Happy first weekend of December! In case you didn’t remember, this is the time of the year when, in the spirit of “Talk Like A Pirate Day,” we celebrate the coming holidays by commenting in the style of that dear senior grandfathered blogging couple of ours – the quaint, moderate-Republican, Corona Del Mar couple Ron and Ana Winship, who have been writing on the Orange Juice longer than ANY of us – since the early 1940’s I believe!
This is an open thread, so please discuss anything you’d like to, locally, nationally, globally, personally, medically – but you must write in the style of Ron and Ana or your comment may very well be deleted, in the spirit of this weekend.
FREE ASSOCIATION is the number-one rule, free association and name dropping. Whatever point you are trying to make, illustrate it with “Ever heard of …” followed by a free stream of political and celebrity names from the 50’s to the present. If you find someone disagreeing with you, or possibly even only expressing a slight quibble, address them by a nickname, probably their name followed by “-Boy.” – eg. “Demo-boy” or “Skally-boy.” Please also be sure to back up your historical points with a Hollywood movie.
And whatever you do, be sure to start your comment with a magical asterisk. * Not starting a comment with an asterisk on this thread will be the surest trip to the spam filter!
Here are a few recent, characteristic Winship comments to give you inspiration. On the subject of Dana Rohrabacher’s getting banned from Afghanistan:
*anon – Dude, please …you are not going to be invited to Karzai Palace in spite of your kudos for the peerless leader and his very expensive brother or brother in law He is far too busy….insulting other visiting dignataries to send out invitations to people who have only seen “The Man Who Would be King”….with Sean Connery.. He probably gets free time share stays in Pakistan that he wou’t share too! “Your cave or mine?” is probably on his cell phone when you call.
Defending Wiley Drake from Diamond’s criticisms:
*Now now friends and neighbors …just feeling quite neighborly and unfazed by those out there wiling to scream mice in a crowded church.
Save yourselves for the big guys that are really dangerous. How about Karl Rove? This guy is contemptible! How about Sean Hannity? This guy is pretty duplicitous! How about a wide majority of sleezy media muffins that know how to accuse everyone but haven’t got any answers except those allowed by Grover Norquist and Karl Rove.
Even our pal Dick Morris and Dennis Miller cannot tolerate the obnoxious lies their ministers want shouted in the Media Theatre. God bless them at least.No, no ….you have plenty of blaggards out there. Just start shooting your darts at the major targets rather than the occasional week-end biker in leathers!
Educating us about the BAD old days in California:
*What do they say? You don’t remember the history…you are bound to repeat it.
Those wonders of Social Egalitarianism that you highlight included Senator Tunney,
Alan Cranston, Gray Davis as Jerry Browns first Lt. Governor., Wilson Riles and of
course you failed to jump on board the Jess Unruh bandwagon of hits. Willie Brown
was a power broker of the first order that used every dirty trick in the book to force members of his own party to sell out and members of the opposite party to disappear
when contenscious issues raised their ugly heads. Gun Control was one of Willie’s
Biggies and me made grown men cry…..by intimidation, exhortion, threats and real time withdrawal of even office space. No vision of sweetness there. The list of Socialist Commies was huge during the Pat Brown years. No so much Pat, but those he had around him.Don’t forget that the John Birch Society said that Eisenhower was a willing dupe of the Communist when he appointed Earl Warren to the Supreme Court. Argue what you will, today’s values……but then……very red…..very.
Meanwhile, Wilson Riles ousted our bud Max Rafferty and toasted California Education by selling out to the Teacher Unions…..way early.
In anger at Demagogue who disagreed with them on some details of GMOs and beef:
*Demagogoue; Now we have you figured….you are either po white trash or a high yella that thinks your stuff don’t stink. *Have another at Pat O’Briens on us. We are not suggesting put any money on the horse…by the way…because this not going to be Thriple Crown winner… especially eating Louisiana Blue Grass. It is Kentucky Blue Grass you nerd cake….Kentucky! Meanwhile, don’t be trying to swim that Indian River with 50 pounds of chain either..
In the meantime, get on down to Biloxi and tell ‘em Ron & Anna sent you! They actually sell Corn Fed Midwest Beef. Lightnin Hopkins woulld tell you along with Jimmy Reed…..but like everything else…you have too much Cajun Blood to listen.
I’ll find some more tomorrow, there are better ones out there – but for now, enjoy your Weekend Open Thread!
*We are of course greatly honored to be roasted in such a professional manner, by a jury of our peers! The quaint rhetoric of the Chairman “himself” brings a humbled response indeed. Remember there is no such thing as “Balderdash”….there is Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzson, Comet and Cupid and of course a Holiday fare of “No such thing…as the next best thing…..to Grover Norquist losing his lunch after watching Mitt Romney has his with the newly re-elected President of the United States!”
