The Greatest Bill Clinton Speech of All Time!

Romney in carrier atop car, Clinton as grinning dog

Don’t think too deeply about this illustration, just go with the premise. (CREDIT: adapted from the clever illustration at

As someone who has despised Bill Clinton….during the Clinton years……it pains us greatly to admit that the speech tonight by Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in Carolina was indee
d the greatest speech of all time.  As ones that believe that it was Ronald Reagan that held the coveted title of greatest speechmaker, tonight was an amazing and scintilating example of power politics, power dynamics and powerful emotional directions.  Bill Clinton took the bull by the horns and kicked butt and took names.  His comments were direct, logical, powerful and well directed.

Wolf Blizter said:  “Having watched Bill Clinton since 1992, I can say without equivocaton….that this was his greatest speech.”

Since millions saw the performance……from every poltical persuasion………..there is little doubt that everyone will have an opinon.  We can only say, that this was truly the most moving and attractive performance of Bill Clinton’s career.  John Travolta in “Primary Colors” had made Bill Clinton look bad, until tonight.  Richard Gere in “Power” made Bill Clinton look bad…until tonight.  Robert Redford in the “The Candidate” made Bill Clinton look bad…until tonight.

Congratulations Bill Clinton….we believe!  We will never vote for you,  but we truly believe what you said tonight.  Quite an accomplishment , if you consider how much we despised you when you were President.  Your words were awe inspiring and there is little doubt that You Tube will be overwhelmed with hits and your performance tonight…..for many years to come.

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.