The pro-gun movement is celebrating “Gun Appreciation Day” today. Is it just a coincidence that it is also a day that Americans celebrate Martin Luther King Day? I have done some snooping around and wanted to know whose idea this “celebration of guns day” was. I had a hunch members of different white supremicist groups would be joing in.
Ever since Obama was elected, I heard rumblings from certain individuals that Obama was going to take away their guns. These comments came from individuals — white males living in Chico California (thats where I lived during that time) and where people of color are rarely seen. Yes, there Is Chico State and that is the reason hubby and I moved there…we figured a college town meant it was pretty liberal. Boy, were we wrong! I didn’t know how wrong until, Obama ran for president…and won! The n-word became part of Obamas name and of course some wouldn’t call him that — they preferred the code word “muslim”.
But lets get back to “Gun Appreciation Day” and it turns out that a group calling themselves American Third position (AP3) was among the many sponsers of this event. AP3’s website claims they are a political party and this is part of their mission statement:
The American Third Position Party believes that government policy in the United States discriminates against white Americans, the majority population, and that white Americans need their own political party to fight this discrimination. Our government no longer represents us. The Democrats no longer represent us. The Republicans no longer represent us. There is a real need to educate European Americans that they have common interests, common values, and common traditions.
As you can see I said was– the organizers of this day decided to remove AP3 as an official sponser. I am puzzled though as to why they removed this group because according to their websites invite, If you have an Political or Member Organzation, Non-Profit, For Profit, PAC, Blog, Newsletter and/or Facebook Fan Page and want to help spread the message of the first ever national Gun Apprecation Day we want to add your group to our website as a sponsor.
AP3 calls themselves a political party and is even listed with the IRS as a 527 Political Party, so why kick them out? Could it be because the so-called ‘liberal” media found out and reported it? I find it amazing how its come down to being a liberal and conservative issue. I say its an issue with America’s love affair with guns and violence for that matter. I’m not saying all Americans are violent but those who are, are the most vocal and the rest go along quietly so they don’t rock the boat.
AP3 has their own facebook page which so far has only a little over 800 “Likes” , but I’m sure those numbers will grow. Facebook is an excellent resource for me to go to see what individuals really think. People just love to shoot off their mouth (parden the pun) on social media, but just the same, its an excellent source to find out what people really think.
AP3 is also listed on the White Nationalist Hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). There are dozens of groups on the SPLC hate group list besides the usual suspects; the KKK and Aryan Nation. The one thing most of these groups have in common is they believe they are Christians — God and Guns! Where have I heard that before?
Cathy Areu who writes for the Washington Post told FOX news last June, “I think it’s a tough time to be a white man in America where the minorities are really taking over, to be quite honest. You’ve noticed on the show people are willing to vote for an atheist. The Latinos are stepping out. They are, minorities are outnumbering all whites in America.”
Remember when Obama won a second term and Bill O’Reilly said whites were the minority and Americans want stuff? I think this is whats really behind the pro-gun movement. I’m not talking about those responsible gun owners. I’m talking about the fanatics who hijacked this debate — including the NRA. The NRA speaks for the gun manufacturers. Its a money maker for them too. The NRA gets $1 from every gun sale and since December they made some nice change. The white supremicist groups are also the survivalist groups who are the preppers… These groups really believe the brown people are out to destroy them by taking their jobs and way of life.
*As our Sergeant said in Army Basic Training……”Get a gun…..even if its a BB Gun….but ……get a gun!”
Remember this….you can’t always choose who goes to your local church, belongs to the Chamber of Commerce or eats at your favorite local restaurant………
Five Injured in Accidental Shootings at “Gun Appreciation Day” Events.
Glorious details here:
I wonder how many will be injured or killed when people like those today shot themselves at a gun show! Why are there loaded guns at a gun show????
These dumbasses can’t even handle a weapon in a non- emergency situation and we think they will do better in a crisis?
And for those argue the car scenerio…we have to pass a driving test and get licensed. People who buy guns don’t have to do any of the above.
I am sure that progressives can but normal people can’ t prevent accidents.
