they  have thrown in another $4.2 million dollars to spread their lies to kill  Prop 37.  Gee, I thought they would be too busy trying to explain to farmers why their Bt corn crops are being eaten by the root-worm when they are supposed to be immune from them.  It says so on the label!

And it looks like their drought resistent corn isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either. I guess the members of the board think its better to spend all their time and money making sure the California public are kept in the dark about what they are feeding their family.

According to Yes on 37 Right to Know website:

New campaign finance reports reveal that Monsanto Co. just contributed $4.2 million to defeat Proposition 37, which would require labeling of genetically engineered food.  That is the largest contribution in the race.  Total contributions to defeat Proposition 37 amount to $25 million, and nearly $23 million during the last week.

I believe Senator Leno sums it up best, “Yes on 37 is based on a pretty simple notion: we have the right to know what’s in the food we and our families eat.”  Why do Monsanto and its biotech buddies feel so threatened by this?  Now that’s the real question.

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at