We can’t guess why all those rats in Congress that refuse to compromise don’t run off of the Fiscal Cliff….into some lost space in the Carlsbad Caverns – just as a gift to the people of the United States…..for boring them to tears….for all these months at a time!
Again…..thank you Chairman Vern…….for honoring us during this Holiday Season of giving and getting!
*Dr. Winnies …… the pleasure is all ours! You know what they say about facial rust – whatever Jack LaLane sprays on his abdomen … STAYS on his abdomen. We like Dean Grose – his mother in law, not so much! Remember “Kiss of the Spider Women?” Raul Julia – in the 20s he used to clean our pool. Now, not so “much!” Now its all Lindsey lohan this shirley temple black that … till death do us part! Or so Downtown Jerry Brown would have us think ….. ya know????
*Chairman Vern, throwing names around like that….just incites us as you know! How about this one….when Ron was the Manager of the Reuben’s Steak House on Harbor Island in San Diego…..this big black guy comes in and moves in this grand piano for the entertainment. He was this huge guy and wore his Bekins Moving shirt tight. After setting up the piano…he sat down a played a few cords and started singing a little. Ron looked up and said: “Whoa man…you are good!” He looked back and said: “Yeah, I just got a record deal and I’m going to be a big star!” Ron just laughed and then said: “OK then, what is your name so we will know? “Oh, Barry White!”
True story!
*La-Vern! -~;/: LaVern — isn’t that a local college? Did you ever attend school there — Vern of LaVern? Can you believe how tan I look in that photo? I’m glad you don’t show my buttocks … they’re the color of that Joe Hill fellow! Less hair, though, glad to say…. Inside my trunks they stay when I’m outdoors, you understand … but not always! I was young once! And I had my share of frisky times, pallin’ around with Wiley Drake and Wiley Aiken and Wile E. Coyote and Waydar O’Wiley ….. we were like bananas in a bunch!….. so is this the real Joe Hill? Or is that the Real Don Steele? I remember…Don Steele…. like it was yesterday! Caught him once in a lobster trap! …… Imitating the Winships is harder … than …. it ……. seems ….. it should .. be! You do know that Anna does all the writing, right? Clever gal! ….. pretending to be Ron throws everyone totally off her scent! … Speaking of that, know what Sean Connery, Dennis Miller, Wilson Riles, and Jimmy Reed have in common? Never seen ’em naked! … not even in a locker room! Nope — could be circumcised …… or not! Except Connery, of course!
So if I were onomatopoeia … what do you think I’d sound like? Spell it out — no consonants …….. sir!
*Remember the Goodwill and the Pioneer parked by the Lido Bridge and of course Berkshires….put a few pints down at that place. Of course in those days we were busy sailing our Sabot down the middle of an empty Newport Harbor where you could actually see the bottom through crystal clear water, except when the Blackies Day Boat went out and dropped their tanks as they cruised passed the Stuff Shirt an out the pasted the CDM jetty….
The best part was counting all the Schiltz beer cans that were crushed by hand that were under the Goodwill after a strong Saturday party going with Larabee.
Ah yes…..when the The Duke and Wild Goose and PT Joe smoked up the place…..way before Arnold…..ya see. Waxing poetic! When Ronnie Reagan
was Governor and S.I. Hiyakawa was our Senator along with the great dancer and movie star George Murphy! When Dan Smoot was on radio and TV……..
When the evil Allan Cranston was jogging before anyone was jogging….and Jesse Uhruh was called “Big Daddy” before Willie Brown was even a twinkle in his daddy’s eye. When Norris Paulsen was Mayor of LA….way before Tom Bradley. Those were some very Republican days…they were!
*Uncanny! ………………………………………. Chairman Vern, they’re kicking the rest of ours asses!
*Don’t let em put you off your game Dr D. Of course nobody can do Winship like the Winships, but what was that Buddy Holly used to say – you never can tell what you can do until the darkest moment! Mimi Walters still doesnt return our “calls” …. and our pal Darel Issa is strutting around Ben Gozzy like Lawrence of Arabia – remember Omar Shareef? All we’re saying is give peace a chance, and it’s not nice to fool mother nature! Dr D… we know you can do it!
*We think our pal Darrell is more like Anthony Quinn…..than Omar Shariff! “Aurrence….you pig…you don’t like us much…do you?”
