It’s Poseidon funding the vicious smear campaign against Jill Hardy.
Atlas PAC finally filed their late campaign contribution reports November 1st, a week behind schedule and carefully calibrated so that there would be minimal time to respond and reveal the true source of the funds.
Atlas shows one large contribution of $23,500 from OC TAX PAC, the shadowy organization that pretends to represent taxpayers, yet frequently serves as a conduit to launder large campaign contributions from major corporations like Disney.
Tracking down the OCTAX PAC filing for the same period, we see a contribution to Atlas TAX PAC from Stamford Connecticut-based Poseidon resources of $25,000 on October 4th.
OCTAXPAC also made contributions to the campaigns of Barbara DelGleize and Devin Dwyer within 24 hours of receiving the $25,000 from Poseidon. These are the only two candidates who OCTAX PAC funded in Huntington Beach,
If you don’t follow Huntington Beach politics, you may not recognize Poseidon’s name. This is the controversial company that failed dismally in their one attempt to build an ocean water to tap water plant in Tampa Bay. They have been trying to get approval for projects in Carlsbad and Huntington Beach.
Poseidon was last active in the Huntington Beach elections in 2010 when they gave $10,000 to another shadowy PAC that spent $13,630.48 supporting Barbara DelGleize. The Vision 2020 PAC sent mailers supporting Don Hansen’s anointed candidates, including one with Hansen’s picture on the cover.
OCTAXPAC also served as the conduit to launder money Disney money in Anaheim during the same period. The Political Action Committee is affiliated with the Orange County Taxpayers Association, a group that allegedly represents taxpayers, but primarily serves as a convenient way for large donors to obscure their contributions. OC TAX PAC is also the only contributor besides Chevron in the bogus Fullerton coalition supporting Chevron’s plant to develop Coyote Hills. Within a two week period, Chevron gave $5,000 to OCTAX PAC and OCTAX PAC contributed $1,000 to an astroturf coalition.
OC Tax has long been run by lobbyist Reed Royalty, but the new honcho over there will be termed-out Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche.
Don Hansen is wrong for our city. He blatantly ignored the citizen’s pleas to deny the Poseidon Desalinization plant and is only interested in his own political agenda. I would be shocked to hear that he has ever even set foot in the ocean off of our coastline yet he treats it as if it were his to prostitute out to the highest bidder in order to climb his political ladder. Worse yet.. I have to see him weekly in the community at various social events and the very sight of him makes my skin crawl. My friends and I cannot wait until he has termed out and would love to just see him fade into the sunset… preferably in a city far from Huntington Beach. We need more people like Jill Hardy who are willing to listen to us as a community and stand up for what we believe. Hey Don… I think they’re looking for a new mayor in Duluth Minnesota. Please do us all a huge favor and move there!
Your view is not shared by all hb residents, sir/madam.
Did you accuse Debbie Cook and Linda Moulton-Patterson of their own political agenda? Democrat Debbie Cook ran for Congress in 2008 while Mayor of Huntington Beach. Democrat Linda-Moulton Patterson ran for Orange County Supervisor in 1994 and California State Assembly in 1995 while on the Huntington Beach City Council before she pleaded guilty in court to filing false nomination papers.
Term limits are not holding Jill Hardy from making an attempt to come back. A former member of the Electoral College for Al Gore in 2000 and a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2008, Jill Hardy is an almost certain to follow in the footsteps of her predecessors Cook and Moulton-Patterson in running for higher office.
Everyday probably is Halloween for you and the people who are or become associated with you. When you’ve done 0.1 % of what these three have done for Huntington Beach as these three and a few others like them who have been on the city council and have been well known, recognized, dedicated citizens’ advocates, come back. Til then, you’ll probably be a big hit on Fox “News”.
Surf Nemesis?
It can now be said, that was another pseudonym of Gus “Mayor Quimby” Ayer. Although he apparently wrongly fingered one Benjamin Pugh as the main culprit for those Poseidon anti-Hardy ads.
I’m about to get rid of all the Poseidon references in this story, so these comments won’t make sense any more.