From left: Wendy Greuel, Kevin Hames, Eric Garcetti, Emanuel Pleitez, and Jan Perry. After tonight, only two will remain in the race.
Most of what you need to know about today’s LA Mayoral election (along with City Attorney, City Controller, Council Members, and School Board) — the polls for which close in about a minute as I publish this — can be found on a single page of a single website: The “Neon Tommy” (site affiliated with USC’s Annenberg School of Communication) list of the “10 Wackiest Mailers from L.A.’s Mayoral Race.”
(I didn’t say that this was all that you needed to know — just most of it. And, strictly speaking, most of you don’t really need to know any of it. Still, being part of “Greater Los Angeles,” as we are — why not give it a shot? You’ll be surprised how much you learn.)
I’m not going to steal the cool graphics of the mailers that Neon Tommy provides (here the part of Neon Tommy is being played by Staff Reporter Edward Loera) not the interesting text. Nope, just the facts: click the link up there if you want more. (Note: I had not seen any of these mailers before reading this article, nor have I seen any exit polls or other polls tonight.)
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Eric Garcetti in mailer entitled “The Tall Tales of Prince Eric Garcetti,” depicting him as Prince Charming and a storyteller.
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Jan Perry for twice declaring bankruptcy (once, though this goes unmentioned) after a finances-upending divorce), depicting her as fiscally irresponsible.
- Jan Perry campaign attacking Wendy Greuel for being bought out by outside special interest money.
- Eric Garcetti campaign attacking Wendy Greuel for her proposed budget plans and denying that she actually eliminated millions of dollars of wasteful spending.
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Eric Garcetti, shown as an Oscar award, for winning “Worst Performance by a Politician in a Leading Role.”
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Eric Garcetti, in a mailer modeled on “Nightmare on Elm Street,” for winning awards such as “Worst Use of Public Funds,” “Worst Economic Failure,” and “Worst Ethics.”
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Eric Garcetti and Jan Perry, using Pinocchio imagery, for both of their insisting that her proudly proclaimed victories against waste were not real.
- Jan Perry campaign attacking Wendy Greuel for having been (and allegedly at heart still being) a Republican. (I would have said “implicitly,” but the use of the elephant symbol is explicit.)
- Wendy Greuel campaign attacking Eric Garcetti for having been a stockholder in Clear Channel and worrying only about profit.
- Jan Perry campaign attacking Wendy Greuel for entitlements she received as a city official, for working for special interests, and for corruptly using L.A.’s “ticket dismissal program” to help political insiders close to her beat parking tickets.
Obviously, I don’t know that this is a representative sample of mailers, but it’s what a reporter covering the race thought was newsworthy. So, if these are pretty representative, what have we learned from the above?
- These three candidates are the front-runners.
- Wendy Greuel is spending a lot of money on mailers.
- Wendy Greuel’s mailers seem largely focused on Eric Garcetti.
- Wendy Greuel’s mailers use a coherent theme of attacking Garcetti using “Hollywood” themes.
- Wendy Greuel’s mailers attacking Garcetti are very “high-concept,” showing lots of consultant involvement, and what would be best remembered of them seems to be sort of general insults.
- Wendy Greuel also spends some money attacking Jan Perry’s management skills and (vaguely) her honesty.
- Jan Perry’s mailers seem largely focused on Wendy Greuel
- Jan Perry’s mailers use a common theme of attacking Wendy Greuel’s ethics and conservatism.
- Eric Garcetti’s sole mailer listed specifically attacks Wendy Greuel’s campaign claims and promises (and, not noted above, prominently features his LA Times endorsement.)
- So what do we learn from this dynamic? Greuel (most mailers) and Garcetti (most frequent target) seem to be the front-runners. Greuel seems to think that Garcetti is going to make the runoff and so focuses more attention on him. She has the resources (or at least the inclination) to attack Perry as well, pretty brutally, and Perry’s attacks on her are also on the nasty side. My guess from the above? Greuel is the front-runner from the primary, but probable-opponent Garcetti is more likely to pick up Perry’s support in the runoff. Of course, there’s also
about thirteen billionfive other Mayoral candidates out there, so Perry’s voters aren’t the only ones up for grabs. Republican Kevin James’s voters might tend towards Greuel, but in a Democratic city that is not necessarily a good thing.
