Step aside Newport Beach! Slink away in Anglophilic shame, Huntington Har”bour!” In the true shaggy dog story of this holiday season, little landlocked Fullerton has defiantly declared their First Annual Harbor Cruise Boat Parade of Lights, this evening from 5:15 to 6!
Hosted by Fullerton activists Matt Leslie (editor of the invaluable Fullerton Rag) and Jane Rands (Fullerton Observer columnist and council candidate) and featuring new mayor Bruce Whitaker, his wife Linda, and possibly councilman Greg Sebourn (who, if he attends, may actually be seaborne) this breathtakingly audacious event will occur outside the Muckenthaler Cultural Center at 1201 West Malvern, just west of Euclid (see map below.)
Just bring your own lighted “boat” to be carried Flintstone-style around the lawn-sea of “the Muck” immediately following their Winter Holiday Festival. RSVP here, space is limited!
Well done! Wish I’d known about this early enough to construct a proper vessel! We expect pictures!
A fine parade it was, with seven ship shape vessels and a crew of at least two score or what not. The Mayor and Mrs. Mayor were true to their word and joined a loyal crowd of spectators at the viewing platform. Pictures soon. Mark your calendars for next year and start building your boats!
Excellent invocation of the term “ship shape.” Congratulations.
*Is this anything like the “Doo-Dah Parade”? We love that. Maybe you can get Demogogue to bring out his “J” Frame and pretend he is shooting sharks in a barrell.
It’s always a White Christmas at the Bushala house
Invaluable? Two posts in two months?
hm, noticed that after I linked. Pretty great posts though. (Salmon is talking about the Fullerton Rag.)
Matt tells me now that he’s been knocked off the Library Board by Jan Flory, he’ll be doing more writing about the city.
Wow. Flory dumped Matt? He’s educated and harmless!
Well, there’s the Flory we all knew and hated. But Diamond says she’s wonderful and Diamond is an honorable man.
Matt is educated, but what activist thinks or him or herself as harmless? Speaking of educated, I love an apt Shakespeare reference as much as anyone — so good luck in coming up with one next time.
Sorry to see Matt lose the spot, but there are four other people who could have appointed him. Whom did she appoint instead?
(And honestly: after the last three pre-election months of her treatment at FFFF, could you blame her for not wanting to appoint anyone who was in any way positively associated with the place? To the best of my knowledge Matt was not one of the anonymous jackals going after her daily, but he was a “friend of the blog” and in this case that probably hurt him.
Please explain the relationship “friend of the blog” and why that would make Flory go all Floryesque.
In my opinion FFFF treated Flory exactly the way Flory deserved – as a reckless, unaccountable, bureaucracy-lover with a vindictive personality. No point in apologizing for her now, Diamond. The election is over and Fullerton has four years of bitter bile and shrewishness ahead of it.
“In my opinion…?” I don’t even know who you are, “Salmon,” let alone what might have informed your opinion.
As Vern points out below, Flory appointed someone with long experience on the Library Board whom Travis, during the brief reign of terror, had sacked. It’s not even a slap at Matt — making me wonder whether “Floryesque” is intended to just mean “rational.” If Matt’s so well-suited for the Board, why didn’t Whitaker appoint him?
Don’t worry — I’m not apologizing for Flory. But, your last paragraph suggests to me that you could use some better perspective (or herbal tea.)
I’ve known Flory for a long time. You think Kiger was terrorful?
Flory set the standard for rude, belligerant behavior 1994-2002. You can add errorful, too.
She was also the subsidized developer’s wet-dream, and she gave away the store to the cop union.
You’d better start apologizing.
Oh, and you never explained the connection you claimed existed between Matt Leslie and FFFF. As uusual you just made something up. My opinion is a lot more informed than yours.
I hate people using pseudonyms who claim all sorts of knowledge. Here you go: I don’t believe you. To the extent you think you’re telling the truth, I don’t trust your judgment. In some areas, like “gave away the store,” I know that you’re wrong.
Go check out — as if you don’t already know — the interactions between Matt and FFFF leading up to the election. Positive and respectful in both directions. They’re there for anyone who cares to search. As I recall, Matt was very critical of Flory. That’s no surprise in that his partner was running against her, but I don’t recall a similar stance towards Travis and Bruce. I would not say that Matt (or Jane) were or are in Tony’s pocket or anything like that, but over the past year Matt has done more to warrant an appointment from Whitaker than from Flory — and in making her appointment at least Flory had a longstanding and experienced Board member in mind.
Sure glad that GD is here to set the record straight on events that happened years before he plopped into OC like a gift from some mighty bird, and on characters he presumes to understand having heard of them for entire months.
Jan Flory is a jerk and stands for just about nothing except Jan Flory. Whitaker, whom I also think is mostly a twerp, is at least sincere in his desire to see real reform at FPD, which puts him 1-0 ahead of Flory for being sincere about something. This alone could explain how Matt Leslie might have more shared interests – OK, one shared interest – with Bruce.