*Admin! now you’ve really flown the coop…or copped a feel…Speaking of coop, we loved C. Everett. Met him once at a Dornan party…such a charming fella. But what was that we were saying about hair on the face? Now there’s the fiscal cliff…Cliff!! Norm!!! Cheers!!…or maybe salud floats your boat. There are boats down in Corona del Mar…and we can’t find a single mar. What about Bill Maher……never liked the guy. Not a guy’s guy. Is there a point to that? As far as you know. Now guns….never met one we didn’t like. Maybe one…maybe not. They shoot straight…and so do we…sorta. And yes, we’re straight.
*Some favorite quotes: From the movie Tremors: Reba McIntire says: “Well, you broke into the wrong gaul darn rec room this time didn’t ya?” and of
course from the movie Full Metal Jacket: “You talk the talk…..do ya walk the walk?”
and our own: “What are guns good for?” “Mainly reloading!”
*Just went to the San Onofre NRC meeting. They call it SONGS, I know a few.. I’ve forgotten more than I can remember! Ah that’s convenient. Remember Robert Johnson? I think I do, nuthin’ white about him, but who wants to be? Everybody copied him.. even Xerox. What about mimeographs? Intoxicating scents and purple fingers. Like I just voted. But, I digress.
These So Cal Edison guys are talkin’ about the steam generator tubes stability ratios and I’m thinking about their employment stability. Somebody should have been fired here, or over there… and we all know where over there is. I’ve never been fired that I can recall, but I’ve fired a few. Some hit the target, some hit the neighbors but they never pressed charges as far as I know. Could have been my attorney, looked like Johnie Cochran but smelled like Edgar Winter. Would have given Jim Fix a run for his money but that was before steroids. What a waste. Should have put him in the Hall of Flame. Like having a Tesla with no outlet.
That’s why we have our chairman Vern… so we can be doomed not repeat the history of those people that we choose not to know, let alone associate with. Like the hostess at the Quiet Woman, sturdy gal, but not real healthy. That’s why Hostess is going under. I never went under with the H(h)ostess, but I heard stories. You could give her a twenty and she’d bring you change for the better. No lie!
Oh, yeah! San Onofre… hold your breath when you drive by. And dim the lights!
*”Ay Captain….but the dylithium crystals cannot take the load…” says Scotty to Captain Kirk.
*OK, sorry to take serious advantage of this situation…but here is the Week-End Update in Advance of Saturday Night Live:
The Big Poo-Bah in Newport Beach Bob McCafferty has called for a boycott of the Christmas Boat Parade, because the City wants to raise his rates on docks on the waterfront on his Bayfront Home on Balboa Island. The real reason is, he hates all the inconvenient car and foot traffic he has to put with. He is also so cheap…he has never bought us a cup of coffee…..EVER! We hope they put a lump of coal in his Christmas Stocking and hope that his Grand kids boycott him for Christmas Dinner. Sour Grapes?….We think he is a good friend of Karl Rove and John Sunnunu…..and Rush.
OK, finally mega-congratulations to the Stanford Indians (Cardinals) who pulled the miracle in Palo Alto last night. We loved the look on the faces……especially Jim Mora “the Younger”. While he was up there he probably should have had his team lose to the Oakland Raiders…..for the sweep. Hey, so us USC people need another coach….no Lane is gone….he just doesn’t know it. Monte knew, God Bless him, but Monte claimed the Trojan players couldn;t understand his highly complex Pro Defensive scheme. Hmmmm, you mean like blocking and tackling and how to stop the run? Stop the pass? Stop the kick? Stop…..stop….stop….in the words of Charlie Brown: “I can’t stand it!@” Once Lane loses at the Emerald Bowl……Pat Haden’s phone will be ringing off the hook until they bring in Lou Holtz! We hate Lou Holtz, but “Come on Man!”
Congrats to our LA Lakers….the got rid of the “Biggest Loser” and now have settled on the “X Factor”. All we wanted boys was for Phil Jackson hang out, drink coffee and understand how to operate our folks in the last minute of any game. If we can’t have Phil….we want Bernie Witterstaff back….he actually had a winning record. Kobe…we still love you! Dwight…practice your free throws…dude…you are great…act it.
forget the lakers, this is the year of the clippers*The Lakers? The Lakers?? Forgive us Dr. Ron and Ana, ever heard of the Clippers? “I wish that I’d sailed the darkened seas on a great big clipper ship…” Lou Reed walked into our CRA meeting and slobbered all over the ordoors once. Didn’t care much for Lou Reed, never did much for us, but his grandmother was a sweetheart. Went to high school with Ron. Always returns our calls too, well until she died back in 59. Never seen her like. Now you have your “Downtown Jerry Brown” and your “Tiger Woods” and your “Adam Clayton Powell” …. it’s all you rub my back if we rub yours … We think you know what we’re “getting” at…. SIR!!