LeMans Disaster, 1955
The LeMans Disaster refers to a car racing accident in 1955. A Mercedes-Benz clipped an Austin Healy near the exit to the pits. Pierre Levegh’s car broke up and hit the stands at over 150 mph. The fire and flying debris killed 80 people. The BBC reported that despite the horrific accident, the race continued to its conclusion 22 hours after the accident.
Peru vs. Chile Soccer, 1964
After a soccer match between arch rivals Chile and Peru, a riot broke out in the Peruvian capital of Lima. In a qualifier for the Olympics, the angry crowd turned violent when the referee disallowed a goal by Peru in the final two minutes of play. Sports Illustrated reported 318 people died and over 500 were injured.
Bullfight Ends in Tragedy, 1980
A bullfight in Colombia ended in tragedy when 222 spectators died when the stadium’s bleachers collapsed. Due to overcrowding at the event and shoddy construction techniques, the arena’s wooden bleachers couldn’t take the weight of so many fans. Even though this accident happened in 1980, the same thing happened in another part of Colombia in 1989.
I can go on and on but I doubt that the left nutcases will mollify.
Gun owners play with guns and alcoholics with alcohol.
Alcohol deaths per year drinking and driving causes over 25,ooo deaths a year. overall 100,000 deaths occur each year due to the effects of alcohol.Correction: According to the NHTSA web site (, there were 43,443 alcohol related traffic fatalities in 2005 in the USA.
Now compare it to guns:
The gun control issue isn’t about accidentally shooting somebody.
Nobody accidentally loads their weapons with high capacity clips, gets in their car and goes down to the school and starts shooting little kids.
Do you understand the issue now?
*Heck, what wasn’t said was….”That 10 people tripped, fell and were injured at Gun Shows just trying to get into the hot dog line….or while they were applying mustard”.
“*Heck, what wasn’t said was….” the Winship’s have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, so we’ll talk nonsense about the great hot dog massacre of 2013.
Pretty cold of you to be joking about 5 year old kids with 11 gunshot holes in them. Control yourself.
*Demo – ever the moralist. Good Grief…go visit a Military Hospital and offer some console-ing wisdom. You didn’t mention all the people we just lost in Algeria either……
The point? Lots of bad stuff happens every day. Making a mountain out of a mole hill… probaby not a great way to expend energy to help others.
And what is your fix again?
Oh, please do try to focus Shippies.
We are discussing civilian gun control. Not the military. We want the military to have the most lethal weaponry available.
Thanks for the suggestion to go to a military hospital, but I’ve already been to visit a family member at Walter Reed. Which has nothing to do with this conversation.
You want to know what I think will fix the CIVILIAN gun control situation?
10 round clips.
Background checks for every gun purchase.
Gun type restrictions.
Universal mental health program.
Then we need to quit paying attention to the 1% of the population that are NRA members. They have lobbied us to where we are now.
So while we are talking about people with blood on their hands…. Rambo is talking about people with mustard on their hands.
It is not very nice of you to glory in injury to others Vern – no matter who it may be.
I was a little facetious which I probably wouldnta been if any of those people got killed or seriously hurt.
Each day 110 people are killed by cars and hundreds more injured.
I forgot to add that most are licinsed, insured, and trained, too.
Should people be permitted to drive military tanks or armed humvees around?
Cook, you can’t drive your gun to work.
You could still get to work if you didn’t have a gun.
I couldn’t get to work if I didn’t have a vehicle.
I walk to work.
Maybe you should move close to your job and walk too.
When I worked for the US Census, I did a lot of car pooling and train riding.
Between our two cars my wife and I put about 9 to 10 thousand miles total on both, and I am still looking at how to lower that.
Yeah, maybe tens of millions of Americans should do that.
How do you think the oil companies would like that idea?
You guys who keep comparing guns and cars should also answer, apart from fatalities: How many people a day are threatened, robbed, or raped with a car?
A lot.
You probably meant “just a car” so that no other weapon was involved, but it does indeed happen.
For example, a federal kidnapping charge almost always involves a car.
I’m sure there were six jabillion high speed chases last year that ended in some sort of violent act committed against an innocent bystander.
