“Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that Ryan has a whole lotta RAGE in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.”
– These are Tom Morello’s observations of Paul Ryan when he claims his love for “Rage Against the Machine.”
Ryan’s astrology chart shows him suffering a traumatic emotional wound sometime during the fall of 1988 (transiting Chiron squaring natal Chiron). This would have occurred during his freshman year at Miami of Ohio, a full two years after his father’s death.
Though Ryan’s Wikipedia page was pretty thoroughly scrubbed within an hour of being announced as Romney’s running mate, in the two years following his father’s death there is no evidence I can find to support any acting out in school, at work, or at home. That’s a concerning sign for a 16-year old who found his dad dead in bed from an apparent heart attack in 1986.
In fact, Ryan was voted Prom King during his senior year at a time when being selected was considered an honor bestowed on the well-liked, and those who excel in academics, sports, or both. The worst anyone could say about Ryan was that he was the best brown-noser in his class.
But Ryan’s preferences do appear to be those of a very angry man. Rage against the Machine’s music is angry. Brutal daily workouts – the kind for which Ryan is famous – appeal to those trying to keep rage under control. Embracing mean economic philosophies that hurt the weak and underprivileged is an angry choice. Arguably, joining a fraternity with its long traditions of hazing powerless freshman could also be considered an angry choice. And Paul Ryan is a bow hunter.
Rebecca Dana wrote “The pictures of him smiling in his hunting gear telegraphed all the hopes and dreams of the libertarian right: a good old-fashioned American dad who loves Jesus and the Second Amendment and who shows it by exerting dominion over the animal kingdom.” He was just like goateed, crucifix-rocking archer Brady Ellison, who helped bring in the first medal, a silver, for the United States two weeks ago. Except he actually kills stuff.
Paul Ryan is the smooth, civilized, 1% version of a damaged rage-a-holic. He’s not the “normal kind” who intimidates his wife, kids, and friends, carries a gun, and gets rip-roarin’ drunk several times a week. Maureen Dowd observes that “Paul Ryan is the cutest package that cruelty ever came in.”
So what was the wound that basically left him hobbled in his ability to express anger and masculinity in healthy ways? While the meanness of the Ayn Rand philosophy probably felt shamefully good to Ryan, someone in authority (an admired professor maybe) explained to him that embracing the heartless philosophy was actually an indication of superior intellectual understanding and sophistication. Ryan lost himself when he embraced Rand. She provided an outlet for his anger. No longer was there any need to resolve it. He probably fantasized about someday being in a position to inflict pain on lots of people while at the same time being admired for his “seriousness” and economic ability.
In October of 1995 the scab was torn off the the wound so to speak (Chiron opposing natal Chiron). What was the event that deepened the wound? In 1995 Paul Ryan became Sam Brownback’s legislative director and protégé. Brownback is a religious and economic supply-sider nut, anti-women’s rights, anti gay-rights. A cold hearted angry man it seems, and Ryan’s new role model. He doubled down supporting the worst in Brownback, and Brownback did the same for him.
So what we have in Romney and Ryan, is two hobbled men. Romney sidesteps his lack of love issues by feeding his insatiable appetite for money, and Ryan has an endless supply of anger, and diffuses it with nefarious economic plans to inflict pain on the unsuspecting masses. These two are both pitiful and dangerous. Distorted visions, stale ideas, cowardly plans, evasive maneuvers, degrading the many to advantage the few… that kind of “leadership” would truly reflect the kind of men Romney and Ryan have allowed themselves to become.
One final note. Neptune, the planet that puts a haze over everything, falls directly over Ryan’s ascendant, making him a walking cloud of contradiction. His presentation of himself is deliberately and non-deliberately misleading. So Todd Akin comes along with his Mars in Gemini (forceful and direct communication) opposing Ryan’s Neptune (the haze) and suddenly the haze lifts. Ryan isn’t so confusing anymore. We see him “in focus” through the corrective lens Akin has provided us.
* * * * * Putting it all in a Cosmic Context * * * * *
On April 15th of this year the universe experienced a cosmic “changing of the guard.” The fixed star Regulus (one of the brightest stars in the night sky, Alpha Leonis is in the constellation Leo), has moved from its station in Leo (since 150 BC) into the sign of Virgo where it will remain for the next 2000 years (give or take a few hundred).
