So, now the actuaries are trying to figure out who is going to pay what, in an attempt, to make it all work out financially with the Affordable Care Act.
Mike Strobbe of AP from NY, in his report today 1/26/13, starts his story with these lines,
Faced with the high cost of caring for smokers and overeaters, experts say society must grapple with a blunt question: Instead of trying to penalize them and change their ways, why not just let these health sinners die prematurely from their unhealthy habits?
He quotes the costs as;
$96 billion a year for smokers – 1 in 5 smoke
$147 billion a year for the obese – 1 in 3 are obese
With the failure of California’s increased tax on cigarettes and the backlash about the nanny state in NYC with the attempt to eliminate high capacity soft drinks it seems it might be easier to just tax them for their freedoms.
“Your freedom is likely to be someone else’s harm,” said Daniel Callahan, senior research scholar at a bioethics think-tank, the Hastings Center.
“When you ban smoking in public places, you’re protecting everyone’s health, including and especially the nonsmoker,” said S. Jay Olshansky, a professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago’s School of Public Health.
It can be harder to make the same argument about soda-size restrictions or other legislative attempts to discourage excessive calorie consumption, Olshansky added. “When you eat yourself to death, you’re pretty much just harming yourself,” he said.
But that viewpoint doesn’t factor in the burden to everyone else of paying for the diabetes care, heart surgeries and other medical expenses incurred by obese people, noted John Cawley, a health economist at Cornell University.
“If I’m obese, the health care costs are not totally borne by me. They’re borne by other people in my health insurance plan and — when I’m older — by Medicare,” Cawley said.
From an economists perspective anyone who participates in “unhealthy” actions should pay more. The same logic is put into practice in the Affordable Care Act. Next year, it allows insurance companies to charge a smoker that buys an individual policy. (not group policies as I understand it) A 50% surcharge for smokers may apply.
However the real elephant in the room as it were, the obese, get a free ride, for now… just wait your turn. I’m sure with fewer doctors practicing, we will all have to get used to that philosophy, just waiting our turn.
Callahan was further quoted as saying;
National obesity rates are essentially static, and public health campaigns that gently try to educate people about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating just aren’t working, Callahan argued. We need to get obese people to change their behavior. If they are angry or hurt by it, so be it, he said.
“Emotions are what really count in this world.”
Just wait the day is coming when you actually will be turned down on your pizza order, because your health care provider has restricted your menu availability. Suggestion, try the salad bar instead, it’s better for you and more appropriate for the grazers we seem to have become in this nation.
I can imagine paying a higher premium for being obese. I wouldn’t like it, but I’m not sure that I can say that it’s unfair. I do think that the weight standards we use are low, as people in the “overweight” category outlive those who are “normal weight.”
This is probably the biggest minus of any socialized society which will eventually always bring it down.
As long as you let society (corporation) to take care of you then the society (corporation) has a right to take care of your destiny too!
It use to be my choice to take care of myself and my destiny.
Now it is mandate that society will!
So, as a free spirit individual, I no longer can be free spirit and my unalienable rights were alienated from me in violation of the constitution.
There is no way to opt out from the Obama care which can tax me for anything because everything is health related.
Good news is that there is alwais too many left liberal progressives, a majority (bolsheviks in Russian), which will abuse their powers handed to them via the Obama care and will bring it down together with Obama’s bolshevism which is more oppressive than King George III tyranny was.
Since you can’t defeat bolshevism by the legislative process the revolution is eminent.
Trust in God and keep your powder dry….