If you’ve spend any time on an LA freeway, you’ve probably be threatened one way or another by some guy you either cut off or cut you off. It just happens.
Anywho, cars and guns aren’t comparable on the basis that driving is a privilege. Gun ownership is a right.
Probably a better comparison is the 2nd Amendment with the 26th. One must indeed register to vote . . . no test or psychological exam required.
Who wants to argue that one can’t do more damage voting than one can do with a gun?
Oh, I’ll argue that. An individual vote (in an election, not legislature) rarely matters. An individual shot through the head almost always matters.
There you go North OC Dems. Your vote rarely matters. Stay at home, so says your vice chair.
Greg, please elaborate on the point that Ryan is questioning. Except for anomalies like the Florida 2000 results, individual vote is supposed to be the basis of any transparent electoral system.
Would you put a sign in your yard that your home is proudly gun free?
Is that seriously the price you think those who want regulations on the kinds of guns and ammo clips a person can own should pay?
Sure I will as soon as you put a sign in your yard that you are a gun owner
YOu mean like one of those “protected by Smith and Wesson” signs? Actually those are pretty common. In fact I might should get one myself, since I can’t legally get a gun.
I’m the NRA and I vote!
This Parking reserved for NRA Members, I have two of those.
Along with every vehicle I own has a Life Member sticker in it.
Does that count Inge?
“No guns here to steal” — interesting approach!
Actually Skallywag, I don’t need to put a sign in my yard. My real name is on this blog. I am publicly vocal about my opinion about guns. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not shy with my opinions. I’m not sure I understand what a sign has to do with this? I never advocated gun owners to have signs in their yards or publish their names and addresses. I am not against someone owning a gun for whatever reason.
In case you missed my other articles…my stand on guns is this….ban the sale of assault rifles or whatever one chooses to call them, ban clips that have more than 10 bullets, background checks for everyone, help those who have mental health problems-that includes helping family members with “sick” kids, hold anyone liable who owns firearms that end up in a crime scene, no matter if owner claims they were stolen, harsh penalties for anyone buying guns for someone else.
Oh and if necessary I have no problem standing in public with a sign saying “I want gun control”
my question is always this- if that gun were not in the home or available to that person would the otother perso been shot/killed.paralyzed? too many times you here about a child finding a gun in their home and they are intirighued and play with it and shoot their little freind. does that child ever gwet over that. here’s a story about a 15 year old that shot several little chidren as well as adults killed. If that gun wasn’t around, would those people be dead!!!!! NO ONE needs an assault rifle! and the government is not going door to door to take your guns away
I love the hyperbole or is it a plain language of idiots.
I should add that Idiots can’t vote!
Well this throws a monkey wrench into everything.
United States law
The California Penal Code Section 26 states that “Idiots” are one of six types of people who are not capable of committing crimes.[9]
In several states, “idiots” do not have the right to vote:
* Arkansas Article III, Section 5[10]
* Iowa Article II, section 5[11]
* Kentucky Section 145[12]
* Mississippi Article 12, Section 241[13]
* New Mexico Article VII, section 1[17]
* Ohio (Article V, Section 6)[18]
Yeah, yeah, yeah…we get it. You’re the only genius in the world and everyone else is an idiot.
It’s boring already. Thou dost protest too much.
“You’re the only genius in the world and everyone else is an idiot”…………. Hmmmmmm
Well, I am smart enough to know that I am living in the USA and there is the constitution containing 2nd amendment…… so I can vote.
In contrast you believe that you are in Russia so you can’t.
Tone down the violent rhetoric, Stanley. (Not here — but in the other comment, which I trashed. You’re really better off without it.) Feel welcome to refile the other one without the vivisectionist fantasies.)
the other day, on harbor blvd, i saw a large black humvee have its grill up the back of a small, innocent, white cooper. auto rape does not get more graphic
WHich shows exactly why we need to keep car abortions safe, legal and rare, n’est-ce pas?
god bless obama care
I will totally admit to you and everyone else that I think it wasn’t the brightest idea in the world for someone to come up with the idea of this “gun appreciation day” and after I looked at who some of the sponsors were, I too found it to have some “nut factor” to it as well.