This transition has resulted in a giant mass male “freak out.” Among other desperate acts, we have seen intensified attempts to crack down on women’s and gay rights. Males’ 2,160 years of dominance is now officially OVER, not to return again for the next 23,760 years. That’s none too soon as far as women and gays are concerned, but in the meantime we watch in disbelief at the cosmic temper tantrums being thrown by the historically privileged here and around the world.
Leo is a masculine sign, fixed, fiery, kingly, given to dramatic display and the unquestionable wielding of power and influence. Leo’s influence is entitled and arrogant. They are acutely aware of their own specialness. Your head might be chopped off – or the modern day equivalent of it – by treating someone of this sign as a regular human being. To be fair though, Leo’s can be warm hearted, lovable, and the most creatively self- expressive of all signs.
But the world has moved into the Virgo era and our leaders require different skills and a different temperment. Virgo energy defines this new age. It’s earthy, feminine, mutable, concerned with efficiency, humility, health, and wholeness. It’s ruled by Mercury whose influence is intellectual and objective rather than ego driven. The new paradigm will not sustain big egos, waste, policies that address segments of a problem rather than the whole, and ineffective health practices.
All over the world leaders recognize that the foundation of their wealth and power has disintegrated. Women and gays who have retained their feminine energy, refuse to be victims, and hold some memory of their primal power needed to step into the leadership vacuum being created by the dying, overly masculine, “Leo breed”. They need to communicate with humility and intelligence their ideas to advance efficiency for the health of the collective. They don’t need to over react to temper tantrums of current “leaders,” but to step over and speak over them. Established leaders have already been undermined. They’re weak, their institutions are weak, and they themselves are in need of relevant leadership.
It’s past time to move on!
TOJO (The Orange Juice Oracle.)
I read “Atlas Shrugged” when I was twenty or so. I remember it being an enjoyable read, and little more. But the basis for a major life philosophy? Come on.
Now “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” — there’s the basis for a major life philosophy!
Yeah, well I don’t think it’s necessarily the literature that Ryan is smitten with. It’s the hard-core, laissez-faire economic philosophy that Ryan admires. Make no mistake about it…in a Randian world, there would be nothing…ZERO…NADA…restraint or regulation on the financial institutions that spent years selling shit as gold and driving the world’s economy to the brink of total collapse.
*Oracle Grandee – please….fixed stars like Regulus have show emphasis…not any definitive outright evidence…to begin with. So, we can argue that point for the next 2000 years to no avail. How about the movement of Pluto out of Sagistarius and into
Capricorn……..meaning that the masses could be crushed by big business, That of course and the fact that the days of free money and jive talking are over. It is a long
period of paying the piper.
Editorialized Horoscope Interpretation is chancy at best and almost never accurate.
Tell us his moon, his sun and his ascendant…..then let us decide whether or not he trust worth, caring or even gives a hoot.
If you were lucky enough to get an accurate time and place of birth…we would be surprised. Ryan was born January 29th, 1970. That comes out a 47 or 11 Numerology number. He was born on a Thursday. He is an early Aquarius, we think he has a Scorpio Moon – Mr. Get Even! His Venus is combust his Sun and he is very self consumed. He could be another Anthony Weiner personallity. His Mercury is in Capricorn right in the middle….he will not be moved on anything he thinks. No compromise under any circumstances. His Saturn is in early Taurus, his Jupiter in early Scorpio – almost an opposition…..meaning he tends to over do stuff..that he should be shutting up about. He has an early Mars in Aries….and makes instant decisions which can either be right or wrong….but he will still make them. Uranus is in early Libra and Neptune in very early Sagistarius. His Pluto is indeed in late Virgo…and he has a North Node in the middle of Pieces.
Not a bad chart…..just not what the country needs right now…….unless HE (the Ryan) was the Presidential Candidate and Mitt was running for VP.
Forget any transit issues or Progressed Planets. The big macros are at work in Capricorn and Banks and the Big Wigs will be facing complete urban renewal. Wherever Pluto goes ….you find a new Sheriff in town.
Geez you guys are doing astrology here, you are promoting an agenda, your own!
Yes Rebecca, I have my own agenda.
The cosmos has it’s agenda as well.
Are we to believe that you don’t have one?
Have you any idea how many views an astrology column gets? This is paying for Vern’s alpaca farm!
Yeah! That’s right! (What’s alpaca?)
It’s a sort of shaggy Peruvian ornamental llamaesque critter that is cute and produces superior wool.
Traveling in Peru, I really came to appreciate the flavor of alpaca steak. Exceptional !
