Bruce Whitaker and Travis Kiger: a winning combination


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rc=”” alt=”” width=”600″ height=”460″ /> A winning combination for sure!

I attended a campaign kick-off reception for Fullerton Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Whitaker and Councilman Travis Kiger who was elected during the recent Recall election. It was the right move to change the location from the Howard Johnson Hotel patio to their lounge as the temperature reading in my car read 102 degrees as I arrived in their parking lot. While I don’t have a final attendee count, as I departed before the event ended, there were around 65 supporters including Assemblyman Chris Norby and his family, Placentia Treasurer Craig Green, and several other elected and appointed officials. I also spotted a few of the activists who successfully recalled three members of their city council.

After being introduced by Assemblyman Norby, Bruce shared the challenges faced by all cities as we continue providing community services during this lingering recession where revenue is declining while costs escalate. One illustration was the cost to fix their roads. With the rise in fuel costs asphalt repairs of potholes and streets continue to increase. Quoting Representative Ed Royce who once said “Bruce is a long time advocate for Fullerton taxpayers.” Having worked with Bruce on several projects and initiatives for the past 15 years I fully agree with that statement.

Travis Kiger’s first Agenda item after taking office was his successful approval by his peers to stop their illegal water tax in violation of Prop 218. I attended that council meeting and personally observed that vote.

About Larry Gilbert