Don’t think too deeply about this illustration, just go with the premise. (CREDIT: adapted from the clever illustration at http://www.obama-dog.com/.a/6a010535222d03970c0168e76ad584970c-800wi.)
As someone who has despised Bill Clinton….during the Clinton years……it pains us greatly to admit that the speech tonight by Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in Carolina was indee
d the greatest speech of all time. As ones that believe that it was Ronald Reagan that held the coveted title of greatest speechmaker, tonight was an amazing and scintilating example of power politics, power dynamics and powerful emotional directions. Bill Clinton took the bull by the horns and kicked butt and took names. His comments were direct, logical, powerful and well directed.
Wolf Blizter said: “Having watched Bill Clinton since 1992, I can say without equivocaton….that this was his greatest speech.”
Since millions saw the performance……from every poltical persuasion………..there is little doubt that everyone will have an opinon. We can only say, that this was truly the most moving and attractive performance of Bill Clinton’s career. John Travolta in “Primary Colors” had made Bill Clinton look bad, until tonight. Richard Gere in “Power” made Bill Clinton look bad…until tonight. Robert Redford in the “The Candidate” made Bill Clinton look bad…until tonight.
Congratulations Bill Clinton….we believe! We will never vote for you, but we truly believe what you said tonight. Quite an accomplishment , if you consider how much we despised you when you were President. Your words were awe inspiring and there is little doubt that You Tube will be overwhelmed with hits and your performance tonight…..for many years to come.
What a stupid article. You did not state why you Despised Bill Clinton back then, and why you had an apparent change of Heart. Was he too slick? Maybe he is less slick?
Lets just say…..that between Waco, Whitewater, Monica, NAFTA, deleting Glass-Steagall and about 15 other things…..oh yeah…Elian Gonzales…..Gun Laws and more – there were a lot of issues from which we departed from the Clintons on policy. Perhaps the worst one was bombing Yugoslavia. The Serbs didn’t deserve it for manufacturing washers and dryers for the Eastern Block and Russia.
Let’s just say; Bill has been REBORN…..and his speech last night was without peer or problem. Bill was spot on….direct and exact. It showed that in fact, his years as a Rhoad Scholar were not wasted. He showed brilliance…what is it about giving the Devil his due?
Romney and Clinton both probably have money stashed in the Cayman Islands. They both make wealth off of fame, fortune, and finances. Romney is an idiot that thinks that fact makes him cool and a success story to emulate. Slick Willy is twice as smart and knows that fact is not cool, he knows he owes it back.
That is why Romney is in the Dog House.
There is actual proof that Mitt Romney stashes money off shore. It’s an established fact.
Do you have actual proof that Clinton does the same?
Last night Clinton gave arguably his best speech ever, and he had a great time doing it.
But, I think his best overall performance was his 1998 State of the Union, days after the Lewinsky scandal broke. Under an intense amount of pressure about his involvement with a young intern, he nailed it. He nailed the speech, not the intern(so he says).
His approval rating went from 59% to 69% after that speech.
Amazing thing to do when you’re getting flack from all sides. Slick Willy lived up to his name back then.
The Republicans wish that they had someone like him on their team.
NAFTA? Bad. Repealing Glass–Steagall? Really, really bad. Everything else was an utter nonissue, especially getting a blowjob in the Oval Office from someone not his wife. The GOP right wingers and Christian flubadubs hate Clinton because he was too smart and too clever for them. His wife ain’t bad, either. I’d put him in the top five of the most politically skilled presidents we’ve ever had. (And I still love that cornpone accent.)
Robert Scheer eloquent evaluation of the Clinton’s legacy : http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_great_deregulator_20120910/