Lets me start by saying ” I am probably going to insult a lot of people!” with this post and I do not apologize for that. I call ’em as I see ’em and in the case of restaurants — I seen a lot! So here goes…
Has anyone read about the Applebee’s waitress who posted a credit card receipt on Redditt? I read a few versions of the story on different news media but I liked the one posted on Daily Kos the best. In a nutshell…a pastor comes into an Applebee’s Restaurant (sounds like the beginning of a joke…right?) with at least 8 people and is pissed off that the waitress has the nerve to get an automatic 18% tip (that is generated by the computer when the server types in the amount of people at a table). She leaves a nasty remark on the receipt to show her distaste. The person who took the receipt, copied it and posted it online, is not the waitress that had to serve this group (she should get a purple heart). The waitress in question just did something I and countless other servers would have done if we had access to social media. But back when I was waiting tables there was no social media so we would have had to entertain ourselves by passing around that receipt and making fun of the customer in – house. But enough about me for now… let me get back to the story.
Everything seemed to be going along just fine until the online story, along with the pastors signature — got back to the pastor. Being the servant of God that she is (the pastor is a she) threw a fit that everyone and their mother now knows she is petty and cheap! She wasn’t embarrassed by her nasty remark left on the receipt, but was instead embarrassed that she was ratted out… by a common waitress! She called the restaurant and demanded that everyone be fired… talk about a ‘holier than thou’ attitude! So being a corporate restaurant they had to appease the cheap bitch, and fired the waitress who put the receipt online.
Did anyone else notice the bills total? $34.93???? For at least 8 people! That comes out to less than $5 per person. I would like to know how long this group tied up her tables when she could have had real customers that came to eat an actual meal. It looks to me like alot of coffee and maybe a few desserts.
If you ask me, It’s about time these customers (I use that term loosely) be exposed for the pain-in-the-cheap-asses they are. I wasn’t as fortunate as the staff in Applebee’s to have the automatic 18% gratuity policy. Restaurants are not required to do so. I have waited on countless groups of people, in my 20 years in the restaurant business, who left less than 5% and ran my ass off the entire time they are there. Servers are charged an automatic 11% on every single customer receipt, even if they are stiffed. Most of the time I was tipped at least 15% and a few times over that amount…so it sort of balanced out in the end…but there were a few times it wasn’t worth leaving my house to go to work.
There are certain groups of people who refuse to tip or under-tip and their meal ended up costing me money! The worst group by far are CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS groups…fresh from church! I hated working Sunday afternoons because our restaurant would be packed with them. They aren’t only cheap, but they are whiny and obnoxious. They literally believe they are God’s gift! Oh and let me not forget…they cannot order from the menu, they each have to create their own meal…even though the menu states NO SUBSTITUTIONS. Apparently this was only a suggestion at the restaurant I worked at because the manager always sided with the customer and gave them what they wanted.
Most restaurants assign servers at least 6 tables at a time which can hold at least 4 to 6 people each. Most can accommodate large groups by moving tables and chairs around, so its conceivable that all of a sudden a server can have one huge group to contend with… which if its a group of religious people (and they will let you know by asking if you know Jesus, and my response always was “No can you point him out for me?”) chances are good that table will cost that server money.
One of the restaurants I worked at allowed separate checks. I don’t know which is worse; going to each person taking their order and then presenting 20 separate checks to the cook who has vowed to kill me after his shift for clogging up his order wheel…remember this is a restaurant with at least 4 other servers turning in their orders that need to come out in a timely fashion; or watching the person in charge of the group try to collect enough money to even cover the bill. People amaze me when they think no one will notice if they throw in $5 to cover their $12 meal, and religious people are the worst!
If I had a nickel for every “Jesus Loves You” tract I got as a tip instead of money I would own my own restaurant. I clearly remember this one woman coming up to me after the group was leaving and told me how what a wonderful waitress I was as she pressed a crisp bill into my hand. I looked later to see it was a one dollar bill. She made such a scene about it, I was sure it had to be at least a ten!
Another time, I worked at a diner in San Francisco and once again it was Sunday, but it was nighttime and I thought church services would be long over but boy was I wrong. Within five minutes the diner went from nearly empty — to full capacity. This was an entire group that called themselves Born Again Gypsies…I’m not making this up! They were in town for some sort of small convention at a hotel down the road. They were “true believers” who follow the teaching of Christ…except, apparently when it comes to paying their bills. I never saw so much passing around order tickets in order to confuse the staff about who was paying for who and what bill belonged to whom. Forget about even asking if there was a tip… I was surprised no one pulled the old “there’s a hair in my food” routine.
The next group of cheap customers are women…OK — lesbians. Sorry but its true. We would fight over a table with a group of Queens (they are awesome tippers and funny!!!) but gay women…they are cheap, cheap, cheap. The good thing though is, they eat fast and don’t tie up the table for long. I don’t want other groups to feel left out so I will add; wealthy housewives and foreigners and I don’t mean the band.
Now that I have trashed and probably pissed off some people I will tell you my favorite type of customer. They usually come in after the bars close and they are drunk off their asses. I don’t know what it is but drunk men in particular, love to give away money. The down side is there is a strong chance they will throw their meal back up all over the table. There was this one guy who did just that and then passed out, but we were so busy the bus boy cleaned up the mess as best he could and then laid his head in an empty bus pan. Too bad camera phones and YouTube were not around back then!
