The Outlaw Josey Wales… the Republican Convention!

Clint Eastwood and Bernadette Peters in "Pink Cadillac"

And he made a hoppin’ skip jumper, too!

You have to love Clint Eastwood.  From his earliest days on Rawhide….as the inimitable Rowdy…..Mr. Faver’s top hand……there has never been a role that Clint has done that wasn’t incredibly fun to watch…if nothing else.  Even his worse outings….like  “Everything Else but Loose” with the Orangutan Clyde……were awesome fun products.  The great ones however, such classics that many even remember every line…..continue to dazzle.  Last night his performance at the Republican Convention was no different that say: “Heartbreak Ridge”…with his classic line:  “Hit me, Beat me, kill me….but don’t bore me!” seemed rather appropriate.

What is great about Clint Eastwood is – he dances to no ones music but his own.  Clint loves jazz and his movie about Charlie Bird – “Bird” was one of a kind.  Face it, Clint Eastwood is no fool and is certainly a lot smarter than most.  In  the words of the 50’s – last night “was a goof”  on the whole process.  Clint obviously didn’t want to be there.  Clint didn’t want to sound like the proverbial Political Broken Record.  So Clint did his own deal and it was awesome.  For those that either know Clint’s work or others that have had the most greatest fortune to actually know him – Thanks Clint, it was a real kicker!  Republicans and Democrats and Independents are still going to see all your movies and you made everyone as mad as you could…without everyone getting it.  But that didn’t matter.  Clint was right there in “Grand Torino” telling everyone to “Get off my grass!” shotgun in hand.  Clint was busy counting those rounds of unexpended ammo with his  Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum.  Clint still has it…whatever it is.  Sept. 4th he comes out with something about baseball…..and Curve Balls.  The next month he has another interesting movie coming out about people trying to make it in life.

Thanks Clint, we think President Obama got your fun message.   We certainly know that Mitt, Anne and Paul didn’t however.  But as you said last night;  “When things aren’t working….sometimes its just better to cut them loose!” For us,  it was really great seeing “The Outlaw Josey Wales… the Republican Convention!”  We still love you Clint!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.