No on Prop 37 has now resorted to breaking the law when it comes to fighting Yes on Prop 37, the Right to Know campaign. Above is a picture of a mailer that is going out to households in California. They are claiming that the Food and Drug Administration agrees that the labeling law is misleading consumers which is breaking Federal law:
Section 506 of the U.S. Criminal Code states: “Whoever….knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description….shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
Will this group no doubt lead by the multi-billion corporation Monsanto stop at nothing to keep their food ingredients a secret?
The entire website is full of misinformation. For example they claim this law hurts farmers. What about the farmers that Monsanto is suing for patent infringement?
What Kelloggs, Sara Lee and other members of this group don’t understand is that the Amercians want to know what is in their food. There are numerous actions all over the United States that include boycotts, calling food manufacturers, calling the FDA to require labeling, and demonstartions on street corners. Over 50 countries require the labeling of genetically modified foods. More and more countries are banning GMOs imports after the French study connecting cancer to GMOs and RoundUp last month.
The Yes on Prop 37 has sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking that they pursue legal action against those making these illegal claims. We shall see what the FDA does about this current event since Michael Taylor, the former Vice President of Monsanto heads this agency.
Meanwhile there is something you can do. This is the phone number to Consumer of Public Affairs at the FDA and I suggest we bombard their phone lines with complaints. #301-796-4540.
*** UPDATE***
Yesterday I made a phone call to the FDA and asked if anyone was able to give me an official comment about these allegations. I was transferred to the desk of Pat
El-Hinnaway who is in charge of talking to the press. I left a detailed message for her and she called me back this morning. She told me that she cannot give a statement regarding the No on Prop 37 recent activity because their agency is “looking into it”. How much do you want to bet that nothing will be publicly said about it until after the elections, if at all. Please still call the number listed above and tell them what you think. They do keep tabs on all consumer complaints and maybe they will feel pressured enough to take action now.
*The YES on 37 people are pulling out all the stops. Glad you are on top of this.
I left a message with the person in charge of press releases at the FDA. We shall see if I get a return call.
*Without Fearing we might sound like Mitt Romney……..ME TOO!
So is someone going to sue Monsanto for fraudulently using the FDA symbol and misquoting them? It is amazing that this company hasn’t collapsed from such a deep lack of integrity. I suppose it’s a matter of time and voices speaking out.
It doesn’t really matter much what the FDA says, they, like all other government entities, will simply do whatever they want to. This is why we see so many commercials for law firms asking people if they took a particular drug, and are currently suffering from….?(the list is endless)
The FDA is nothing more than another money machine. They are no longer looking out for the American public. The amount of drugs they approve in just three to five years of testing (most drugs would take 10 years to get on the market in the past), and the amount of people who are ailing or dead because of it is proof that money is the only thing driving the FDA today.
It is just like California passing a proposition that allows unions to use members dues as contributions to candidates, which, goes against federal law, but they drafted it, and passed it, thus breaking the law. They do what any communist society does, they do things the way they want them done regardless of what the citizens think.
I just hope that, when our economy is completely decimated, and millions are losing their jobs, I don’t have to listen to people who voted for the rejects like Jerry Browneye, whining about the situation they are in, because they made it happen, so there is no one to blame but themselves. People have very weak memories. I was 10 years old when Governor jerk weed was elected the first time, and I graduated high school in his last year as governor. He did absolutely nothing for California, except close a bunch of national park areas, form CARB, and never balanced budget….ever.
All the jerk weeds since him have done nothing either, except spend and hire, spend and hire. The California state government has grown exponentially in recent years. There are 5 people doing the jobs of 2, because someone owed someone else a favor and gave a job to somebody’s son, or aunt, or sister……!
I am leaving California very soon, and I wish all of you luck as you sit back and slowly see this state crumble into ruins. Mark my words, it will happen!