With (from what I can tell) only absentees counted:
ERIC GARCETTI 33,435 31%
WENDY GREUEL 33,119 31%
JAN PERRY 20,530 19%
KEVIN JAMES 15,216 14%
Finally — absentees plus 9% in:
ERIC GARCETTI 39,709 33%
WENDY GREUEL 36,832 30%
JAN PERRY 22,517 18%
KEVIN JAMES 16,887 14%
20% in. We don’t know where they’re from, but let’s pretend for a moment that they’re representative of the city.
ERIC GARCETTI 48,507 34%
WENDY GREUEL 41,832 29%
JAN PERRY 25,020 18%
KEVIN JAMES 19,281 14%
I don’t think that Perry can catch Greuel, and I don’t think that Garcetti can reach 50%, but based on these figures the latter is actually more likely. Garcetti has added about 15,100 “same day” votes beyond the absentees to Greuel’s 8,700 — a margin of 6400. If there is really four time this amount of “same day” votes out, and if the votes were consistent, Garcetti’s margin would grow to 32,000 on raw “same day” vote totals of 75,500 to 43,500 for Gruel. Add in the 33K or so each started with and you’re at about 109,000 to 77,000 — which would be awfully big. Perry would stay at 18%, James at 14%, and the also-rans at a combined 6%, giving Garcetti about 59% of the remaining 62%, or 36.5% to her 25.5%. [Note: this figure has been corrected.]
The real question is whether the IEs who came out so hard for Greuel would be willing to, arguably, throw good money after bad. I doubt it — especially if Perry endorses Garcetti.
30% in — another 2:1 advantage for Garcetti over Greuel. He’s picking up 7,500 every 10%, she’s picking up about 4,500. Meanwhile, the combined Perry+James share has slipped 1% for every 10% counted while the also-rans stay at 6%. The field could end up at 29% total while the top two divide up up 71%. Give Garcetti another 52.5K and Greuel another 31.5K and we’re at 108,500 to 78,000 — 58% to 42% of the top two share.
ERIC GARCETTI 56,002 35%
WENDY GREUEL 46,558 29%
JAN PERRY 27,910 17%
KEVIN JAMES 21,712 13%
Last update for me tonight: it still says 30% but from the raw totals it’s probably more like 40%.
ERIC GARCETTI 63,108 34%
WENDY GREUEL 53,132 29%
JAN PERRY 30,716 17%
KEVIN JAMES 26,141 14%
Only 7000 for Garcetti versus 6500 for Greuel; his percentage drops while his raw vote total rises. Plus, Perry+James bounce back a bit. If I had to guess right now it would be Garcetti by 37% to 28% — my guess is that that’s close enough for Greuel backers to double down. Good news for political consultants — as it usually is. Good night!
And … it’s done. Linear projections (which I find fun, but which don’t take into account factors like from where the votes have come in and which remain uncounted) didn’t do much. Garcetti and Greuel were essentially even after the fourth update put the former up by about 9,500. From that point on, Garcetti got 38,000 more votes and Greuel 36,750. With a 10,670 vote gap between them — fewer votes than even fifth-place Emanuel Pleitez received — the race continues to be competitive and, surely, will be expensive. No rest for the weary.
ERIC GARCETTI 93,978 33%
WENDY GREUEL 83,308 29%
KEVIN JAMES 46,684 16%
JAN PERRY 45,480 16%
In other election news … well, on second thought, if you’re interested you can check for yourself. http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/election-2013/results-page/
Los Angeles election report, signing out.
*”But Wendy has stormy eyes……”……was a great song. Wendy will win going away.
Jan Perry will probably throw her support to Gruel….and what Kevin James does will
include a variety of political pay-offs…..so we will see who promises to give him most
when he either declares for Garcetti or Gruel. We supported Jan Perry….but she
didn’t get the money.
Hard to get excited about how 20% of the Registered voters in the City of LA split their vote when 80% of the registered voters show that they don’t give a damn by choosing to not vote at all.
Oh. Well, let me help you get excited: the second-largest city in the country and the dominant economic power in our region is electing its new city government. Did that help?