In 2012, many folks have taken lying to a new level. We can think back as far as Charles Manson and wonder how and why sticking to their lies and misrepresentations is still possible and in some cases viable. Every time Manson comes up for parole….he says: “I’m a changed man!”
If we start with Casey Anthony, Foxy Knoxy, then Joran Van Der Sloot, then a whole litany of people that have “maybe” killed their wives, girlfriends or other family members recently you do start to see a pattern. Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, Jerry Sandusky and a host of politicians which have included Anthony Weiner, Scott Walker, Mark Sanford, John Edwards, Dan Rostonkowski (Rest in peace!) and a list as long as your arm.
Maybe lying all became normal from the Presidential days of Andrew Johnson or maybe Andrew Jackson or maybe another list as long as your arm. People are supposed to expect that people are just going to lie. Since Corporations are now considered “people” by the Supreme Court of the United States….we can now say that “Corporations” like Mobil-Exxon, Shell, Chevron, Arco, Dupont, Monsanto and another list as long as your arm – can be considered viable liars and prevaricators.
Rules? No rules in a knife fight…when winning becomes a larger goal than honesty or caring for others. Everyone has their list of great liars: Richard Nixon comes to mind, Senator Joe McCarthy, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist and another list as long as your arm. Perhaps that old saying: “If a politician or lobbyist lip’s are moving – they are telling a lie.”
Mitt Romney, uses a variety of positions to try and confuse the issue. They call this the “Halley’s Comet” argument. Just change or alter the argument away from the subject at hand. If we are talking about ObamaCare…..change the subject to lost jobs! For those who don’t pay a great deal of attention to the science of argumentation…..”it all sounds good!”
Romney also uses the famous “Shotgun approach to issues!” List 50 issues and say you don’t agree with – any of them! Use words like “Failed Policies” to put a label on them. When pushed on any of the issues: Just say you weren’t against the issue…just against what the opponent said. No definitive answer to the argument and no desire to give any! “I’m not for ObamaCare…..I’m for “Generic My Brand Romney Care!”
The time has come for the American people to stand up and reject “These liars” in our society. The time has come to reject them by not buying products that are created by them or sponsors that support them. Hurting them in their pocket books will be a good start toward dealing with the increasing “Society of Liars” we are facing as a Nation!
How is Mitt Romney such an effective liar? The answer is simple; some people are desperate to believe as they do – ” that lying is just fine, in relationships, in business and in politics.” Watching the various advertising for and against some California Initiatives will give us all a clue to how to set the standard for misrepresentation and reinforcement of the philosophy that “Lying works just fine!”
Looking forward to hearing your favorite list of “Gigantic Liars of the United States!”
*There are smoke and mirrors and then there are just plain lies.
According to these figures….we better start sending all our kids for jobs in China,
Thailand and…….even Mexico!
@ RAW:
Our citizens are the casualties when lying becomes acceptable.
I concur with you that we should reject the liars in our midst and “punish” them by withdrawing our support from them.
I always understood that Americans are forgiving of personal pecadilloes in our elected officials because no one is perfect, but not about being lied to or accepting perjured testimony.
P.S. What have Bill O’Reilly and Grover Norquist been found to lie about?
*Grover’s NO new tax pledge requirement…..”won’t harm our society!” That’s one.
O’Reilly – his new book saying that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone…….and was just
a crazy mixed up kid. That is the latest. O’Reilly is very sly and lies through “expressing doubts” about anything. His editorial suggestions are seldom based in fact.
You do draw a good question though: What is really a white lie, a black lie or downright evil? Our answer might be – that depends on the volume of lies that are
being promulgated….
Has obama lied?
Lying , cheating, stealing seems to be the new normal for politics and running a business. I find it all quite disgusting. Politicians lie to get elected and stay there, just look at all the lifetime legislators in Congress and the Senate.
I don’t know what they are really thinking when they first run for office. Maybe some really want to serve the public and make things better, but then they get elected and find out that the “boys club” has its own set of rules and in order to get along they better go with the program. There are only a couple of legislators that refused to bend under pressure and one of them was Senator Robert Byrd. He was no saint in his youth but openly apologized for his behavior later on. He is one of the few who changed for the better.
Corporations act no better. Prop 37 is a perfect example of that. They would rather spend millions of dollars keeping the public in the dark instead of doing the right thing and labeling their food or better yet, changing the formula back to the original healthy ingredients.
Then there are women who decided its their right to steal campaign signs from people who they do not agree with. I know that may seem minor to some, but its dishonest just the same. I think its always better to have an open debate.
Its funny how Americans believe in political correctness and go in a tailspin over what someone said, but a little stealing, lying and cheating seems to be ok. I was never a fan of PC. I would rarther know what someone thinks instead of guessing.
Sometimes its really hard for me to remain optimistic when I constantly read what ugly thing one human did to another. But then I meet people who live their life “mindfully” and want to leave the world a better place for future generations.
And when I met someone who wants to ‘sell’ me their religion, I make sure I run the other way.
he sure has renember it was just a film they where protesting , but on this site oh it was a bump on the road
I strongly suggest you read an excellent (and quite short) book on this very subejct: “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” by Andy Andrews.
As for Mitt and the Republican leadership specifically, they’re such effective liars because when you’re convinced you have a God-given right to run this country, you’d be willing to say and do anything to win.
Has BHO lied?
*NO…..but have you lied?
Has Barack Hussein Obama lied?
*NO…..but have you lied? You have something special you are holding back?
Come on now….just say it right out….like you gotta pair!
EVER? Is that what you’re asking? Can you be more specific?
Has Barack Barry Davis Sotero Hussein lied?
Birther Socialist Kenyan-Anticolonialist alert!
Anon – right on dude!
Him? No. He’s a figment from a fever dream.
Has the POTUS lied?
Are you talking about when the President told Lehrer that he did “a great job” moderating the debate?
What are you getting at ?
Strenching the truth and making it sound believable may be a new art form.
Mitt can teach us all how to do it, smile, bink and sleep well at night at the same time too.
He could have a new career, even if he loses. Teaching other how to convince themselves that no matter what they say it is what they have always have believed, at least since getting up that morning. Gives a new meaning to one day at a time !
Has the emperor without clothes lied?
You’re going to return to relative normalcy in four weeks, right?
oh renember they attacked the embassy because of a film . he never lies , ok
Skallywag – Dude… are really desparate….eh? Do you want to know his shoe size as well?
Just goes to prove: Ask a stupid question long enough…(even it is answered 10 times) and hope the next dumb person will answer it.
Take a ride on the Reading not Pass GO… not collect $200 dollars.
Is that a good enough answer to your stupidity? We have more… don’t hesitate
to march on…..shoulder to shoulder …..telling each lie as long as possible and hoping
no one is watching you.
So, Skally – When was the last time you lied….again? We missed your answer 10 comments ago!
Are you one of those “poor…very poor…..Central Valley Farmers ….threatened by
Prop, 37”? A simple YES or NO….will suffice!
It is rude to the extreme to call a person stupid. I thought that the Winships had more class than that.
*What else might you call repetitive nonsense?
Did Biden lie when he said that security forces in Benghazi did not ask for additional security, or if they did the White House did not know about it?
*Biden kick a long dark – – – ….and after that ….took names! Anyone that would vote for Romney-Ryan has rocks in their heads! And of course that is being very kind to folks with rocks in their heads….already!
No. Did Ryan lie when … oh, God, I hope that someone else has already made a list online.