Accuracy of the birth time, place of birth, and how reliable that information is (how was it obtained and from what original source) determines how much weight one should give to that analysis. Paul Ryan’s birth time is 2:37 am in Janesville, Wisconsin, and is rated AA, the highest possible rating for accuracy by Astro Data Bank.
His Sun falls at 9 degrees of Aquarius. Moon 24 degrees of Libra (not Scorpio as you guessed). But his ascendant is 0 degrees of Sagittarius exactly conjunct Neptune. I could rest my case right there.
Your interpretation of his Mars in Aries may change if you know it conjuncts Chiron. His Mars is a very wounded one.
Pluto is a big player but changes signs on average every 14-20 years. There are much bigger cycles in play that affect the context within which you interpret any planetary influence.
Regulus is the big guy.
Pluto without a context can seem very arbitrary and meaningless. Pluto does tend to crush us with overwhelming force in order to move us in a new direction. If you want a description of the new direction, look to Regulus. If you ask WHY corporations are crushing us that answer lies within an understanding of Regulus changing from a masculine sign to a feminine one, (you might want to read the Royal Stars of Persia, this is 3,000 year old foundational information). Look for why institutions are trying to crush women most forcefully. That’s what you miss when you don’t understand Regulus.
But TOJO, the ‘ships are against more Regulus-ation!
(By the way — I’m pretty sure that that sentence has never before been written in English!)
I have Paul Ryan’s chart using noon time. In his Helio chart he has a T square involving Earth 180* Pallas/Venus 0* Pallas 90* Saturn/Mars. Energized selfishness. Very Similar to Palin.
In his Geo chart Saturn is conjunct Sedna and Saphho. Saturn is destruction and Sedna is even MORE destructive adding paranoia to the mix.
Ryan does have charm but can be rather cold hearted.
Mitt Romney has a Saturn/Chiron Parallelin his Helio chart. Saturn is destruction and Chiron is love and family. With the aspect, Romney had no problem destroying families but killing their jobs. In Geo chart, Romney does have a Venus 180 Pluto. Venus 120* Neptune, Neptune 60* Pluto. Romney has the ability to make LOTS of money
I use Magi Astrology. Gave up on traditional because it didn’t work very well.
http://www.magiastrology.com or http://www.magisociety.com
Currently Romney has an approaching Saturn conjunct 0* Natal Chiron. Under this aspect, people view you unfavorabley. Many people are divorced or break up during this aspect. The Saturn/Chiron begins its affects on the 29th, next week and is exact December 2. I used a noontime chart for him too.
The Orange Juice Oracle – so you think Libra moon? Hmmm. Aquarius – Libra – Sag rising…..hmmm. With a little finegaling….you are talking late Scorpio rising and Scorpio moon……
We don’t doubt the reported birth location and time…….too much – but we always question all data until it matches events. What are you saying about his rise to national recognition…..in this election? What aspects are you talking here?
Rebecca – please… the Jewish Talamud has a lot better agenda than we ever had.
We just try to report the facts …as we see them.
OK, TOJO – so what are you saying here? Is Ryan a real Catholic or a Sunday morning – go to meetin guy? 1970….whew….nobody is that young that runs for
Vice President – do they?
“With a little finegaling….you are talking late Scorpio rising and Scorpio moon…”
This is not up for discussion. This is math.
Anybody out there care to have a dialogue that understands astrology?
Is Anna available?
Nancy Reagan might be interested.
*Dirty Data…is the bain of all astrologers….. this is why most astrologers rectify charts
rather than just believing 8AM or around 9…ecetera…
So what are you two trying to say, you don’t believe 2:37 AM is correct? Where are you getting your info?
I use a 12 noon chart unless I have the sort of correct time. I don’t use ascendents or houses either.
I use Helio and Geo charts with tight 3 degree orbs. I also use declinations for both charts with tight orbs.
It’s hard for me to respond on Helio charts, as I use traditional Western Geocentric, because that is what works for me. There are lots of ways to interpret astrological birth information.
Your analysis comes from a different perspective. The methodology is different, but the results seem to be similar.
Welcome to the discussion.
Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. Do and shall rule the Earth. All else is theater.
yes a great comparison of rage against the machien a ocupoo anarchist band that has a a photo of che on their drums or paul ryan in the words of the great stanley f hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Hey ignoramus, do you miss everything? Rage Against the Machine is Paul Ryan’s favorite band. You think we made that up?
