Global Day for Freedom – Join leaders and entertainers in the fight against Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking here in Santa Ana.
WHAT: A Day to join others in the community – Be Informed, Be Entertained – Join Us!!!
Virginia Isaías, President & Founder of FSTH (photo: John Russo – celebrity photographer)
Virginia Isaías, President & Founder of FSTH, OC-based Human Trafficking Survivors Foundation (Fundación de Sobrevivientes de Tráfico Humano – . Virginia Isaías is a survivor of child sexual abuse, domestic violence; and a kidnap victim and human trafficking survivor along with her then 6-month old daughter. She was trafficked with her then 6-month old baby daughter into a ring of traffickers for three months, until she finally escaped on her third attempt.
- Michelle Carmella Saldana, Survivor & Prevention Expert of Organized Crime and Human Trafficking. Grew up in a mafia family.
- Sarah Carpio, Singer/Songwriter/Anti-Trafficking Artist.
- Linda Calderon, Singer/Songwriter & Founder of La Voz del Alma.
WHEN: Wednesday December 12, 2012 / 7:00pm – 11:00pm
WHERE: 1638 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 / FSTH’s office on the 2nd Floor.
CONTRIBUTION: $10 / person. Contribution includes a simple dinner and a drink.
WHY: This is a Charity event to help generate funds to accomplish FSTH’s Vision and Mission.
Background. There are 27 million people enslaved and trafficked world-wide. About 50,000 to 60,000 children are kidnapped and sexually exploited in the USA. A conservative estimate is that about 200,000 to 300,000 children, young teens, adult women and men are enslaved and trafficked in the USA. Four of the largest centers where this is occurring in California are in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange Counties.
FSTH’s VISION: A world without violence, slavery, nor exploitation; and survivors of human trafficking living dignified, happy self-fulfilling lives.
FSTH’s MISSION: Empower victims of domestic violence and survivors of human trafficking through Prevention & successful Reintegration into society by:
- Raising Awareness
- Mobilizing the Community
- Advocating for Survivors
. is a registered 501 c(3) Not-for-Profit. We are all Volunteers and most all of our programs are for free.
If you are unable to attend but would like to contribute to our Vision and our Mission, You may also make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE Charitable Donation.
- Donation by Check: Please make checks payable to: Human Trafficking Survivors Foundation (FSTH)
- Donation by PayPal: Please CLICK HERE for Secure Donation through Paypal.
Virginia has been recognized by:
- “Women Making a Difference” by CA Senator Lou Correa,
- Jose Solorio, Assemblymember 69th A.D.,
- Certificate of Congressional Recognition – Recognizing Accomplishments & Community Service,
- Certificate of Congressional Recognition – Microenterprise Development Program,
- Orange County Board of Supervisors,
- Orange County Department of Education,
- City of Anaheim,
- City of La Habra,
- City of Santa Ana,
- SRE (Mexican Consul in Santa Ana),
- Latino Health Access – Certificate of Completion,
- Laura’s House – Certificate of Completion / 40-hour Domestic Violence Advocate Training,
- LULAC – “Women Leaders of the Year”,
- OneOC – Leadership & Management of Not-for-Profits,
- “Breaking the Silence Facilitator” training by Divine Choices,
- 6th Summer Institute on Migration & Global Health,
- English Learner Program Annual Conference,
- Instituto de Liderazgo Comunitario del Condado de Orange,
- JMC Women’s Leadership Seminar
Thank you for supporting the fight against and Modern Slavery & the Human Trafficking Survivors Foundation!
Co-Founder and Executive Committee Board member of
Way to go Virginia Isaías, turning your tragedy into a victory. God Bless You as you endeavor to help others and get the word out.
72% – the largest number of trafficked people in California, are Americans.
“72% of human trafficking victims whose country of origin was identified by California’s task forces are American. The public perception is that human trafficking victims are from other countries, but data from California’s task forces indicate that the vast majority are Americans.”
per the “The State of Human Trafficking in California 2012” by CA Attorney General Kamala Harris, Executive Summary page 4.