*Willie – your choice – this comment gets deleted, or re-edited by me or Greg in Winship style. Let us know by Sunday morning!
vern, go ahead and work your magic
my esteem and respect continue to grow,,,good job
*Yes Willie, the Clippers are very good. Fragile but very very good, we must
admit. Our Lakers need serious “tweaking”. Pope D’Antonio is certainly a mitigation measure. We will have to see how he manages after nash comes back….if he ever does…that is.
Anyway, we are wishing the Clippers good luck this season…hope they can hang in there long enough to beat down some people the Lakers will have to face. The Lakers may be the only 46 and 46 Team that makes the Play-Offs..not that its rigged or anything.
Would someone please call the L.A. Times and tell them there are 3 million people living on 34 separate cities between L.A. County and San Diego? It seems like they’ve forgotten the OC exists, and on the rare occasions they do run a story about south of the Orange Curtain, its always “Orange County” as if its one big lump–almost never Anaheim or Tustin or RSM. I can remember a time not too long ago they ran a separate OC edition out of that big-ass plant in Costa Mesa….
*Marginalized….we think they call it. This actually started about 25 years ago. Hey, we had this tiny regional airport with tarmac rolling stock. We even had some party hearty types and an Airline called Air Cal. Heck, they didn’t want to cover stories about late night parties in the Orange Groves or at the Beach.
And we had another airline called PSA–with that smile paintend on its planes! And a blimp station/helicopter base plus another Marine air station. I went into one of the old blimp hangars once many moon ago–you don’t know what big is until you’ve been in one of those!
This has been deleted off the ffff website
Dish it out, no can take it?
Huh — saw this earlier on my phone; wasn’t sure what I’d want to do with it.
Is any of this about Tony even remotely true? Without confirmation, I’d prefer to redact all of the vowels and every third consonant.
It is absolutely true. Tony even deleted it from his website. Wouldn’t he had left it for his minions to claim the fpd is attacking him ?
I am not with he fpd, but it was given to me from a reliable source inside the fpd and has been verified by other fpd officers I know
This is news, don’t let ffff intimidate you into not posting it
Twop Radio Calls for Service scenarios to choose from. Read each one completely then draw your own opinion and conclusions as to which one is fact and which is fiction.
Scenario # 1:
Week night 8:35 PM area of Downtown Bars and Transportation Center
Female cell phone caller from the Slidebar Lounge to the Police Desk – stating someone is prowling the cars in the rear parking lot.
Caller describes the subject as pulling on vehicle door handles and pressing his face against the vehicle windows to peer inside the vehicle.
Caller describes the subject as a “transient” providing a clothing description.
Caller provides a description of what the subject has in his possession.
Caller provides last known direction of travel as towards the OCTA Bus Docks
Caller leaves the area prior to arrival of the Police
Police arrive, LOCATE, and make contact with the described subject later identified as Kelly Thomas….
Scenario #2:
Week night 8:35 PM area of Downtown Bars and Transportation Center
Female cell phone caller from the Slidebar Lounge to the Police Desk – stating someone is prowling the cars in the rear parking lot.
Caller describes the subject as pulling on vehicle door handles and pressing his face against the vehicle windows to peer inside the vehicle.
Caller describes the subject as a “transient” providing a clothing description.
Caller provides a description of what the subject has in his possession.
Caller provides last known direction of travel as towards the OCTA Bus Docks
Caller leaves the area prior to arrival of the Police
Police arrive, LOCATE and contact the described subject later identified as … TONY BUSHALA
Helps and Hints:
Both have female callers as the informants
Both have described transients as involved
Both are at the OCTA Bus Docks
Both are early weekdays
Both are during dark hours
Last night, Tuesday Tony Bushala was found trying door handles and pressing his face up against parked car windows in the Slidebar Lounge parking lot. The informant witness him as described above. She hit her car alarm to see Tony look towards the Slidebar then move to a nearby car doing the same action. Tony was dressed as Transient (as described by the witness) when found at the OCTA Bus Dock.
By the Grace of God a seasoned Officer took the call finding the described “transient” recognizing him as Fat Tony. Tony had his hands in his pockets facing the officer as he approached. When addressed by name Tony seemed surprised and started to stammer. The Officer also saw a “lay off” person with a camera nearby the Kelly Thomas memorial slime garden display area.
The calling informant was contacted. She had no relationship to the call other than Fat Tony was prowling her vehicle which caused her to call the police. She said the subject was quite bold (attention getting) in the way he was prowling the lot…..