Oh look, another opinion from someone without the cojones to own up to it.
I’ve realized what my rule of thumb is: people writing anonymously should get to attack other people who use anonymous names all they want. And people who use their own names should generally get to attack whoever they want. And anonymous people who can show that they have real legitimate reasons — like whistleblowing — to attack someone who uses a real name should be able to do so — especially if they keep their attack grounded in the facts.
But — anonymous people who want to attack others by their real names, not because they’re whistleblowing or presenting facts but because they just want to present vicious opinions under the cloak of anonymity (for pretty much the same reason that Klansman wore hoods and bank robbers wear masks) should not expect to keep the same access to discussion forums that other people get. Making cowardice that easy just leads to a proliferation of cowardice.
Happy holidays, nipsey.
GD fun fact #7
[Ed. Note: Balance of comment redacted as worthless to discussion. Those interested in knowing what this “fun fact” was may contact nipsey directly; he or she posts at FFFF.]
Salmon. Kiger was terrorful. He ruined his political career by opening his mouth the first time. He had an agenda and he made that clear. That cost him his re election immediately. Kiger is hateful. He doesn’t have a clue. The best thing that happened to Fullerton was the second he got canned. As FFFF and the Bushala team said when Kiger got elected, don’t let the door hit you in the azz on your way out and we own the city now. Now that saying is back on them, and all you hear them doing is whine now. $500,000 investment by Bushala gone bad and many people couldn’t be happier.
That could be true Salmon but then when it comes back to bite you, don’t expect to be appointed to anything or expect the person you attempted to bash to listen to a word you say. She will do the opposite of anything that Bushala or Kiger say now. I would too.
Exactly. Anyone that would appoint anyone related in anyway to the FFFF blog would be an idiot after what they did during the elections. It actually cost Kiger his spot in my eyes. To expect that anyone would be associated with FFFF would be appointed to anything shows how out of touch with reality some people are.
To be fair — and maybe this was the initial point being made above — I would not say that Matt Leslie is “associated” with FFFF; he has just had friendly relations with them in print and they lauded his new blog (as did Vern here, if memory serves), which may lead to the appearance of an association.
I think that Matt was well-qualified, though perhaps the person who had served longer and was removed by Kiger would be even more so. Again, I wonder why Whitaker didn’t appoint him. No one here seems to offer an answer.
True. They both were well qualified, however, being associated with the enemy will always be disqualification. Just ask the other side. They would do the same thing. You think they would have appointed Flory or anyone like that to their commissions? LOL
But I did offer an answer, Ed – uh I mean Greg, how can you still wonder why Whitaker wouldn’t appoint him? One shared interest does not an alliance make.
Just like the FFFF blog claims not to censor people. They have blocked almost everyone with an opposing view. That’s why the blog is completely dead now. They should write a book on how to kill a good blog.
Nick — Vern doesn’t censor people, as a rule. I’m willing to do so, but I give advance warning and set out the rules of engagement.
nipsey — one shared interest can make for an alliance. In this case, though, if he respects Matt’s work on the Commission, I’d think that he’d be as inclined to appoint him as he’d be to show up at his “boat parade” — unless there were someone else with whom he shared even more interests. (Sadly, appointments aren’t always made by merit.)
Bruce has infinitely more in common with someone like Jack Dean than with Matt Leslie or Jane Rands. You simply have no idea what you’re talking about.
Did he appoint Jack Dean? I thought that I’d heard otherwise. I or my source could be mistaken.
It was a complicated thing, not even sure Matt wants me to talk about it, but there was a lady who’d been on the board for a while, Travis or one of those guys put Matt on in her place, when Jan came on she restored the original person, who’s also well qualified. (And since Jan won in an at-large election, it’s not certain that she really should have been allowed to replace Travis’ pick.)
There’s also some other issue going on, on the library board, where Matt and his allies are trying to keep one of the library branches from being given away or sold or something, and we’re not sure where this other lady stands. Now that Matt’s off the board, he’s going to write about it. And we’ll link to that here, it sounds very interesting.
I’m sensing that the new majority is going to really keep Greg challenged to defend some of the things they do.
She won. She will do what she wants and what the people want, unlike Kiger. Kiger was going to do what he wanted and Team B wanted. Nothing that the people wanted. That’s why he is out. If he would have done what the people wanted he would have got the most votes of anyone. He got 4th. Deal with it. He’s terrible. Terrible decisions, pre planned agenda, death as a politician. Fullerton’s future is looking bright now.
Fullertons politicians always have been bought and paid for, so the union paid for flory hole, and the fake Ev church/chevron paid for bad hair, I mean jen, everybody got what they paid for. Curruption at its finest, there is the ffff people and the observer sheeples…all stupid fools while danny and co use this city as some sort of fuck palace druggin our eddless supply of drunken cuties and their pals turn their heads. Great job everyone were so fucked it sad, and to the city workers, we going BK…your all screwed so much for your money grabbing, howd that work for you? really a city clerk making 179 thou a year…were fucked. and we have no one to blame but ourselves.