At least he got the rage part of it.
this site it wouldnt surprise vino verno
*Double Eye – Reminds us of that old Indian joke… Indian Chief goes into trading post, speaks no english. The Indian Agent asks the Chief: What’s the problem Chief, you
look angry? (Chief had been told he needed to move his tribe to Oklahoma!). Chief responds: “Chief Bowles no move!” – The Indian Agent hands his a package of prunes and a big box of Ex-Lax and a bottle of Castor Oil. The Chief came back the next day….”Chief Bowles still no move!”….The Indian Agent then give the Chief double the same things he gave him the day before and added some Duco-lax.
In any event after a week of this treatment, the Chief returns: “Chief Bowles move…
Tippee ….full of . . .. !”
Happy Friday!
The ‘ships will be out for a while today.
They have to move their tepee….again.
*Demo – first one to call it….they say!
Okay, the promises of Ryan’s natal chart, IF he were to fulfill them, in terms of the Primal Triad (Sun, Moon, Ascendant) are the following. (Ego) Sun in Aquarius 2nd House: unobtrusive, determined, eccentric, strong likes and dislikes, humanitarian, slow to anger, exploits situations to financial advantage, reaps financial benefits. (Heart/Soul) Moon in Libra in 11th House: establishes close, secret, positive friendships with women, affectionate, very popular, social, loves marriage, luxuries, and fine clothing. (Best Public Mask) Ascendant in Saggitarius with Neptune straddling the 1st House Cusp: Sociable, farsighted, ambitious, endowed with prophetic visions about business. So, he is certainly living out the promises of the natal chart. But then again, so did Hitler.
Finally, a response from someone knowledgeable on the subject of astrology.
I will respond more in depth later today…..Thanks Laurel !
Laurel, nice to be able to discuss astrological interpretation.
Not sure how Moon in Libra in the 11th reflects secretiveness. It doesn’t technically conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio, but the ascendant is ruled by that Jupiter, so he is definitely secretive about his plans for the human community. He probably would have been happier if his friendship and association with Akin would have remained behind the scenes.
I see him as defending his ego (Mars conjunct Chiron “the wounded warrior”) a pretty weak response to his Aquarian Sun. I see him working very hard to achieve intellectually (Mercury in Capricorn) and defensive when his ideas are challenged.
I repeat my assertion that this is a hobbled man. He is incapable of living out the promise of his chart as long as he refuses to face himself. What he will live out is the negative potential his chart defines… severe negative karma in the area of net worth and personal self worth.
Your reference to Hitler does get me thinking about whether Ryan might have homosexuality issues. Hitler was rumored to have issues in that regard but his Chiron opposed his Moon not Mars. Chiron conjunct Mars could certainly have homosexual overtones. Interesting!
*Laurel….nice input….however:
“Ascendant in Saggitarius with Neptune straddling the 1st House Cusp: Sociable, farsighted, ambitious, endowed with prophetic visions about business. So, he is certainly living out the promises of the natal chart. But then again, so did Hitler.”
Anyone one with Neptune conjunct Ascendent is obvisously very deceptive….in fact duplicitous might be a better choice of words. We can well argue over the a Libra Moon issue…because they can never tell you how they feel about anything. That is why we are convinced his time of birth is inaccurate and with Scorpio moon his points are always direct and to the point. You may not like his points….but he does not seem
to be a flip flopper like he partner on the ticket.
We do like your positive out takes….perhaps a little too positive for our liking…but
that is our personal problem not yours.
Glad you are a student of the craft. TOJO is obviously too self consumed with his right or wrong of things to draw too much clear headedness when it comes to personalities.
Enough already with the inaccurate birth information. It’s accurate.
Formal definition of the Rodden ratings: (Data as recorded by the family or state. This includes BC (birth certificate), and BR (birth record), that which is not an official document but a quote of the birth record from the Registrar or Bureau of Records, the baptismal certificate, family Bible, or baby book. These data reflect the best available accuracy). Astrologers only generate a rectified chart if the data is questionable, such as a B or C rating; not AA !
Do you need therapy to accept the fact that Ryan has a Libra Moon? You want him to have a Scorpio Moon for some unknown reason and he doesn’t. Console yourself with the fact that his ascendant is ruled by Jupiter in Scorpio in the 11th, not quite conjunct his Libra Moon.
Laural defines a Libra Moon well and her description certainly applies to Ryan. He is most definitely a flip flopper. He said “rape is rape” but that’s not at all what he previously said. He was previously in the legitimate rape, forcible rape, illegitimate rape camp until his big mouth friend Akin made that all uncomfortable for him.