I am also very uncomfortable with ANYONE who is pushing their racial agendas, in any forum, or any manner. The same with religious beliefs they somehow feel they can be the only “voice of god” and everyone else is going to hell. I’m too much a libertarian for all that nonsense.
I also need to point out that the term negligent discharge applies to most of the instances that are often called accidental. The short cutting of basic safety rules results in injuries and deaths and that’s not excusable in my mind. You don’t play with loaded weapons, at least not for very long, without very bad results.
EVERY firearm should be treated at ALL times as if it were loaded AT ALL TIMES! Until it is taken apart to the point that it is no longer functional. Basic safety.
I was shocked that loaded firearms are allowed at gun shows. Can someone explain to me why this is allowed? If there are shooting ranges on site, then guns should only be loaded in those areas.
Loaded firearms are NOT allowed into gun shows!
At least one of the negligent discharges, the shotgun, was at an inspection table, by a security guard, as I understand it, who was supposed to preform a safety check and tie wrap the action open once inspected. It was loaded in the case and went off as they were removing it from the case.
I could be wrong about that, but that is what I heard reported. IF that is true, all I can say is that’s really DUMB!
Had a good day teaching the grandkids some shooting skills and gun safety. BB guns with 650 round magazines … oops.
Your grandkids are probably pretty happy to have you being involved with them. You’re probably a good teacher of gun safety as well.
I hope that everybody had eye protection. You know what they say…. It’s always fun until….
Comparing the number of casualties resulting from gun violence and other fatal events, such as car accidents, epidemics and soccer hooliganism, is an argument frequently presented by some of our conservative friends. Overall the numbers of non-gun violence accidents, except wars, are higher.
However, it is an argument that fails to recognize that mitigating measures can be taken. The polio vaccines have eradicated polio in most countries. The Irish Potato Famine caused mass starvation, and crop diversification became one of the solutions to avoid famine. Soccer hooliganism in British stadiums declined after the introduction of the Football Spectators Act.
Regarding car accidents, I read in the Washington Post that …”Scientists don’t view traffic injuries as “senseless” or “accidental” but as events susceptible to understanding and prevention. Urban planners, elected officials and highway engineers approach such injuries by asking four questions: What is the problem? What are the causes? Have effective interventions been discovered? Can we install these interventions in our community?
We also recognize different types of violence, including child abuse and neglect, sexual assault, elder abuse, suicide and economically and politically motivated violence. Like motor vehicle injuries, violence exists in a cause-and-effect world; things happen for predictable reasons. By studying the causes of a tragic — but not senseless — event, we can help prevent another.
Recently, some have observed that no policies can reduce firearm fatalities, but that’s not quite true. Research-based observations are available. Childproof locks, safe-storage devices and waiting periods save lives.”
This is an excerpt of the opinion presented on July 27th by Jay Dickey, a Republican and life member of the NRA, represented Arkansas in the House from 1993 to 2000. Mark Rosenberg, president and chief executive of the Task Force for Global Health, was director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1994 to 1999.
We also need to better understand how many of these deaths and injuries that happen every year from firearms are the direct result of the war on drugs, or the business of drug trafficking and sales, gangs etc. Those numbers should be handled differently or at least broken out so we understand at least that it is criminal on criminal violence, that has a different effect and cost to society at large. It’s also highly unlikely that any kind of law would have any meaningful effect on criminal behavior.
Carl O,
I agree. The link below addresses the need of empirical data to set up appropiate policies. Regarding laws and criminal behavior, did not the lifting of the prohibition laws stop the crimes linked to outlawed liquor? The context is different, but there must be studies on the correlation between laws and meaningful effect on criminal behavior.
Read more:
The end of Prohibition did a great deal to stop the criminal violence, BUT they still had money and power and went on to do other things. Some became elected, some diversified into drugs. prostitution, slavery, labor unions, garbage companies, contractors, catering companies, all kinds of things. They are generally people who work hard and take care of business, if you know what I mean…
It is my firm belief that the drug wars have been the leading causes of criminal violence in our society over all.
