San Onofore Nuclear Plant Sabatoge is Inside Job — NRC Meeting Tonight, 11/30

NOTICE (from GD): NRC meeting on San Onofre will be tonight between 6 and 9 p.m. (PDT) at the Hills Hotel, 25205 La Paz Road in Laguna Hills, Calif. 

The FBI is investigating allegations about sabotage at the San Onofore Nuclear Plant. Plant management thinks its an employee or employees that tampered with the safety system, meaning that if a reactor was running and something went wrong the shut off valve won’t work.  Let me start off by asking, where is the secuity at this plant?  Don’t they have cameras?

If that isn’t crazy enough news — how about the plant could be restarting Unit #2 as early as February 2nd of next year? According to Gary Headrick from the  San Clemente Green who alerted me to this breaking news, Edison plans to:

1.  Start a defective nuclear reactor, run it at 70% and see what happens

2.  Do this while the FBI investigates one case of sabotage, (are there others?)

3.  Disregard a Union leader’s claim that the workforce thinks a restart is not safe.

And here is the clincher!  Some monks from the Japanese Buddhist order Nipponzan Myohoji have been planning to walk from Dana Point to San Onofore as a part of their yearly “Celebration of Enlightenment of Buddah” to offer prayers and protection. It is scheduled for November 30th.
So one of the organizers, Gene Stone from Residents Organized for Safe Environment (ROSE) decided to check things out one last time and guess what he found sitting by the road? An old steam generator that Edison put there waiting to be shipped to Utah for disposal.  Stone who always carries a Geiger counter with him held it out his car window  and it spiked”  not a little — but alot, when he drove by.   He called the plant manager at Edison and told him what happened and to send someone out to look into it. Mangement responded by ignoring his request. Who is running this place? Homer Simpson? I mean HELLO!
There will be another meeting by the Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) November 30th to discuss Unit #2 Reactor, as well  as recent developments. I snagged this off ROSE’s website. It has all the details of when and where:

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has rescheduled a meeting with representatives of Southern California Edison Co. (SCE) for Nov. 30 to address the company’s response to the NRC’s Confirmatory Action Letter concerning actions required to be taken to address steam generator tube degradation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The plant, operated by SCE, is located in San Clemente, Calif.

“The meeting will be held between 6 and 9 p.m. (PDT) at the Hills Hotel, 25205 La Paz Road in Laguna Hills, Calif.

“NRC staff will meet with SCE officials to discuss the company’s response to the NRC Confirmatory Action Letter of March 27, 2012, concerning actions required to be taken by the company to address steam generator tube degradation at San Onofre. The company’s response to the Confirmatory Action Letter is available at:

If you can’t make the meeting in person, I understand it will be webcast live at:

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at