This pastor should be happy it wasn’t me and my crew of servers; we would have posted that receipt on every social media we could think of and then deny, deny, deny. Too bad the crew at that particular Applebee’s doesn’t know the code of servers everywhere, “it’s us against them!” We would have never ratted each other out. Like the time a male server, named Angus kissed a male customer who decided to give his server named, Dave a hard time, thinking he was gay (this is the same diner in San Francisco where chances are good the entire staff is gay)… so Dave complained to Angus about his customer’s behavior…so Angus went over to the table and planted a juicy kiss — right on the customers lips and announced. “I’m gay!” Which led to a fight like the ones in old western movies…which ended up outside, with the customer on the ground and the staff kicking him…which led to the customer calling the SFPD and complaining he was kissed by a waiter and kicked by the staff in the parking lot. Two hours later the SFPD showed up and the male customer demanded we all be arrested, so we stuck together and denied, denied, denied.
Ever see the movie. “Waiting”??? Hopefully that pastor has and if not she should because if she ever returns to that Applebee’s…
And I just found a website that this pastor might really get upset about, Lousy Tippers.com If I was the one who got fired over her, you can bet I would add her name to that list. She better pray the staff at that Applebee’s doesn’t know about it. You know what they say…Karma’s a Bitch!
Love it. All of it!!
Worst tips I ever got were from Europeans in on business. Always awful
In some countries the tradition is not to tip because a gratuity is built into the bill.
I wasn’t looking for multicultural awareness when I brought the dude his porterhouse and bottles of wine. You eat like a texan, you tip like a texan. I don’t care if you are from the Rhineland.
See, there’s your problem right there — porterhouse. You should have suggested tri-tip.
Thank you, Inge for telling the truth!!!
I used to work for a “Christian” business. One of our clients refused to pay his bills because God told him not to. Others always questioned every charge on their statement. Most of our “Christian” businesses took forever to pay us, while the “non-Christians” always paid on time.
Some of these cheap lowlifes try to pay their employees less than minimum wage because they are “working for God”. Others use this excuse to never give their employees raises.
True Christians dont have to advertise!!!
I really don’t understand why these Christian people are such tight wads. I don’t mean all Christians…just those who have to constantly tell us their ‘Good News’
From personal experience, scientologists don’t pay their bills, unless you sue them.
The Orange Juice Blog is happy to offer equal space for response to wealthy foreign lesbian housewives. And if Pastor Alois Bell herself happens to read this, come to OC and our correspondent Inge is willing to cook you a special meal! Write OJB for details.
“Wealthy foreign lesbian housewives.”
Sounds like the crowd willie runs with.
sorry guys for not commenting sooner, just got back from a party up in bel aire with, yeah you guessed it, wealthy foreign lesbian housewives” ..boy, can those women dance…and the food, those little panamanians can really cook….you guys want to come with next time
I’m in, but it will have to be in your car or Diamond’s. I’m not allowed past the front gate anymore so I’ll just have to sit in the back, low profile.
Long story short, back in the day, when they fished ZsaZsa’s car out of Nancy Sinatra’s pool, they pulled my fingerprints off of the steering wheel. They never proved anything, but I had to sign a bunch of stuff, and one was a promise to never set foot in Bel Aire again.
But if you’re talking wflh, all I gotta say is aye chihuahua!
I think that I could explain the humor in all this banter to outsiders if I had to, but I’m afraid that it might take hours.
I just saw the movie Argo this weekend and in one of the early scenes in Bel Air I said to my wife “holy crap that’s Zsa Zsa’s house!” Looked it up and it is indeed.
You ALL would make excellent food servers! A sense of humor is the #1 quality required to work in restaurants, other wise the majority of customers would leave with butter knives protruding from their necks.
Why does this restaurant automatically add an 18% tip to a $35 bill? I see that for parties of 8 or more – but not for 2 or 3.
Speaking of 10% to God – Why should I donate anything to a church which supports liberal causes that result in the government taxing me to death to give my money to others. That’s my “donation” right there – sorry church – nothing left for you thanks to the g-men.
I read a few different stories on it as I was appalled…
A couple of items…I believe that the $35 bill may have been part of a larger party not for the entire 8+ people That very possibly was just the pastor’s share being part of a larger party. I am not sure on that…just what I read on the interwebs, so it must be true.
IF the pastor thinks that the table service provider and back of house professionals did not deserve the gratuity, she should have spoken to the manager about it. Most managers want to know when their employees are not performing well…or if the customer is just out of line.
If I leave a note on semi-public space (Applebee’s is available for virtually anyone to walk into) I don’t believe that I have a right to privacy. Possibly on my signature but not on the note portion. The note is option…signature is required.
The pastor did apologize, as anyone would after being called out so not sure how valid it is, saying something like I had a temporary lapse in judgement. Not sure what her excuse for calling to get the server fired though. It likely is against “company policy”…the same set of policies that says 18% on large parties.
Inge, sorry you have had such horrible experiences from those fresh from church. I have to imagine that some of your great customers were also religious in one form or another…they likely just did not make it so known to you or others around them. I don’t know that I have ever asked a server if they have been saved by the grace of JC. Maybe shame on me a bit.
The waitress speaks!