He also denies being heavily influenced by Ayn Rand when he previously said she provided the foundation for his beliefs about economics.
These are two concrete examples of flip flopping. I’m sure that our readers can give us more.
*TOJO – a Moon in Libra in the 11th, house of friends and associations means Ryan is affected by his friends and associations and makes every effort to keep things smooth and easy. Let’s just say…..Astrology is more art than science more psychic than arresting scientific discovery…….more psychological than speculation.
& more horse shit than anything else.
Skallywag, do you know anything about astrology?
Skallwag – Now you see the Babylonians did use horses in their cultivation activities, but found out that using horse dunge during the high tides along the Tigres and Euphrates didn’t work so well – So a little over 2500 years ago they sat down and looked up and noticed a bunch of coincidences every year at the same time. Through the study of Astrology they were able to plant their crops, till their fields and collect those crops at harvest time BEFORE the winter rains and the flooding of their beloved river. No horse dung….really. It sort of took off from their and they watched over the birth and death of their kings and by golly without computers they really had a pretty good eye and made star maps that were as accurate as anything now days…prognosticating within astrological minutes and seconds of major events.
But as we point out – Not all astrologers are the same, nor do they have similar agendas which can influence their readings. In the olden days, if an Astrolger screwed up and immediately was sacrificed to Mars or Jupiter. As you know, the Romans, Greeks, theTurks, the Saracens, The Carthagenians, most Eastern Block Countries, The Chinese, the Japanese, The French, The Germans – (including Hitler as you know) and over half of the United States believe in Astrology in one way or the other.
The terms seem strange – but just take a little effort to grasp. There are lots of terms and many math terms as well. In any event, believe – don’t believe…it is OK…after all Astrology is not Scientology or for that matter Religion in any form. Astrology is a tool much like Algebra or Geometry – you may not need it all the time, but when you do…..
it helps explain the angle of the incidence divided by the dangle of the fall.
*Sorry, Forgot the country of India…..and greater Asia in general….hey, that’s only a couple of billion people anyway. Sorry Skally – big error! Thank goodness it isn’t 2050 BC….
Well said Winships !
I’m glad that you came back and added India, where the subject of Astrology is discussed more often than the local weather. It’s all cultural as far as what we are comfortable talking about.
Here in the U.S. we are not afraid to talk about the Old Farmer’s Almanac when it comes time to plant our crops, and that is all based upon Astrology.
Also consider that Astrology is the oldest study of the human condition, what we now call psychology. It is far from being a religious belief, but religious types often feel threatened by it. Maybe it’s too scientific for them, and undermines their preaching of blind faith.
*TOJO – It’s mostly the terminology and finality of attitude that tends to turn folks off from Astrology…you say something like “Your natal Saturn is oppositon your progressed moon in the 2nd house…so things might be a challenge financially for a while…..” It can all sound too much like a foreign language to the uninitiated. It is always important to stress that the stars impel….they do not compel and that we all have freedom of choice in everything we do. When things are going good…push yourself for more and when things aren’t going so well – stay calm and directed as best you can. Astrology gives us advice on the current trend of events.. as you know….nothing more. As Mom said: “You have to work with your chart – in order to get the most out of it!”
At any rate, right you are….on all counts mentioned in your last comment.
There is no such thing as Astrology as you know and perceive it. It is simply a human belief system. If you believe it that is one thing only if you act on the unfactual belief do you make your not real belief become real.
Sarah? Is that you ?
The alcohol has made you talkative. That is good in part. The alcohol skews your thinking and that not so good–like putting your dinosaur size feet in your dinasaur size horse mouth–
Doris, you seem to be quite familiar with the effects of alcohol. Maybe it’s not as good a friend as you think it is.
About my dinosaur size feet……that’s hereditary.
And I have always heard say, not to trust a small-footed Oracle.
*Skye – Yep, believe in Sasquash, Alien Abdunctions and the Lochness Monster….
cause ….those are real….right? The man in the moon is made of green cheese…right?
Religion is a belief system. Any religion we may add. Mathematics are a belief system. Space-Science is a belief system. The study of medicine is a belief system. Your apparent ability to manifest your own aparation in a mirror is a belief and a self perception – not a true fact. Is that what they call a Quantum Leap?
Heck Skye, you are probably right – but what is the unfactual part…again?
“If you believe it that is one thing only if you act on the unfactual belief do you make your not real belief become real.”
Tim Tebow will replace Mark Sanchez as the starting quarterback of the Jets before week four of the NFL season! Fact or Fiction?