Occupy groups around the world are saddling up and moving out to protest Monsanto facilities this Monday, September 17th.
Monsanto is the largest producer of the herbicide known as Roundup, and is also the number one producer of genetically modified (gmo) seed. Its been in the news lately (wait, its always in the news) but this time it’s because it’s leading the charge against California’s Yes on Prop 37 initiative. Monsanto and its band of bio-tech buddies are spending millions to defeat Prop 37; they even got major food manufacturers like Kellogg and Pepsi-co to spend their money to join the fight. 90% of soy, corn and sugar beets are gmos. If you want to learn more, go to my earlier posts or surf the net. When you learn how much of this (unlabeled) crap is in our food supply, and for how many years you have been eating this crap, your head will explode. Mine has – many times over.
Have you seen the movie “The World According to Monsanto?” You can see it for free on YouTube. I highly recommend it. It will explain everything you need to know as to how Monsanto got so powerful, and we can thank George Bush senior and his era of deregulation for that.
Monsanto is the same company who brought Agent Orange into the Vietnam war. The military sprayed it on the vegetation to flush out the enemy. What they didn’t know (or maybe someone did) is that the American soldiers were also exposed to this chemical and many ended up dying of cancer from this poison years later. Now Dow chemical company wants to use this same chemical to kill weeds on Amercian farms; the so-called super weeds that were created from guess who? Monsanto and Roundup. Anyone who has taken chemistry 101 knows that all living things mutate, including weeds. Remember, not too long ago that scientists decided that physicians were over prescribing antibiotics and were creating super germs? This is the samething.
You can say what you want about Occupy but you cannot say they are quitters. They are the only group that I am aware of who have the balls to take on this corporation. Oh, and Monsanto knows they are coming and have called Homeland Security, the FBI, the USDA, the FDA and and anyone else they have infiltrated to save them from the mean old “tree huggers”. Don’t count on seeing any coverage on the major networks, unless some poor sap was convinced to do something illegal by the assortment of cops that will be planted among the peaceful protestors.
This goes out to anyone planning to attend any of the protests. Do not be talked into do anything illegal by persons you do not know personally and I mean you know must that person for years, because chances are that person is a cop and when cops work undercover, they are allowed to break the law. Law enforcement and the 1% allow themselves to play by different rules, because they make the rules!
This is the link to Occupy Monsanto’s webpage. It has a list of places that will be “occupied” on September 17th.
Great post…Monsanto truly is an evil corporation.
However, it really misses the mark to single out GHW Bush for empowering Monsanto. Democrats are just as guilty, including the Democratic “darlings” Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Including, sad to say, our guy Obama…
In 2009, President Obama appointed Michael Taylor as a senior adviser for the FDA. Consumer groups protested the appointment because Taylor had formerly served as a vice president for Monsanto, the controversial agricultural multinational at the forefront of genetically modified food.
In recent days, a petition calling for the former Monsanto VP’s ouster is gaining steam…
If you watched the movie “The World According to Monsanto” you will see exctly why I single out George Bush. He is on public record saying his administration
is all about deregulation…no matter what corporation. You are correct, BOTH parties are GUILTY of this. Obama promised to label gmos and has not kept his word.
In my opinion the majority of our so-called representatives sold us out a long time ago. Its up to us the American people to step outside our comfort zone and take back our government. We can do this by voting Yes on Prop 37, but it doesn’t stop there. We need to call these food companies and DEMAND they label or better yet, remove the gmos from our food. The only language corporations speak is money and when they start to lose it, they pay attention.
I watched a video last night called ” Genetic Roulette”. It is free this week online and I urge you to watch it and share with others. I learned so much more from this video and I am now convinced that eating gmos for 20 years gave me cancer.
Here is link to video. PLEASE watch this. It will answer any questions you may have and share this link with others..
*Big Chema……is another cabal….which is part of Big Oil. Dupont creates the pesticides and Monsanto places those in the various seed groups….Soy, Wheat, Corn and Oats. They don’t do any studies to see what the affects are. It is totally the “X files” – the movie and why all our bees are dying, disoriented and turning killer.
The big one no one talks about is the BHT – perservative! It totally changes the flavor of all our cererals….to straight card board. Kellogs has to use Folic Acid in the European Markets because BHT is not allowed. The concept is: After the Apocalypse
we will have Kellogs products in storage facilities that will last until 2040!
The GMO labeling is a start….but they will just add hundreds of listings to try and confuse the consumer….as much as they can. Remember Red Dye #2….?
Anyway, this is a huge issue.that is not going away soon. Does anyone remember when Wheat, Corn and Rice Cheks all tasted really good? Those were the days before “DraculaPops”…..when Wheaties actually tasted like a cereal…not cardboard.
Hey Inge —
Is it true that one can, for this week, watch a cool documentary on GMOs for free on your computer at this link: http://geneticroulettemovie.com/?