Prohibitions do not work. Never have, never will. They cause more harm than good in ALL arenas of society. The additional dependence on law enforcement on both the money and manpower is insidious as well. This is exactly where the get the funds to become a military machine.
I can’t be the only one that gets this…?
I wonder what this minister thinks about gun control? Oh wait…we will never know…he’s dead along with his wife and 3 kids, shot to death by his 15 year old son who says “he was annoyed with his mother.”
It’s a very sad situation. One that should not have happened. If the weapons were stored in a manner that complied with California law it wouldn’t have been available to the youngster in the first place. Being in New Mexico, I don’t know what if any state laws they have there on “safe storage” of a firearm.
Since we still don’t know all the details of the shooters situation, I humbly submit that any conclusions that are drawn would be premature, at least at this point in time. I suspect we may find the young man was deeply disturbed (I think that’s a given) and perhaps once again, under the care of a Dr for a behavioral condition.
I truly believe that we have an increasing pharma-violence issue going on in this nation that is so ready to tell everyone they can be cured with a pill. But I might be wrong too.
Carl O,
I used to think people have to be crazy to do such things, but a friend pointed out to me that all of us are capable of doing crazy things. The article said this kid was annoyed at his mother, he also said he had suicidal thoughts…how do we know thats true? What if he just went into a rage?
My friend pointed out that most criminals are not career criminals but become a criminal by doing the unthinkable..usually out of a fit of rage. If guns were not so easily accessible then maybe this kid would still have killed at least his mom. Who knows. If the guns were locked up, he had a key.
I don’t think people really lock up their weapons. I was at another friends home a few months ago whose husband died. I was helping her go through her husbands papers and shred them. I found 2 handguns laying in the middle of a box buried among bank statements and other papers. I don’t know if they were loaded. She didn’t know they were there either. The box was kept on the floor of the hall closet. What if a kid found it? She ended up bring both guns to the police.
Last Saturday was “Gun Appreciation Day,” and here’s a summary of what happened last Saturday
•A 14-year-old suburban Atlanta boy shot and killed his 15-year-old brother while playing with their mother’s handgun.
•A 26 year old was shot and killed while driving in San Francisco.
•A man was found dead from a gunshot wound in his home in Kansas City, Kansas.
•A woman in an El Paso County, Texas CO shooting range was hit in the knee by a bullet that ricocheted off a trash can.
•Two women were shot to death in a Dallas-area home.
•Two women were injured after someone opened fire at a crowded soccer field in Las Vegas.
•A 15-year-old girl was shot while sleeping in her bed when her Anchorage home was shot at.
•A 7-year-old boy in Tallahassee shot a 5 year old with a gun he found in a 22-year-old relative’s room.
•A Huntsville woman shot her boyfriend after the two had an argument.
•A 23-year-old man died after being accidentally shot in a Greshman, Oregon home.
•A Cleveland father has been charged in connection with the death of his 6-year-old daughter from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
•One man was shot in Elyria, Ohio, just west of Cleveland, early Saturday morning.
•A man was found shot dead in a parking lot in Greenville County, South Carolina.
•Two people were shot and killed outside an inn in Hampton, Virginia.
•At least 10 people were shot in Chicago, at least two were fatal.
•A Colorado Springs man was driven to the hospital with a gunshot wound.
•A Jackson, Mississippi police officer was shot while responding to a disturbance call.
•One man was shot at a Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Jackson.
•Two men and one woman were shot at a home in Oakland.
•An 11-year-old boy was shot in an Oklahoma City apartment complex.
•Police in Richmond, Virginia are looking for three men who shot another man in his thirties.
•Police believe gang violence is to blame for the shooting death of one man in Santa Ana, California.
•An early morning shooting in Tuscaloosa injured two teenagers.
Oh, and here’s another one: Father shoots wife and then himself at daughter’s 16th birthday party.
*”The Price of Freedom is both expensive in life and treasure……..”.but then, that is just what the founding fathers of our country thought. Or as Ben Franklin said: “We have created a Republic…….now try to keep it.”
You are one twisted soul.
What Founding Father said “The Price of Freedom is both expensive in life and treasure…” Huh?
And if one of them said that, were they referring to Americans murdering each other with guns?