The Officer said there was NO DOUBT in his mind that Fat Tony was trying to set up a younger Officer who did not know him. He said Tony would have agitated the Officer and “taken one for the team” to get the officer provoked.
Did a Crime Occur ?? In MY day YES, post Kelly Thomas NO.
This just shows what a Rat Bastard, Bottom Feeding, Slime Ball, Sum Bitch Fat Tony is. He has kicked Kiger to the curb so THIS was going to be his big Blog story instead of paying for a vote recount …. Cheap Bastard!!
And so it CONTINUES in Fullerton.
Tony, I presume that you’ll see this. If you dispute that there is a factual basis for this story, even if you may disagree with some details — i.e., that you were trying door handles on cars to see how the FPD would react to you and to catch it on tape — please let me (or more likely Vern) know.
I can understand why you’d want to do testing of FPD response. But if you did this, please don’t do so again. The likelihood that things could go wrong for a justifiable reasons, such that due to a trick of the light it looked to an officer like you actually did have a weapon in your pocket, is too great. The point that police make mistakes and sometimes act wrongfully even without a misperception is well-established; you don’t have to risk getting yourself and whoever you had posed to intervene killed proving what we already know to be true.
I’ve been trying to picture this, it doesn’t make much sense.
To start with, Tony and Kelly’s other defenders contend that Kelly was NOT breaking into cars in the Slidebar parking lot; so what point would this alleged prank or experiment aim to make?
But to Saw Wheat, I say that if Tony did this, risked getting the shit beat out of him to make a point, instead (somehow) of paying thousands of dollars for a recount that’s almost certainly futile, that may be many things including crazy, but “cheap bastard” doesn’t come to mind.
I’m sorry, I should say…
*We love Tony B, he’s a stand up guy. One time – true story – he put tincture in our “wine”, and before you know it, Willem Dafoe was running out of the back room with his arms out and face to the sky like in Platoon – remember Charlie Sheen? Tony B is WINNING dude or should we say with apologies to our old pal Louie Prima, “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that Kring!” Lucille never returns our phone calls but she has a cute smile! Ever heard of entitlement reform? Ron was just chasing Kiefer Sutherland around the dock to give him an “indian suburn” for old times sake … If you know what we “mean!!!”
There. Back on track.
I agree — I presume that he didn’t pay for a recount because, at 29 votes, it was an almost certain loser given how good of an operation Neal Kelley runs. (Maybe he had thought he could challenge provisionals after they had been opened. If so … whoops!)
I don’t want Tony to do things like this because I don’t want to see him risk getting killed — and the line between doing this so deftly that an officer would have no reason to shoot him and clumsily enough that the officer would have legitimate reason to fear Tony’s being armed is way to narrow for comfort. As the saying goes — “kids, don’t try this at home — or out on the streets, either.”
*Tony took “what signs”? We would encourage Tony to not cop a plea…in this case. We suggest this goes to the State Court of Appeals and see if in fact their are enough Commercial reasons to sue or not. Additionally, anyone that leaves their cell phone on the front seat of a car at night and doesn’t lock the door……needs medication.
*We just saw the new “Lincoln” flick….just the thing to remind the new Kids on the block how our Grand Old Party got started. Daniel Dey Lewis strutted his stuff as per usual… but the Flying Nun really shone! Those old-time politicians….haven’t changed a bit!
smoky back-room deals…arm-twisting…in the Wind. No sign of Rhett and Scarlet tonight!….Frankly M’Dear…we don’t give a—-For the latest incarnation …of the party….Republicans and elephants never forget??
*”We knew Mary Todd Lincoln…..and Sally Field in no Mary Todd Lincoln.”
The great redacting of history is always fun to watch. After “Gone with the Wind”…why would anyone ever want to watch another movie about the Civil War? We watched Moseby’s Rangers on TV in the 50’s…you can still see some great episodes on You Tube. Face it…there was no conspiracy to kill Lincoln……yeah right! Lincoln made more enemies than Martin Luther King and George Wallace combined. Both of whom got shot…as you know!
Little doubt that Daniel Day Lewis is an outstanding actor ..however!
*I just wanna say … lots of good discussion on the blog today! Smart opinions … and good engagement! Then again … the road to perdition is paved with erudition! And that reminds me of Tom Hanks! Funny name when you think about it — like rope made from turkeys! How is that even possible???
*Norby has killed First Night! Luckily, Fullerton will have private fireworks!*
*(Actually, not in time.)
Hey, how about if comments for this weekend’s (Dec. 7-9) open thread be written in the style of The Grating Juan?