Just out, from Save Anaheim.Com:
AUHSD board member asks for INVESTIGATION into Brandman

Anaheim Council candidate Jordan Brandman surrounded by his accusers, Republican Board member Katherine Smith and community activist Amin David.
At last night’s AUHSD board meeting, trustee Katherine Smith asked that the board “start an independent investigation” into the allegations that Jordan Brandman used AUHSD facilities for his personal use following in impassioned plea that the issue be agendized by Amin David.
Amin David alleges that Jordan Brandman used district resources for his personal and business use. Amin David also beliese that district employees knew that district resources were being used for personal, business, and/or political use by Jordan Brandman.
The allegations that he used district staff and other resources for campaign related activity have yet to be proven…
MORE, including video of Amin’s speech, at Save Anaheim.com…
So let me get this straight. Jordan brought his own computer into the District and worked on something on his own unpaid time, but AT the District office? What is he charged with, using their air conditioning? I think it was already running….I guess I am missing something. What District resources did he use?
Im wondering the same thing. Also, when did Amin david turn on jordan and why?
Study up, Lucas: http://www.nojordanbrandman.com
This story sounds manufactured. Other than that one non-incident, where’s the evidence?
These blogs have pretty low standards. I can’t imagine this perkolating to the Register or to Voice of OC without more credible evidence.
The Register or Voice Of OC, now there are two organizations with credibility! !
Before we all fly off in different directions, what are the applicable rules? I know that, for example, you can’t make or take fundraising calls on government property; how far does that restriction extent? I’d rather not argue about this in the abstract.
Weak tea indeed. Elected officials with real jobs need to stay in touch with work. If district staff were using time paid for by the taxpayers for a campaign, or if he was fund-raising on district property or using their copier, it would be a problem.
Maybe the story’s not clear. The use of his laptop is not one of the main accusations. Those who have been following this story know that there have been rumors of him running his campaign out of his district office, and talking staff into doing campaign-related work for him, including the Public Information Officer (PIO) putting together material for him … but people have been reluctant to go on the record.
The news is that there will now probably be an investigation, and it won’t be just rumors any more.
Now that is real shit.
OK, but that’s not what you (or Jason at SaveAnaheim) were saying. You said he was using District resources, and then went into how he brought his own laptop to the District to do his own work. That sounds like you are bent that he was using District desk/table space to use his own laptop, pretty small stuff. Now if you say he is using staff etc that is different, but that was not spelled out in your original post, nor was it made clear at Jason’s. And if this has been going on for a while why is it only now coming up, conveniently during the election? I have no idea whether Jordan did anything or not (he is rue not telling me) but the timing stinks to high heaven. When will anyone present any sort of “evidence?”
Of course it comes during the election, this is alleged campaign-related activity.
Tonight I’ll re-write this post to make it clearer, the laptop thing really shouldn’t be emphasized, this is about ongoing reports starting to take on more traction.
He appears to be charged with doing what he could have done free at Starbucks or McDonald’s, what a joke! Deal with real issues….
Amin David is a huckster poverty pimp in the mold of Nativo Lopez and Jessie Jackson.
Pfffft. You can do better than “poverty pimp” — I hope. Does this mean anything other than he earns at least some of his living redressing abuses of civil rights? Do you presume that that’s as unnecessary as counting grains of sand on the beach — or might it be the case that there really are civil rights abuses worth doing something about?
(By the way: is Mitt Romney a “plutocracy pimp”?)
I said he was a “huckster poverty pimp.” That is lower than a plain old ordinary “poverty pimp” by several degrees.
Expounding on the poverty pimp, Thomas Sowell:
Let us celebrate the poor,
Let us hawk them door to door.
There’s a market for their pain,
Votes and glory and money to gain.
Let us celebrate the poor.
Their ills, their sins, their faulty diction
Flavor our songs and spice our fiction.
Their hopes and struggles and agonies
Get us grants and consulting fees.
Celebrate thugs and clowns,
Give their ignorance all renown.
Celebrate what holds them down,
In our academic gowns.
Let us celebrate the poor.
Wow, that’s actually the best thing Thomas Sowell ever wrote. He should stick to verse.
Sowell has more claim to being an “anti-social-programs pimp” than Amin David has to being a “poverty pimp.” That’s an atrocious but revealing “poem.”
But tell me: if all of that’s what you and Sowell believe to be true, do you just leave it alone and life with it or does it morally justify suppressing votes among the poor?
let me shock you a bit GD – I believe that it is the Democrats who are the plantation owners of today.
It doesn’t shock me; I’ve heard that sort of tripe before. It just saddens me, because you’re in other respects a smart guy.
Amin David is a good and decent man who has fought for justice and equality in this county throughout all the years that I have known him. However I am not surprised that something so vile and disgusting would come out of your mouth.
Amin David has been the voice for the most vulnerable and voiceless members of our community. He is well respected, especially among latinos. Unless you, skallywag. present evidences of your allegations, you are part of a smearing campaign probably engineered by what is called the Pringle’s puppets.
Nah, I know Skally, he’s got nothing to do with Pringle. He’s just a Santa Ana conservative who’s impatient and cynical about certain liberals who spend a lot of time helping the poor and making their reputation and living that way. I don’t know enough about Nativo (before my time) but he’s wrong about Amin.
Nativo was a controversial character. He did a lot on behalf of immigrants, but also did a lot of dumb things. He retired from civic life, writing a “revolutionary” manifest explaining his retirement.
Speaking of poverty – why has the war on poverty been such an undeniable, unmitigated miserable failure after pouring trillions of wasted dollars into for over 50 years?
It was doing pretty well through 1980 (despite a tough economy.) Then came Reagan (and, locally, Jarvis.) Books have been written about this — with statistics and facts..
yeah …. not enough socialism …. that’s the problem .. – not.
at least the “Reverend” Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have made a buck or two off of poverty.
Their income is, so far as I know, commensurate with leaders of the business community who have tried to sell the public on ideas like “arsenic is not that bad for you” and “slave labor is just God’s way.” And they work harder and are in greater danger. So what’s your real complaint here? I think that Jesse Jackson’s income should be greater than Romney’s, if we go by how hard they work, how much good they do, and how little of it they apparently feel that they have to hide.
Are you guys going to see the remake of the movie Red Dawn? Which side will you guys be rooting for to win?
Haha. Red Dawn. Classic! Up there with Frankenhooker, Anaconda, and The Innocence of Muslims.
An early influence on your thinking, I assume?
This guy is pathetic, 1st he was getting paid by Tom Daly to get democratic endorsements for him while he worked as Daly’s Assistant at the County. When that didn’t work Daly threw him out around January or February of this year. Now he is accussed of Daly like behavior who has Jean Pasco do his PR crap on the County dime. How many counties in California have a six figure “Director of the Archives”? The Archives bring .005% of the department’s revenue. It appears that Brandman learned from Daly. They are both scum. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Daly is being investigated and now his hack??? Hmmmmmmm…..
Funny how Ward is always there to support these vultures.
“asking for evidence” is “supporting” them? How’s that again? Please explain yourself.
Has anyone checked if Brandman was using his own wi-fi or was he using the school district’s network? Even if he brought his own laptop, if he accessed the district’s wi-fi network or hard wired network, he is still using a public owned resource for his private purposes.
@ someone that doesn’t know shit –
dude (more like dud) – you got him for suspision of logging onto a network that he is authorized to log onto … pretty serious stuff (not) – even if he was doing campaign work – BFD. Get a life, dud.